Speech by Prof. Stefan Homburg in the German Bundestag

Thank you very much, Professor Homburg, for your speech yesterday in the German Bundestag. For years you went in and out of there hoping that something like what the world is now experiencing wouldn't happen. This visit was probably your most important one in this historic building.

Lecture by Prof. Dr. Stefan Homburg in the German Bundestag, November 11.11.2023, XNUMX

Ladies and gentlemen, we have dark years behind us. First the most important, in five bullet points.

First, hospital occupancy fell to an all-time low nationwide in 2020. Says the Federal Ministry of Health.

Second, there were no more severe respiratory illnesses than usual in 2020 and 2021. Corona came, influenza disappeared. Sentinel data from the RKI say.

Thirdly, no more people died in 2020 than usual based on age standards. Mortality has only increased since 2021. Figures from the Federal Statistical Office say.

Fourthly, people who died with or from Corona were on average 83 years old, the other people who died were 82 years old. Say the RKI and the Federal Statistical Office.

Fifth, mask- and lockdown-free Sweden performed better than Germany. Says the WHO. So it wasn't because of the measures.

In summary: Clinically, in terms of real illnesses and deaths, there was nothing special. Everything was normal. These are facts and that is the most important point. The idea of ​​a “pandemic” arose exclusively from new, unprovoked mass tests, the results of which fluctuated enormously and led the audience to believe that there were more sick and dead people than usual. Which wasn't true. A PCR test for rhinoviruses could have created similar illusions. And could create these illusions now if you wanted.

How did politicians react to the normal clinical situation? It closed daycare centers, schools, shops, churches and businesses for months, made old people isolate and die alone, and destroyed livelihoods. The police banned reading books on a park bench, hunted young people outdoors and children in the snow, and beat peaceful demonstrators. The politicians excluded anyone who asked about the meaning of the measures. She had ZDF announce that children were virus-carrying rats and that unvaccinated people were appendixes that did not belong to the national body. A language we haven't known for 75 years.

Typically, government power is limited by the courts, media, and science. This time they all failed:

 Courts hardly examined the proportionality and only believed two witnesses who report to the Minister of Health, namely RKI and PEI. In this way, the government was able to self-certify the need for lockdowns and mandatory vaccinations. In addition, the courts sent to prison doctors who followed their ethos of protecting patients from interference with physical integrity through certification. Almost every known critic of the measures has been criminalized, suspended, fired, arrested or subjected to a house search. Karlsruhe cynically announced that the citizens' basic rights were not gone, but were no longer allowed to be exercised.

- 2 -

 Media read out test numbers ad nauseam without mentioning that the clinical situation was normal. They uncritically followed the PCR narrative, stylized Prof. Püschel, who was the first to perform the autopsy, as a racist, Prof. Bhakdi as an anti-Semite and literally everyone who questioned the measures as a conspiracy theorist and enemy of the state.

 Specialist scientists, especially epidemiologists and public health doctors, disappeared from the scene. They were replaced by physicists, traffic planners, microbiologists and military officers who kept the audience in suspense with ever new incorrect forecasts and model calculations. For months. For years.

A review of these events should clarify three sets of questions.

First: According to the textbook, at the beginning of a truly dangerous pandemic, the government must reassure the population to avoid collateral damage. Why did politicians instead have a shock paper written that made children afraid of killing their grandparents by suffocation? Why wasn't there a single doctor on the shock paper commission, but there was a sociologist and German teacher? Why did politicians fuel this scaremongering for years, while they now claim that they only made some mistakes initially and out of ignorance?

Second: In February 2020, textbooks and WHO guidelines advised against measures such as lockdowns or school closures. The RKI announced at the time that masks would do no good and that Corona was usually mild. Mr. Drosten also emphasized this in interviews and at the federal press conference. The same Mr. Drosten explained to today's Chancellor Olaf Scholz in a talk show that the pandemic would not even be noticed without the PCR test. What led to the U-turn in March 2020, even though data showed at that point that there was no particular threat? Since mask- and lockdown-free Sweden clearly performed better than Germany, one must also ask whether the measures were really intended to prevent infections, which they obviously did not, or rather served the aim of breaking the population's resistance to vaccination.

Third: Why did politicians not only allow the administration of an experimental vaccine, but also actually force people to take the substance through 2G/3G and sectoral vaccination requirements? Why were there emergency approvals without emergency?

Why do countless vaccine injuries have no consequences?

Currently, and this brings me to the end, bestsellers are being published with clear titles that reflect a widespread mood: The “Intensive Mafia” by Tom Lausen, the “State Crime” by Dr. Frank or the “Corona conspiracy” by Dr. Röhrig. All with five-figure editions. Anyone who refuses this discourse as a politician loses trust and distances themselves from the electorate. Due to the enormity of what happened to the population, a committee of inquiry would have been right. Because the Bundestag didn't want him, I'm grateful that we can help clarify the matter in this context today.

19 Replies to “Speech by Prof. Stefan Homburg in the German Bundestag”

  1. https://uncutnews.ch/gynaekologin-praesentiert-alarmierende-daten-ueber-fehlgeburten-so-etwas-habe-ich-noch-nie-gesehen/

    “We peaked in November this year (2021) for one reason. At that time, a non-clinical staff member came to me and said, 'Dr. Biss, do you know we had eight miscarriages this month?' – which is an enormous number (over 20%) in a practice where 25 to 30 patients give birth.”

    “I’ll tell you in December (2022),” she continued, “I’ve never experienced this before. We had 41 new patients, 13 of whom lost their babies. That’s [31,7%].”

    “And then in January and February 2023, the rate was still high – it only normalized in June of this year, then increased a little and then fell again in September.”

  2. https://tkp.at/2023/11/16/corona-ist-nicht-vorbei-2-coronasymposium-der-afd-fraktion-im-deutschen-bundestag/

    “You can think whatever you want about the AfD (Alternative for Germany), but you have to recognize that it is committed to coming to terms with the Corona years, including in the Corona investigation committee in the Brandenburg state parliament. 1 And it was the only party in Germany to critically question the government's corona policy at an early stage. It would be desirable if the other parties could at least now help drive forward the scrutinizing and fact-based review. Citizens have many questions about Corona, as was evident in the question and answer sessions at the second Corona symposium of the AfD parliamentary group on November 11th and 12th, 2023 in the German Bundestag.

    Corona is not over - was the conclusion of many speakers: According to Prof. Dr. According to Andreas Sönnichsen, there was never an epidemic situation of national concern, but the focus was still on a vaccine that was extremely risky. The effectiveness and safety of the vaccines were completely unknown at the beginning of the massive vaccination campaign.”

  3. https://sciencefiles.org/2023/11/18/maskenattest-dr-med-ronny-weikl-verurteilt-im-strafwuetigen-staat-mutloser-urteilsautomaten-zaehlen-gewissen-und-expertise-nicht/

    “Now you can’t shower without getting wet. Either those who violate the rules must be punished, or the punishment must also take into account the circumstances of criminal liability established by law.

    And if you do the latter with regard to the laws of the Third Reich, which were inhumane, then you have to do the same with regard to other laws, i.e. check whether a law that should lead to punishment if broken is appropriate to the situation. Every district judge has the opportunity to bring Karlsruhe on board and have the constitutionality of the legal basis on which he is supposed to rule clarified. And the European Court of Human Rights is just behind. Of course, this requires courage, a quality that has become a very rare commodity in large parts of government organizations.

    However, anyone who carries out their job with an ethos and does not want to become an automatic judge should have this courage, especially they should have this courage when the alternative is to make absurd statements: “Whether masks protect is irrelevant, whether Weikl has violated a law is relevant” in the logical calamities that are generally associated with such comprehensive statements.

    For example: If the question of whether to use masks or not is irrelevant, why is there a law on the basis of which wearing masks has been made compulsory? What's more: Why should someone who issues an exemption from wearing masks, for which a judge determines that their suitability is irrelevant, be convicted if he is based on an unknown mask effect against X, the specific health conditions for his patients There are disadvantages to issuing such an exemption from wearing a mask?

    Are laws in Germany made an end in themselves so that those who violate them can be convicted?

    This is the logical consequence of what the judge is said to have said as a reason for the verdict.

  4. https://report24.news/massive-konzentration-von-spike-proteinen-in-nebennieren-erklaert-viele-nebenwirkungen/?feed_id=35084

    “Many patients have postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome after COVID as well as after the injections. This shows that it is absolutely deposited in the adrenal glands. That's kind of a new finding that I wanted to bring out here because so many patients are going through this challenge of blood pressure regulation, fatigue, etc. post-COVID or post-injection. And this one blew me away yesterday when I saw it. I thought, “My God, look at the amount of spike protein in the adrenal gland,” and not just in one area of ​​the adrenal gland, but distributed.”

  5. ‼️❌⛔️☝ ALARM CANADA Thousands of Canadian children are suddenly dying. Fully vaccinated and boosted children suddenly drop DEAD.

    Thousands of innocent Canadian children have died as a result of lethal vaccination.

    ☝➖Odessa Orlewicz talks to Stew about the large number of children who die suddenly. 80% of Canadian children have been double vaccinated.

    ☝➖ Provinces are no longer reporting the number of flu deaths to hide the increase in vaccine-related deaths.

    A murderous regime from around the world has banded together to kill our children!

    Thank you t.me/MitteldeutschlandTV

    ENGLISH here ➖l
    (https://rumble.com/v2b6qr8-fully-vaxxed-and-boosted-kids-unexpectedly-drop-dead.html)GERMAN here ➖

    (https://rumble-com.translate.goog/v2b6qr8-fully-vaxxed-and-boosted-kids-unexpectedly-drop-dead.html?_x_tr_sl=en&_x_tr_tl=de&_x_tr_hl=de&_x_tr_pto=wapp)Click channel HERE
    (http://t.me/DieFrontNews)CHAT click here (http://t.me/+GEp-YJCKRlJmM2U6)

  6. Aviation in a nosedive
    Pilot warns of catastrophe in aviation industry due to corona vaccines

    Captain Shane Murdock, a pilot for over 40 years, has found official data to support his claim of impending global catastrophe:

    The number of emergency calls increased by 2022% in 272 and by 2023% in early 386 (see chart).

    There was also an unprecedented 126% increase in flight restrictions due to medical restrictions.

    Murdock believes that some pilots are ticking time bombs and claims that many of them do not report their illness.
    He said: "They don't report brain fog, heart palpitations and dizzy spells because they don't want to lose their jobs."

    According to Cpt. Murdock, inaction can only have one result. Many planes make emergency landings because the pilots are unable to fly.
    He warned: “Disasters will occur and both flight crew and travelers will die needlessly.”

    full article (English) (https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/pilot-warns-of-airline-industry-disaster-due-to-covid-vaccines/)
    Flight emergencies can be tracked here (https://twitter.com/GCFlightAlerts)

    on telegram (http://t.me/rabbitresearch) on substack (https://rabbitresearch.substack.com/) on Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/c/RabbitResearch/videos) on odyssey (https://odysee.com/@rabbitresearch:3) on twitter
    system. (https://twitter.com/real___rabbit)

  7. https://tkp.at/2023/11/27/afd-selbstzensur-bei-covid-symposium/

    “The lecture by Michael Yeadon, former Pfizer Vice President, was edited out of the recording of the 2nd Corona Symposium in the Bundestag.

    The second Corona symposium in the Bundestag, organized by the AfD, brought well-known Covid critics to the Bundestag. TKP reported on Stefan Homburg's appearance in more detail. Michael Yeadon, former vice president at Pfizer, also appeared at the symposium. However, his speech is missing from the video recording.”

  8. https://tkp.at/2023/11/28/das-pandemische-theater/

    “Europe is the continent of pandemics. 675 years ago, the first curtain opened with a supposedly Europe-wide devastating plague that, on closer inspection, was no worse than “Covid-19”. The theater of pandemics has always been good for big emotions. After all, they were a “moral institution” in the best Schillerian sense.

    The pandemic theater was never an end in itself, but rather aimed to educate the world and people and prepare them for a reset. However, only tragedies or at most tragicomedies were played. People rarely visited the provinces. It had to be the metropolises that came into consideration as a stage”

  9. Attorney General (Texas) Ken Paxton:

    “In fact, Pfizer's product did not deliver what the company promised. The number of COVID-19 cases increased following widespread administration of the vaccine, and in some areas the percentage of COVID-19 deaths was higher among the vaccinated population than among the unvaccinated population. When the failure of its product became apparent, Pfizer moved to suppress the truth. The lawsuit states: “How did Pfizer respond when it became clear that its vaccine was failing and the viability of its cash cow was threatened? By intimidating those who spread the truth and by conspiring to censor its critics. Pfizer called those spreading facts about the vaccine “criminals.” It accused them of spreading “misinformation.” And it forced social media platforms to silence prominent truth-tellers.”


  10. https://tkp.at/2023/12/15/eine-politische-brise-weht-durch-deutsche-vereine-und-gerichte-teil-ii-urteile-von-bundesgerichten-und-ihre-folgen/

    “The main impetus for the political breeze through the clubs (see Part I) was given by a groundbreaking ruling by the BVerfG of February 2, 2023 and its reasoning. This breeze is now blowing through the entire society with its institutions, offices, courts (such as the BVerwG) and the mainstream journalistic media. It has already taken on totalitarian traits in Germany. “

  11. Ladapo:
    “DNA integration poses a unique and increased risk to human health and the integrity of the human genome, including the risk that DNA integrated into sperm or eggs could be passed on to the offspring of recipients of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine said Ladapo. “If the risks of DNA integration for mRNA COVID-19 vaccines are not assessed, these vaccines will not be suitable for use in humans,”


  12. https://sciencefiles.org/2024/01/04/regierungen-wussten-von-anfang-an-dass-sicher-und-effektiv-fuer-covid-19-shots-eine-luege-war/

    “The Buyer acknowledges that the Vaccine and materials related to the Vaccine, the components and components of which have been rapidly developed due to the emergency of the COVID-19 pandemic and will continue to be studied as agreed in the Contract. Buyer acknowledges that neither the long-term consequences nor long-term effectiveness of the vaccines are currently known and that side effects may occur that are currently unknown. In addition, the buyer confirms that the product is – to the extent appropriate – not subject to quality control from its manufacture to use [=serialization].”

  13. https://tkp.at/2024/01/13/autismus-tsunami-in-usa-mit-hohen-folgekosten-top-studie/

    “A peer-reviewed study has warned of a crisis in America that scientists are calling an “autism tsunami.” The study was first published in 2021, later withdrawn and re-published under review in December 2023. Possible consequences of the mRNA corona vaccination campaign of the past three years have not yet been taken into account. A new study published in January 2023 has shown that in animal models, vaccination during pregnancy causes autism in male offspring and overall neurological damage.

    The researchers sounded the alarm that the number of autism cases will continue to rise. They predict the cost of dealing with the worsening crisis will run into trillions of dollars a year, most of which will go to the pharmaceutical industry. However, rising prevalence rates and lack of government services show that the predicted crisis has already occurred. The lack of care for autistic children is also present here, not just in the USA.”

  14. Tobias Ulbrich:
    Topic today: “Anyone who actually received the active ingredient in the modRNA vaccinations is likely to suffer immunological damage”

    We have a good 4.000 evaluated data sets behind us. We also now have more than 1.000 immunological reports and know roughly the extent of damage to health. What theses do we currently derive from the knowledge gained:

    1. It remains the case that around 15 percent of the batches were identified as having a risk of damage. Different theories can be derived from this as the cause:

    a.) Fraud theory
    The manufacturers did not produce 85 percent of the vaccine doses with the active ingredient at all, but with something else that was harmless - for example saline solution. Only 15 percent of the batches contain LNP with the modRNA in the specified dosage. This would result in two meaningful consequences:
    – The population predominantly perceives the material as safe and does not know that the game is called Russian Roulette.
    – The required capacity of “vaccines” can be procured as only 15% of the total production goes into actual vaccine production. That would then also answer the logistical question of whether it would even be theoretically possible to produce the claimed quantity with the production facilities, which some have already calculated that this simply cannot be reconciled with the production capacities.
    – The harmful batches are then mixed evenly across the entire federal territory, which explains that health damage and deaths were reported to us across the board in all federal states with identical batch numbers. If the Bundeswehr were to disclose its logistics for the vaccines, the theory could possibly be substantiated into an initial suspicion.
    – Furthermore, it is only after 2, 3, 4 or 5 and 6 vaccinations that it is likely that one of the harmful batches will still be caught.
    – It also explains why the PEI presumably had to be instructed not to record the batch numbers for the health damage under any circumstances, because the pattern we recognized in the office had almost certainly occurred there. That is why they explained in response to the request from the lawyer Dr. Meyer-Hesselbarth (IFG) stated that the batches that caused health damage were not recorded.
    – The theory presupposes at least partial intent for the worst crimes imaginable, which is beyond the comprehension of most people. What is certain, however, is that the manufacturers were fully aware of their potential for harm and went ahead with it anyway.

    b. Theory that batches may have dissimilar ingredients and varying levels of DNA contamination.

    c. Theory on the intended main health consequences
    – We provide one of more than 1.000 identical immunological report reports as an attachment. There is a Th1/Th2 shift there. This is also mentioned in the essay https://frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fimmu.2023.1242380/full
    described as follows:
    “Six months after BNT162b2 vaccination, cytokine responses to viral but not bacterial stimulants were persistently reduced.” This is consistent with all the immunological findings presented.
    – We see mitochondriopathy as another main consequence.
    If these were the two main intended consequences, almost all vaccinated people would not notice anything for the first 6 months, since the Th1/Th2 cytokine shift only sets in after 6 months. People with a healthy cell system also do not notice mitochondrial disease. However, both damages caused to health will lead to health damage and even death with a very delayed delay. The perverse thing about it is that no one knows what the problem was.

    We suspect that mitochondriopathy is primarily caused by N1-methylpseudouridine. Everyone knows how this nucleotide gets into the human cell. What happens next is a black box. In the first semester of cell biology, students learn that nucleotides present in the cell are also recycled there. That doesn't bode well. As a result, we can say that for the victims we look after, whenever mitochondriopathy was tested, it was usually confirmed.

    If you take the two points of view together, death is certain in installments. Either through a viral infection that the body does not detect and then does not react to at all or responds far too late, or through cell death because the human cells have simply been robbed of the energy to live.

    How does this translate into actual life:

    – Herpes
    – frequent flu-like colds to a completely different extent than before
    – Fatigue and even CFS (Chronic Fatigue Syndrome).
    – All possible diffuse clinical pictures.

    – I see another and important main consequence as the attack on the germ lines, especially of women and men, in that the size of the LNPs overcomes the blood barriers of the testes and ovaries and also penetrates the cells there. Together with the DNA – contamination, a malicious and terrible interference for the future of people. We see this in the terrible reports from young mothers who report that their children have stunted growth, the babies were born blind or have other mutilations and health problems. In addition to the dramatic fall in the birth rate, this is a point where we as a society should immediately be wide awake.

    d.) Serious immediate side effects may be unintentional
    In order not to be caught with point b), it is crucial that not too many people die immediately due to symptoms in connection with the vaccination. Hyperinflammation, myocarditis, pericarditis, inflammation of the cardiovascular system, thrombosis formation and the autoimmune reaction were already known early on. But they are torn out of the scene of vaccination damage by the media and in cooperation with the university hospitals with medical force and a new story time is always thought up. The bereaved, the relatives who have their loved ones in the hospital, they know what I'm talking about here.

    2. 2.700 procedures allow you to see more clearly.
    The more described processes are added, the clearer the connection to vaccination becomes. The courts may have initially only seen 3 or 4 proceedings in the chamber. But as soon as there are 30 or 40 or more, I am sure that they will recognize the repeating patterns again.

    3. Not everyone who has been vaccinated should have fears.

    The rate of around 15 percent of harmful batches gives hope that a large part of the population will not be affected by the consequences. If you have nothing at all, there is no reason for any alarmism.

    #Vaccination #VaccinationDamage #Impfschaeden #VaccineInjuries #vaccines #sideefects #PostVac #VAIDS #VaccinatieSchade #Intention #Genocide #Genocide
    Last edited
    8:52 p.m. · Jan 13, 2024
    Displayed times

  15. https://www.achgut.com/artikel/die_wissenschaftliche_insolvenzverschleppung

    “As far as the supposedly high quality of the vaccines is concerned, we now know that for the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, which is most commonly used in Germany, there were two manufacturing processes with rather less than equal quality. The cheaper produced batches went into mass vaccination, which, according to the findings of trustworthy analytical laboratories in the USA and Germany, were contaminated with fragments of bacterial DNA and whose modRNA only had to be 55 percent intact according to specifications tolerated by the EMA. Finally, the vaccination side effects: there can no longer be any question of the proverbial “practically free of side effects”. A high number of reports of side effects are admitted, but officials are noticeably reticent when it comes to statements about serious side effects or even vaccine damage.

    Since August 2023, Pfizer's product description for Comirnaty has already stated on page 4 about myocarditis as a side effect, literally, "more common in young men" and "In some cases, intensive care was required and fatal cases were observed." Consequently These vaccinations are potentially fatal, which would of course have to be taken into account in a revised risk assessment and also in a legal reassessment of the de facto compulsory vaccination to which parts of the population are still subject. “

  16. “An alarming new study has revealed a dramatic increase in deaths from turbo cancer in young people vaccinated with Covid mRNA. UK government data shows a shocking rise in deaths from turbo cancer among young people aged 15 to 44 since 2021. Over the past three years, doctors have reported a surge in cases of fatal turbo cancer.

    An analysis of British government data shows an unprecedented rise in cancer deaths among 15- to 44-year-olds vaccinated with the coronavirus drugs, according to a new report from data analyst Edward Dowd. According to new analysis from Dowd, teenagers and young people in their 20s, 30s and 40s are dying from rapidly metastatic and fatal cancers at an unprecedented rate in the UK since mass vaccinations began.”


  17. “It would be honest to rename long-COVID to long-COVID “vaccination” damage in order to do justice to the frequency distribution and only in exceptional cases in which an unvaccinated person suffers from long-COVID after infection with SARS-CoV-2 to talk about long-COVID. But this would of course turn the narrative that constant political liars have been trying to spread for years on its head and make it clear that it was not SARS-CoV-2, but COVID-19 shots that led to the permanent health crisis that is currently unfolding before our eyes.”


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