Should Sahra Wagenknecht continue to lead or represent the movement “getting up” in the foreground?

Together with her husband, Oskar Lafontaine, Mrs. Wagenknecht developed the idea for the movement and pushed it through against the fierce resistance of the established forces in the parties of the left spectrum. The mainstream media was very cautious and when the bandwagon began to move, some media that are not considered to be in the conservative camp have popped up. But they wouldn't be comfortable with a sharp left course. You see in the movement more of a support for the social democratic course a la Scholz and Nahles: Our beautiful economic upswing would otherwise be stalled if the minimum wage were sharply increased, and where would we go if the recipients of social benefits are no longer harassed and exposed would. Nobody should make themselves comfortable in the social hammock, as Cardinal Lehmann demanded at the height of the neoliberal wave. And then one would no longer be able to examine migrants by means of the immigration law for their suitability for the German labor market; But the German economy cannot use a “wage boost” now. So bring on the migrants and integrate them into the German labor market. The family members who are unable to work should of course remain in their home countries. The armament of the police and the protection of the constitution will ensure security, that is what Seehofer and Maassen stand for.

And if Wagenknecht prevailed, the diesel vehicles would have to be converted at the expense of corporations. That would reduce the return significantly, an inappropriate task. And the energy companies would have to end lignite mining in the Hambach Forest. And probably even the use of the Brazilian tropical wood would be hindered. And in the end, even our Bundeswehr will no longer be able to defend us in Mali and in the Hindu Kush, and our navy should no longer keep clear of the sea routes and protect the fishing fleet of the Oetkerkerzerns off the West African coast. Actually unimaginable!

Sahra Wagenknecht would stand for all this. Such ideas are far too far left and therefore divisive. Therefore, the movement should be led by an activist, who is a bit green and has a big mouth.





2 Replies to “Should Sahra Wagenknecht continue to lead or represent the movement“ Stand up ”in the foreground?"

  1. It will be difficult for Wagenknecht to lead the movement. Does she have the format of Sanders, Corbyn? Maybe, maybe not. What about Lafontaine? For him, perhaps health reasons could play a role. What other alternatives exist? At the moment a personality with Corbyn format is missing.
    In what way does the movement want to influence elections? This has to be communicated, otherwise it remains with the digital debating club.

    1. The two extremes that represent the old left are represented on the one hand by the duo Scholz and Nahles, who unmoved continue the neoliberal Schröder-Gabriel line and gamble away the last bit of credibility. It is beyond belief, it has turned out worse than expected. On the other hand are the sectarians of “open borders for all”. These get out of politics and will soon demand “end capitalism immediately”.
      In between, the New Left must find a line.
      Ms. Wagenknecht is a highly talented politician and also the most gifted speaker of the political class. Since you can not reach the water. The qualification for a new leadership position should not be denied her.
      Corbyn is currently under heavy attack and is being labeled an anti-Semite for not distancing himself from condemning Israel's terror against the Palestinians. This sneaky method to pry out left-wing positions will also be exposed to Wagenknecht. Lafontaine has experienced enough intrigue and hostility in his political life to support Wagenknecht.
      Corbyn's position on the EU and Brexit is also extremely difficult, as the EU is not only a neo-liberal administrative complex, but also a projection screen for ideal ideas of a younger generation, which annihilates the narrow-mindedness of the national view.
      At Sanders we just do not know enough; the media pour us news about the head of the white house. After all, Sanders inspires some of the teenagers and has torn them from their political lethargy.

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