Terrible CSU

The CSU cannot be as populist as the AfD, it can only pant afterwards. The AfD can always go one better, or does Seehofer now also want to call for an order to shoot at the borders? With the promotion of right-wing reactionary thinking, the CSU is in line with the times, but others will benefit. And those who don't have to hide behind an allegedly Christian image of man. The open sympathy for the Hungarian government and for Putin is not a coincidence but rather corresponds to the CSU image of society. But Seehofer is not a Strauss and therefore the pilgrimages to Moscow are just ridiculous.

Corruption also thrives in this stench, without which the close connection to the car lobby would be inconceivable. How to prevent clean engines with all your might is an incredible lesson. If there is a bargain to refrain from calling for a cap on refugees in return for the concession not to hold the auto industry accountable and not to impose fines, one should not be surprised.

Actually you have to regret the Bayern for this government.


3 replies to "terrible CSU"

  1. I think that a Christian-social image of man does not exclude some of the theses of the CSU.
    Merkel's refugee policy has finally divided German society. The influx of AfD & Co would otherwise not have been possible. This also applies to the CSU in Bavaria, where politics still has something down-to-earth and homely, if you leave out the city of Munich, where hardly any real Bavarians live anyway.

    Refugee policy has also failed in the EU because some states - including Germany in particular - no longer adhered to the agreed rules and laws. The current situation at the Serbian border is similar to that in Belgrade. Freezing refugees have been reported in our media for days. Women with young children are then shown in a media-effective manner. And already our do-gooders are demanding another “welcome”. The actual situation at the border is completely different. Serbia has offered the refugees warm accommodation. But people don't want them and prefer to freeze at the border fence.
    No, you should look at the situation differentiated, whether at the main station in Cologne, in the Mediterranean or at any border in the Balkans.

    People who need protection, you have to help.
    But not all who seek protection need it too.

    In addition, the consideration of internal security actually belongs here as well. People without a passport because they threw it away can not be allowed into the EU. Here, the NRW Interior Minister has just shown that the NRW policy has totally failed. Since Bayern make it already better.

    1. Ms. Kraft has an interior minister who has pushed herself upstairs with the usual political rubbish “we live in a constitutional state, so we had to let the assassin go”, but she has an excellent finance minister who probably has what it takes for higher orders.

      1. Yes, the Lord Hunter!
        After the Cologne New Year's Eve events J. has put the police chief of the city of Cologne in the temporary retirement to "win back the trust of the public and the ability of the Cologne police to act". Own responsibility? Wrong!
        Now again!
        Now, Ms. Kraft is probably on the train.

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