Who will say a, need to say b as well

Now the SPD has to end the austerity course with which Scholz and Schäuble devastated the country: the billions that the Scholz clique has taken from the economic cycle must be invested. Public contracts have to be awarded to renovate schools with roofs that are broken and raining and collapsed bridges.

The Schröder social laws (Hartz IV) must be abolished again, the SPD must distance itself credibly. Low wages have led to general depression. Mass merchandise is getting smaller and smaller, while selling large volume SUVs is not a sustainable business model.

Housing must be promoted so strongly that the speculative bubble collapses. It will be necessary to reintroduce a pension insurance that will pay back to the contributor at least as much as he has paid. There must again be unemployment insurance that does not let the unemployed sink into poverty.

SPD: Chasing the CDU, or you're getting deserved.

Germany wants to breathe again. Greece and Italy must also be freed from their shackles. These countries can help themselves, but not under neoliberal knout.

However, these measures would strengthen the self-confidence of large sections of the population. They would demand not only material participation but also social participation. But then the political class will no longer fight with the foil, but bring out the AFD sword.

3 replies to “whoever says A must also say B”

    1. Walter Borjans and Esken are perceived as foreign bodies in the well-established system of the political-media establishment. This was observed in Anne Will and Markus Lanz in ARD and ZDF. Noteworthy was not only the massive personal reservations of the other guests invited to Borjans and Esken, but in a special way, the talk show hosts Will and Lanz. How smooth and smooth the appearance of a new SPD chairman Scholz would have been. Now the political-media system is developing a defense reaction against Borjans and Esken who can only survive politically if they show corbynitic qualities.

  1. Why did the media so unanimously put on Scholz?
    That was her wish! He was her favorite. The media elite has mostly heavily endowed posts. Low earners are there rather rare and at least not opinion leaders.
    And someone from Social Democracy can keep the low earners rather quiet and comfort than a CDU man. And if a man like Scholz at the same time guarantees good jobs for the media people, he is an ideal party leader for a well-paid shift.
    The social status is what shapes the consciousness; you do not need to look for a deeper reason. It's stupid, as Bill Clinton said.

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