Now people are being deceived for the third time.

At first the danger of the cold virus was exaggerated. Many people would have to die.

Extraordinary measures are necessary. A dictatorship was imposed. The police and justice system were abused for this purpose. Inhumane conditions were enforced in retirement homes, from which many old people died.

Then came the injections, which were forced vaccinations for many. They should be effective and safe. But the “vaccinated” people now became even more ill. That was the second scam. It has been denied that the injections are very effective in causing a full range of diseases such as heart attacks, strokes, paralysis and cancer. And the overall mortality rate rises steeply because, depending on the batch, every five hundredth injection is very certain to result in death.

And the third fraud is that the diagnosis is withheld from the sick people and the cause is denied. People are talking about Long Covid and all sorts of excuses are being made. In fact, it is the post-vac syndrome, which is the bundle of illnesses that occurs after the poison injection. But it doesn't go unnoticed by people that the “vaccinated” people get sick and the unvaccinated people have to take on the work.  

In order to distract from this, television and the press overwhelm themselves with war reports. The Noske party wants to make the Bundeswehr combat-ready and is accelerating rearmament at the behest of the USA, but this will hardly stop the downfall of the Biden administration.

The domestic political agitation is becoming more acute. Bans on demonstrations and tightening of laws are the order of the day. The number of unemployed is rising, but the return on capital is still falling inexorably, VW and Siemens are laying off workers and Siemens is even calling for state money, even though companies of this size have already been almost completely exempt from paying taxes. Payments to the parties' foundations are generally sufficient.

 Germany has allowed itself to be cut off from cheap Russian oil and gas supplies. Workers and their unions are still asleep, the anesthesia of Covid and climate is taking effect. Bankruptcies have not yet reached unbearable levels. The media is constantly talking about the upswing that would occur next year. The Nazis also achieved an upswing through rearmament. Does the traffic light have this route in mind?

The FDP and the Left have already disappeared into insignificance. For the left, adapting to the mainstream wasn't worth it; voters left in droves.

The FDP base also sees the disaster coming. Her complete abandonment of certain principles that she once claimed for herself was noticed. But the FDP leadership does not want to hand over the position to the competition just yet, but is trying to hold out for another two years. But no party can exist solely from lobbying for lawyers and landowners.

According to his orders, Habeck has to keep quiet about the 6000 hostages in Israeli prisons, justify Israel's war of annihilation against Palestinians and can thus score some points in the press and television (FAZ: “Good guy, recommended for further use.”); However, that will not stop the decline, because with the climate hysteria the Greens have created a bugbear that people are beginning to see through.  

In its history with the Cum-Ex-Chancellor and S. Esken, has the SPD ever had a party leadership that had become so insignificant? It's not without reason that Sahra Wagenknecht sees her skins floating away.

The rise of the AfD and a Wagenknecht party seems unstoppable. The fear is that these new groups will remain stuck in old ways of thinking instead of working together to replace the old, dysfunctional party oligarchy.

Both emphasize the importance of medium-sized businesses and are in favor of solutions on a national scale. If both could suppress their fighting terms, neoliberal and socialist, a Chancellor A. Weidel or even S. Wagenknecht wouldn't be so unrealistic.

22 Replies to “Now people are being deceived for the third time.”


    “Let's produce a causal chain:

    When energy becomes extremely expensive, companies cut back on production.
    When companies reduce production, less is produced.
    If less is produced, then less is exported.

    A causal chain with a “surprising result” for the ARD Tagesschau.
    They are easy to surprise, the little ones on the ARD-tagesschau.”

  2. “Strokes are clearly vaccination reactions to the modRNA vaccines.

    The bivalents showed even higher incidences than the original products.

    To date, neither stroke nor similar terms appear explicitly in European or American specialist information.

    Because of the CDC's DPA cited above, it must be assumed that the CDC and FDA were aware of these enormous risks by summer 2022 at the latest, but probably much earlier. It is therefore clear to suspect that these authorities have massively distorted their recent analyzes in order to distract attention from these risks.”

  3. “At the end of last month, the first mortality figures were published by Statistics Netherlands showing possible effects of vaccine damage caused by the new booster vaccination. The excess mortality was 40 per week in week 250, still higher than expected.

    Statistician Herman Steigstra revised the forecast downward because only half as many injections were given as expected.

    At the beginning of the month, excess mortality was at the forecast level. There was a particular increase in those over 80 who were the first to be vaccinated. “For more than a month we have had an unexplained excess mortality rate of 30 per day and rising,” Steigstra wrote on November 3rd.

    He later revised the forecast upward as the number of vaccines administered increased faster than expected. Neurologist Jan Bonte replied: “The killing of old people has started again, hasn't it?

    And what do we see now? One could wait. Excess mortality has increased explosively and is roughly at the level of the second corona wave. According to Steigstra, it is even twice as high as predicted. “With such a steep climb, there seems to be no end in sight.”


    “The fact that the excess mortality among 15 to 44-year-old boys/men is caused by mo(r)d-RNA shots is in view of the huge number of studies that have shown the connection between myocarditis/pericarditis and a number of other heart diseases and mod-RNA shots from Pfizer/Biontech/Moderna show, no longer a question. The very fact that excess mortality is exploding in 2021 and no improvement can be seen in 2022 suggests that responsibility lies with the mass experiment in spray liquid from 2021, which was continued via booster shots in 2022 is."

  5. “Murdock, 60, who lives near Sydney, Australia, was a captain for Virgin Australia for 20 years and has held a license since 1984. He also has an MSc in Human Factors in Aviation, the science that deals with the interface between humans and machines. He said: “Every day somewhere on the international network a plane will have to turn back due to a health emergency. This is either a health emergency for the passengers or the crew.

    When pilots make a mayday call to air traffic control, it is called a squawk. They use code 7700 for all mayday calls, which are reserved for serious incidents such as pilot failure or an uncontrolled fire on board. Few scenarios warrant a mayday; Passengers and crew must be in real danger.

    The number of mayday calls has increased to an unprecedented extent, according to a bot set up by the X account @GCFlightAlerts. He posts when a pilot somewhere in the world has made the emergency call 7700.

    Between 2018 and 2019, the proportion of mayday calls was 29,1 percent of all emergency calls. In 2022, Mayday calls increased by 272 percent. In the first three months of 2023 the increase was 386 percent. The graph shows that there was an immediate, steep increase when the vaccines were made mandatory for pilots.”

  6. “In fact, democratic societies also require judges not to apply laws blindly, but rather to have the courage to reject or at least have laws examined that do not seem entirely kosher to them. This is the idea behind the responsible citizen (which includes judges, in theory). Responsible citizens are people who, when they hold an official position, do not become that position, but continue to be independent-minded, responsible citizens.”

  7. “The gene therapy vaccines approved for emergency use were rushed through a greatly abbreviated approval process and coerced into acceptance through unethical coercion, enticement, and coercion, and it is foreseeable that large numbers of U.S. citizens will be harmed by these products as well as by the non- pharmaceutical intervention policy, which was also ordered and enforced by the federal government, was damaged.

    These harms must be acknowledged rather than covered up with propaganda, psyops, and denial techniques, and those who continue to suffer at the hands of arbitrary and capricious federal policies must be compensated.

    We owe these citizens nothing less than recognition, support and our best efforts to heal them from the needle and the harm done.”


    “Either the brainwashing of the political media environment has already led to the reporters no longer noticing the connections because the vaccination is considered infallible and sacrosanct for them - or it is hiding this suspicion, which is immediately obvious to any attentive person, because it is not there wants or is allowed to say. Perhaps one also hopes that readers or viewers would understand the connections on their own.

    Either way: In the end, it remains a scandal that the major media continue to simply sweep the incredible extent of the ineffectiveness and harmfulness of the mRNA vaccines under the carpet. Instead of fulfilling their duty to clarify and denounce this with all their might, they are also becoming multipliers of the ever new vaccination recommendations from politicians - and thus becoming accomplices in the continuation of this potentially fatal mass experiment.”

  9. “Thanks in large part to those who have the courage to speak the scientific and medical truth, the world is becoming increasingly aware of the propaganda spread by vaccine manufacturers, the US government and the World Health Organization regarding the COVID crisis and the centralized top-down approach was a fraud.
    Adverse event publications can be divided into the following broad categories:

    Immunity problems/autoimmunity/Guillain-Barre syndrome
    Neurological, not stroke
    Eye injuries
    Other adverse events including deaths.
    Reproductive problems
    Transverse myelitis
    What were the five most common clinical symptoms?

    Exercise intolerance (71%)
    Excessive fatigue (69%)
    Numbness (63%)
    Brain fog (63%)
    Neuropathy (63%)

    What psychosocial feelings occurred in the week before completing the survey? Participants reported the following feelings at least once.

    Discomfort (93%)
    Anxiety (82%)
    Overwhelmed with worries (81%)
    Helplessness (80%)
    Anxiety (76%)
    Dejection (76%)
    Hopelessness (72%)
    Worthlessness (49%)

    These harms must be acknowledged rather than covered up with propaganda, psyops, and denial techniques, and those who continue to suffer at the hands of arbitrary and capricious federal policies must be compensated.

    We owe these citizens nothing less than recognition, support and our best efforts to heal them from the needle and the harm done.”

  10. ⬆️ A year ago, Heidelinde Weis wanted to have all critics of the Corona measures who took to the streets and protested against the so-called “vaccination” beaten and received great applause for this statement on the talk show in which she said this and no objection from her Moderator.

    Now she's dead. Cardiac arrest. Died yesterday.



    “The willingness to receive further C-19 vaccinations has decreased dramatically. At the same time, more and more findings and studies about vaccine damage are becoming known and published. Recently there have also been some that even skeptics did not expect, such as this one.

    A new study by Young Hwan Park et al entitled “Correlation between COVID-19 vaccination and inflammatory musculoskeletal disorders” has just been published as a preprint. It deals with damage to the muscles that has not yet been examined as vaccine damage. To do this, the incidence of inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system after a COVID-19 vaccination was compared with that of unvaccinated people.”


    “The vaccination campaign has pretty much come to an end internationally, although politicians are still trying to get the purchased injections into the upper arms. However, the consequences of the vaccination campaign are still leading to excess mortality compared to the years before 2020, as shown yesterday in an analysis of German mortality data. And they are also visible in particularly heavily vaccinated professional groups, such as pilots.

    TKP has repeatedly reported on heart problems and the resulting deaths and flight disruptions, as well as pilots' warnings of a safety disaster in the airline industry. The Airliners for Hunaity AT report on deaths and incapacitation of pilots:”


    “Detailed, objective and balanced report in the MDR on the DNA contamination in Pfizer's mRNA substance. Lauterbach and the vaccination/pandemic industry are slowly coming into trouble.

    The DNA vaccination scandal has reached the ÖRR. The “MDR Umschau” reported on Tuesday about the contamination of the Biontech/Pfizer vaccines with foreign DNA in the lipid nanoparticles. Nothing new, many media outlets (including TKP - already in April 2023) have been reporting on this for months, but an objective and journalistically valuable contribution to the ÖRR is a small breakthrough. It is the tip of the iceberg called the vaccination scandal.”


    “The development of RSV vaccines represents one of the greatest disasters in vaccine development: a formaldehyde-inactivated RSV vaccine (FI-RSV) developed in the 1960s for active immunization not only did not provide any protection against infection RSV, there was also a dramatic increase in severe and extremely severe cases of RSV, especially among those vaccinated who had not previously had any wild RSV contact and some 80% of whom had to be treated in hospital (compared to 5% of the control group) .”

  15. “Even the approval studies by Pfizer and Moderna showed the dangers of the corona vaccines, with more deaths in the vaccine group than in the control cohort. With tricks and delayed reporting, approval was obtained. But the vaccination clinics were also aware of the serious damage and injuries that occurred immediately during the vaccination and prepared ambulances at the ready. This is shown by official data from New York clinics.”

  16. Report from a patient who, fortunately, was not vaccinated with the poison once.

    When the alleged Corona pandemic broke out in 2020, after a very short time I asked myself the question, what are we actually being led to believe here?

    Because of my research, I knew that mRNA technology has been around for years.

    So I realized that people are being deliberately frightened because there is no supposed vaccine yet.

    I came to the conclusion that this is the best way to get people willing to be vaccinated. The long, long wait for the vaccination to return to normality.

    During this time, when the poison, the alleged vaccination, had not yet been used, I personally was always healthy, although I did not wear a mask and behaved as I always did.

    I'm not afraid of my fellow human beings!

    After about a year, people were vaccinated with the poison.

    Vaccinated, vaccinated, boosted and more and more!

    It was proven that I was suddenly positive after I had contact with a fellow human being who had already been boosted.

    I had tremendous chills, tremendous fatigue and body aches in the first few days. It then took exactly 10 days until I was negative again.

    Exactly a month after my recovery, I had an antibody test done, which showed that my body had produced antibodies against the poison. I had exactly the antibody value: 7 positive

    Little by little, I had my antibodies tested at certain intervals. There was a very long, constant reduction in my antibodies over a period of 1,5 years.

    On November 10, 2023, after 1,5 years, I still had a positive antibody value of: 2 positive

    I call it a coincidence, but it really was!

    Exactly 10 days after my last antibody test, on November 21st, 2023, I got symptoms that my body already knew.

    I immediately took a test and I was positive for the second time.

    Now it only took 6 days instead of 10 days until I was negative again.

    I'm slowly thinking about the fact that, as an unvaccinated person, I might become infected with this poison from those who have been vaccinated!

    It is very noticeable that most people tell me that they are often positive only after the vaccination and that one or two have moderate to severe symptoms.

    For me personally, as an unvaccinated person, it was the second time that it was a fairly harmless course with only minor physical limitations.

    Now that I have come into contact with the poison for the second time, I currently have a very high antibody value of 178 positive.

    Holger Eichweber


    “The problems farmers face are just a very small piece of the mosaic of a much larger project that will completely change the world as we know it. At least in the countries where it is implemented, i.e. in the collective West.

    It is questionable whether the rest of the world will play along. The 2024th WHO Health Assembly, which is scheduled to take place in May 77, is likely to be interesting here, as another of the associated projects will be voted on there. “It’s about changing the International Health Regulations (IHR) and the WHO’s new pandemic treaty, which is supposed to give the Gates-controlled WHO completely new powers.”

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