The handshake

That's what the political class now wants to abolish, old rituals that have shaped human coexistence for centuries and millennia; in other cultures, people prefer hugs or even cheek kisses. It is now supposed to be progressive to renounce such things. Direct contacts, in which human coexistence is realized, are made punishable….

The political class would now like to abolish old rituals that have shaped human coexistence for centuries and millennia; other cultures prefer hugs or kisses on the cheek. It should now be progressive to do without something like that. Direct contacts in which human coexistence is realized are made a punishable offense.

And there are researchers who claim, subsidized by the state, how dangerous the handshake or other contacts are. These people are called rectal researchers to express contempt. They are also satisfied with lower subsidies than the charlatan from the Charité. It doesn't have to be one hundred and fifty million. In addition to donations from Germany's richest family, this endowed professor also received a prize for his poetry, to the delight of the audience.

These researchers also want to benefit somewhat, but are more modest and work through their appearances on television and write weighty press releases. The omicron variant, which cannot be surpassed in terms of harmlessness, has to be puffed up into a dangerous virus. So-called world doctors also want to benefit from the attention and cannot join the chorus of Warner quickly enough. How ridiculous!

The church rituals that people bring together are also too dangerous for the political class. The Nazis therefore founded a German church, which was also popular. Church dignitaries, especially from the Catholic camp, enthusiastically participated.

With the philosophers today, Habermas takes the place of Martin Heidegger: first he justified the dismantling of social benefits through the Hartz IV laws, then he delved into the defense of the EU organizations as highly democratic authorities, and finally the fascist coup To give his blessing to the political caste under the guise of a virus attack and to receive plenty of prizes and honors for it. Precht already suspects the disaster and therefore makes half a back-out as a precaution.

Press and television unwaveringly on course

While the number of occupied beds in the hospitals is the same or slightly lower than in previous years, the television stages recordings of transfers of Bavarian patients with Bundeswehr aircraft to north German hospitals in front of the astonished audience. Professor Homburg aptly describes something like this as political pornography.

Meanwhile, one of the most powerful players in the digital industry is working in the background to sell its deadly pharmaceutical products in Africa. South Africa, which, as the most important country on the continent, is strongly opposed to the poisonous vaccination cocktail, is being punished with a ban on tourism in order to bring the country to its knees. If the man kills too many people with his gene experiments and endangers global returns, he will be withdrawn from circulation by Black Rock, since he is only one player among several.

It is hard to imagine that the accelerated destruction of the economy in rich countries in the West will proceed without popular opposition. That is why the isolation of people, their deprivation is part of the concept. People should let go of all hope, should submit without resistance. Scholz and the like are already bringing the Bundeswehr into position. These people know exactly what they are doing. The fact that there would be no red lines was not a slip-up on the part of Scholz, rather he wanted to make it clear to everyone that he would act like Noske. In the undertaker's costume, he is exactly the type that H. Arendt meant when she spoke of the banality of evil.

But the resistance becomes visible

In Spain there is already a general strike in some regions and in Italy the ports of Genoa and Trieste are on strike and truck drivers are blocking the highways. And will it stay calm in Germany? No, there are smaller and larger rallies and demonstrations in almost all cities every day. Police forces overflow openly and covertly and the Bundeswehr will not shoot at the people either. Even the daily agitation through the press and television is of no use; everyone can see that the resistance comes from within society.

Prof. Bergholz, 2nd Pathology Conference:

22 replies to "the handshake"

  1. Myocarditis is a serious disease, excerpt from a study by PD Dr. Heiko Mahrholdt (from: German Society for Cardiology):

    “In almost 20 percent of the study participants, myocarditis led to death within five years, of which around half died of sudden cardiac death. The figures make it clear that myocarditis is a serious disease and should by no means be taken lightly. "

    The risk of myocarditis considerably exceeds any risk of infection, especially in healthy male adolescents.

  2. “The staged corona crisis was only possible because the group-financed, high-reach media, in line with the“ public service ”financed by compulsory fees, fundamentally disinformed people and caused them to panic unbearably. The magazine “Der Spiegel” is one of the German flagships of the “pandemic” and is largely responsible for the course of events. His most recent - sarcastic - article about the drug ivermectin and its possible role in Covid therapy once again proves two things: 1. The magazine disinforms and regularly refrains from in-depth research, 2. Its readership is a quasi-religious following of the media ideology project - a sect, so to speak . ”

  3. The reports of vaccine side effects are increasing. An RKI report reveals increased values ​​in the delivery of cardiac and nervous patients. Excess mortality is increasing faster and faster. Applications for vaccination compensation are around five times higher than in previous years. And the Paul Ehrlich Institute does not adhere to EU regulations and suppresses reports. An overview by Mario Martin.

  4. Everything except mainstream, [04.12.2021/14/24 XNUMX:XNUMX PM]
    [Forwarded from ❌RA Ludwig - lateral thinker attorney]
    [ Image ]
    Dear police officers ...

    your interior ministers burn you up. Now you should decide against people.
    From now on the question arises:
    Are you on the side of human rights or on the side of crimes against humanity (§ 7 VStGB).

    There will be more demonstrations than ever before. In every little place, every day.
    Unannounced walks, spontaneous meetings, private parties, concerts, barbecues, campfires, etc.
    We who have not been vaccinated will resist (Article 20, Paragraph 4 of the Basic Law) in a form that you have never known before:
    We just don't go along with it. We organize our lives ourselves.
    All vaccinated persons are invited to take part.

    The party is only really getting started now. We are the creative people, the entrepreneurs, the hardworking ones, the ones with a sense of humor….
    Your life is even more boring without us. Netflix doesn't help either.

    I'm looking forward to this winter. On Christmas and New Year's Eve and on many, many, many really nice demonstrations.

    My channel:

  5. Everything except mainstream, [05.12.2021/11/47 XNUMX:XNUMX PM]
    [Forwarded from Fact Sheet Austria]
    [ Image ]
    While exclusion and agitation through politics and the media are becoming socially acceptable again, in Austria, despite fewer COVID deaths, significantly more people die than in the previous year - often suddenly and unexpectedly.

    Which in turn leaves the mainstream, fully advertised with tax money, “puzzling”.

    The big difference to the previous year is 66% “vaccination rate”. If it were actually about health, research would be carried out without taboos and with high pressure in every direction.

    This “pandemic” does not go away by itself. Only peaceful but bitter resistance works! @FactSheetAustria

  6. Everything except mainstream, [06.12.2021/14/56 XNUMX:XNUMX PM]
    [Forwarded from Mäckle puts you in a good mood]
    [ Image ]
    A friend of mine did not believe me after the 2nd vaccination Heart attack Emergency doctor 14 times resuscitated Thursday funeral just 44 years old he was the main breadwinner his wife is now alone with 2 kids has only worked marginally.
    I kept saying don't get vaccinated.
    His wife and the 2 kids vaccinated twice now they finally believe it is too late

  7. Everything except mainstream, [06.12.2021/16/02 XNUMX:XNUMX PM]
    [Redirected from Peace Rocks Official]
    [ Video ]
    ISRAEL, 11.2021/XNUMX
    ◼️ In Israel, the “pandemic among the vaccinated” can be openly talked about in the media. The hospitals are filling up with “vaccine” and “booster” victims.
    ◼️ 0.00 to 0.25:
    “In this wave we see infection and disease in vaccinated individuals. We see vaccinated people who ... are sick and reach hospitals in critical condition. And we see death too.
    The increase in the number of seriously ill - who are vaccinated - is an increase that we have seen very clearly in the past few days. "
    ◼️ 0.26 - 0.35:
    “The overwhelming majority of the deceased are vaccinated people… (…)“ 83 deaths only in the last month. ”
    ◼️ 3.10:
    “Most of the patients - right now - are vaccinated. Apparently…"
    ◼️ It can be stated: in the Israeli media it is recognized that most of the recently sick Covid patients are “vaccinated”.
    So vaccination & boosters don't work. They make you sick.

  8. The “vaccination” of children against Covid-19 is causing more and more tragic cases, which unfortunately only very rarely make it onto the front pages of the newspapers. Why? Because you want to uphold the narrative of “safe vaccinations”. As a result, more and more parents are dragging their children to the vaccination stations.

    A Pennsylvania man recently reported on Facebook that his seven-year-old niece, Harper, had been admitted to intensive care. The reason? She suffered a stroke and cerebral haemorrhage seven days after receiving a Covid-19 injection from Pfizer. The girl's uncle made this public on Facebook to warn parents about what these experimental vaccines can do to their children.

  9. Cerebral hemorrhage after corona vaccination,
    Widow blames doctors for her husband's death;
    This, of course, is also a conspiracy theory by the young woman. Her husband would have got the cerebral hemorrhage anyway. What does this have to do with vaccination?

    Subscribe for free:

  10. Peter F Mayer:
    Hospital occupancy in Austria in 2020 is almost a fifth lower than in 2019

    The year 2020 was a year of disaster in terms of health. Not because of Covid, but because of the excessive measures against it, as well as the spread of panic and fear through politics and the media. Therefore, many treatments for cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, heart and circulatory diseases and the like have not taken place. This is reflected in the hospital occupancy figures.

  11. Peter F Mayer:
    Japanese Ministry of Health warns of side effects from vaccinations
    Serious side effects of vaccinations are still massively denied in Austria and Germany. Even members of parliament and the regional chambers have serious gaps in their knowledge. More and more countries are recognizing serious side effects, especially with the preparations we use.

    The Japanese Ministry of Health has cited inflammation of the heart muscle and the outer skin of the heart in younger men as possible serious side effects of both Moderna and Pfizer's Covid gene therapeutics.

  12. Was Bhakdi right? Soldier dies of heart problems, "vaccinated" from Corona‼ ️

    A young professional soldier and father of three suddenly collapsed and passed away. According to media reports, heart problems are believed to be responsible for his death.

    There is no connection to the vaccination. However, the experimental “vaccines” do not seem to have the desired influence on severe corona diseases.

    Just last week, a 39-year-old woman with a corona infection died in Lower Austria. Because of "completely immunized": She should have already received her 3rd dose in August. In the last few hours, 20 people died of Corona in Lower Austria. 60% of them have already been treated with experimental vaccines. Was Bhakdi right about everything?

    read on here (

    Join free media channel

  13. South Africa - Empty hospitals

    Once again we have to realize that the international media are lying as printed. Reports of overcrowded hospitals in Victoria cannot possibly be accurate. The man in the video rattled off several clinics. See for yourself


  14. Comment from our board member and colleague lawyer Dr. Christian Knoche: “As in South Africa, there is no trace of 'Omikron' in Namibia either. Nothing. Nothing. Not a single case. Last Wednesday, shortly after this untrue 'media mutant' broke out, over 300 healthy and negative people who had tested negative flew back from Windhoek to Frankfurt. All were very healthy. And the lovable / committed tourism industry in Namibia / South Africa suffers endlessly and weeps. Jobs are being lost, poverty and hunger and crime are increasing. An endless spiral of insane planning. Nelson Mandela - the great hero and reconciler of southern Africa - would turn in his grave if he heard this blatant injustice.

    In this sense:
    ❗️❗️ Put an end to the omicron lie ❗️❗️
    Freedom for South Africa, Namibia and Mozambique and all other (southern) countries in Africa ”

  15. Vaccination attacks by vaccination teams in schools -
    Vaccinations of young people without the knowledge and consent of their parents!

    Here is an excerpt from an interview with Maurice Janich two days ago. And what I feared will actually happen!

    ‼ ️ Vaccinations for children and adolescents are not indicated. Doctors are not allowed to vaccinate!

    ‼ ️ Vaccinations without the express consent of BOTH parents are criminal!

    ‼ ️ Consent without prior comprehensive explanation of the risks is ineffective!

    Because there is a lack of the necessary consent, vaccinations are a physical injury, possibly even resulting in death. School administrators who accept or even initiate this are making themselves a criminal offense!

    Beate Bahner, specialist lawyer for medical law,
    Author of the book "Corona vaccination: What doctors and patients should definitely know (”
    Member of the lawyers for education

  16. Dear Frank,

    have an urgent message for you and your channel.
    I'm very upset about what just happened and what my son told me.
    At his school in the AIC district, the vaccination bus was there WITHOUT our parents being informed. There was only a questionnaire WEEKLY who was interested.
    NOBODY in my son's class was interested. I found out about this through conversations with the mothers.
    The school said that if there was no interest, no vaccination bus would come.
    But REALITY is, the vaccination bus COMES NO MATTER whether there is interest or not and there is also an announcement in the school from the headmasters calling for vaccinations and also for the BOOSTER vaccination. It doesn't matter how long it was since the last vaccination.
    Obviously, the rectors are now also taking out the right to decide when a booster is due for the children and when not.
    The sad end of the song is: 7 out of 8 vaccinated children had to be picked up IMMEDIATELY because of suddenly severe symptoms. One child was already knocking it out.
    The others were pale as chalk and they felt sick. According to my child's statement, they didn't look good at all.
    In the case of one girl, I know for sure that her parents would never have consented to this vaccination. It is impossible to imagine what they will do today when they experience THAT.
    It's terrible what's going on.
    I have regular contact with the teachers, including my son's, and I find it outrageous that just a few days ago when we spoke on the phone, he didn't tell me a single word about it.
    I am shocked.

    The parents absolutely need to know what is going on here!

    Here again boundaries are being crossed for which I can no longer find words.


  17. I am now in the hospital because of my eye ...

    When you found out here what happened to me after the Covid vaccination from Biontech, ALL vitamins were prescribed directly by a doctor! I also get ASA to keep my blood "thin" ...
    After that, I was told by the hospital staff that this is exactly what they see on a daily basis and for this reason they do not want to be vaccinated. In the next breath I was told that in the clinical center in Fulda 700 !!!!!!!! Yes exactly 700 !!!! Sisters and carers are not vaccinated and do not want to be vaccinated for the reason what happened to ME !!!

    Good night dear ones

    A renowned virologist and former senior executive of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation recently warned of the dangers of experimental COVID-19 gene transfer vaccines, encouraged the unvaccinated to "stay unvaccinated" and said an inevitable "breakdown of our health system" due to health complications ahead of the vaccinated.

  19. “The WHO has now accumulated 2.706.410 reports of side effects in its database. Everything is normal, nothing that a political actor should take note of.

    Of these 2.706.410 reports, there are now 16.089 reports relating to the death of a person, that is 67 reports on a daily average - almost twice as many as in the last week. Whether this has ushered in a trend towards final vaccination is currently still an open question ”

  20. “On April 1st, 1492, Isabella of Castile and Ferdinand of Aragon passed the Alhambra Decree in Granada. It ended what had started in 1391, the expulsion of all Jews from the two Iberian kingdoms who could not be forced to be baptized Catholics. Anyone who did not want to be baptized by July 31, 1492 had to leave the country, otherwise they were threatened with expropriation, imprisonment and the death penalty. Of the remaining 200.000 Jews in Spain (Sephardi *), around 1391 had been forced to convert to Catholicism since 100.000, around half decided to flee. "

  21. 2nd Pathology Conference: further strong indications of massive side effects of the "vaccines" found in autopsied people

    Strong evidence points to the development of turbo cancer after the injection and significant, possibly longer-term suppression of the natural immune system.

    “Aspiration” not necessary when vaccinating? But: Before applying the vaccine, it must be ensured that no blood vessel has been hit, otherwise blood vessels will be damaged and the substances can get into the blood (Prof. Burkhardt).

    Vaccination can act like a massive viral infection in the body (Prof. Lang).

    Often lack of information: Without proper information, an informed consent is not possible, so the vaccination is a physical injury with corresponding. Liability consequences for the vaccination doctor (RA Becker).

    Currently there are officially 1.800 deaths, 21.000 serious side effects and a total of 172.000 side effects in Germany possibly related to the corona vaccination (Prof. Bergholz).

  22. “The touch of hands allows energy to flow to the other. The gesture frees us from the prison of the ego and is a gift to the other person. In viral times, the handshake is primarily a mess. The consequences are fatal. A wake-up call from Byung-Chul Han.

    In the middle of the pandemic, I became aware of an enigmatic word from Paul Celan. In a short, enigmatic letter to Hans Bender, he writes: “Only true hands write true poems. I don't see any fundamental difference between a handshake and a poem.” What could that mean? What defines the "true hands"? Do the hands become “true” the moment they give themselves to the other? The real hands are obviously searching hands. According to Celan, they belong to “a human being, ie a unique and mortal soul-being who seeks a way with his voice and his muteness”. Where are the searching hands going? To the other, to the handshake? Is the truth of the hand based on the touch of the other? Celan continues: "Poems are also gifts." Gifts are meant for others. They extend our giving hands to the other or we receive them from the other with thanking hands. The poem is a gift, a gift to the other. The real hands are the giving hands. Seen in this way, the handshake is also a gift. For Celan, however, people live in a dark time without poems and handshakes: "We live under dark skies and - there are few people. That's probably why there are so few poems."

    Paul Celan's entire poetry is condensed in the remark "I see no fundamental difference between a handshake and a poem". In his famous speech for the Büchner Prize, Celan wrote: “The poem wants something else, it needs this other, it needs a counterpart. It seeks it out, speaks to it. Every thing, every human being is a form of this other in the poem that leads towards the other.”

    The poem lives from the handshake, from the touch of the other or from the invocation of the other, i.e. from a you in the emphatic sense. Celan continues: “So, when you think of poetry, do you go that way with poetry? (...) ways in which language becomes voiced, they are encounters, ways of a voice to a (...) you."

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