The immunity deniers are radicalizing

The compulsory vaccination is to be enforced by all means. More and more politicians are demanding that unvaccinated people in hospitals be treated worse than vaccinated people. No doctor who hath become a doctor by vocation would act in this way….

The compulsory vaccination should be enforced by all means. More and more politicians are calling for unvaccinated people to be treated worse than vaccinated people in hospitals. No doctor who became a doctor by calling would act in this way.

Although the virus activity is the same as in previous years, politicians are trying to put pressure on in this way. They sense that a new age has begun and that their time is running out. In the frenzy of their power, they do not even hesitate to destroy the physical integrity of the population. Social ties are broken, old friendships are broken, the dividing line, as with the National Socialists, partly goes through the family, the new relationships are aligned with the government. Exchange and entertainment should only be conveyed through the digital corporations. Brave demonstrators are labeled a "pathetic mob" when they break the restrictive rules. Göbbels organized this agitation more skillfully in the Sportpalast and on the radio.

The so-called vaccination breakthroughs (this term is intended to cover the destruction of the immune system by the injections) can no longer be concealed. Although politicians are constantly increasing the pressure regardless of losses, they cannot prevent the real motives behind their torrent of words from shining through:

The pandemists of the Corona parties currently have the upper hand and are trying to curb, distract and divide the population in the economic crisis. So the leading figures in the government are changed and they only find one man with psychiatric abnormalities for the corona propaganda department. With this man in the rank of minister, television and the press can continue to pass the ball and remain responsible for incitement and agitation.

What kind of society was it that overcame all democratic hurdles overnight and reveals a fascist face?

Many people are desperate, retreat into private life as far as that is still possible, many people are thinking about emigrating. But it is precisely the traditional immigrant countries such as Australia and Canada that are among the most radical vaccine fanatics. And people with health problems are terrified of the forced injections. In the event of a lethal effect, they are buried quickly and should they suffer severe damage such as heart attack, stroke, paralysis or cancer, the connection with the injection is denied by doctors and investigations are boycotted by the judiciary.

Many people find this condition unbearable, many take their own lives and many give in to their fate.

And the decimation of the population continues, while the remaining wealth is siphoned off by a few corporations. Small and medium-sized companies are trying to save themselves from bankruptcy, the permanent staff is being reduced, investments are not made; Nevertheless, many bosses still believe that continued vaccination pressure could prevent the crisis from progressing and fail to recognize that totalitarian measures are only bringing the collapse closer and closer.

25 replies to “immunity deniers are radicalizing”

  1. Vaccination expert: "Unvaccinated people are not dangerous, vaccinated people are dangerous for others".

    Former Vice-President of the World Health Organization's European Advisory Expert Group on Vaccinations, Professor Christian Perronne, said yesterday that all vaccinated people should remain in quarantine during the winter months, otherwise there is a risk of serious illness.

    Perronne is a specialist in tropical pathologies and emerging infectious diseases. He was chairman of the Committee of Experts on Communicable Diseases of the Public Health High Council.

    The infectious disease expert confirmed the rapidly deteriorating situation in Israel and the UK, stating: "People who have been vaccinated should be quarantined and isolated from society."

    He continued: “Unvaccinated people are not dangerous; vaccinated people are dangerous to others. In Israel - I am in contact with a lot of doctors in Israel - there are big problems now, severe cases in the hospitals are among people who have been vaccinated, and there is also a major vaccination program in the UK and there are problems there too. "

    The current working group on the COVID-19 pandemic in France was reportedly "completely panic" when it received the news and feared a pandemic if it followed the experts' instructions.

    Israeli doctor Kobi Haviv told Channel 13 News: “95% of critically ill patients are vaccinated. Fully vaccinated people make up 85-90% of hospital stays. We are opening more and more COVID branches. The effectiveness of vaccines decreases or goes away.

  2. “What is even more dramatic is that the innate antibodies also recognize other viruses. By suppressing these antibodies by vaccinating children, we are also competing with antibodies that are able to neutralize some other viruses that normally don't cause teething troubles, Vanden Bossche said.

    What's worse, these antibodies also protect against autoimmune diseases. By suppressing these antibodies, we will see more and more autoimmune diseases in children. And I'm not even talking about the many side effects such vaccines can cause. "

  3. “One of the most remarkable observations of ordinary people in extraordinary times is how readily the vast majority of people conform to the new rules.
    As in Germany, this is also about discrimination, about dividing people into good and bad categories. This willing adjustment to life in a world full of appalling injustice is troubling.
    But it is the absence of responses to really terrible things, like people being dragged away, the toes of their shoes bouncing off the cobblestones, and all "For Your Safety" that led to the phrase "The Banality of Evil."

  4. “According to the current state of scientific knowledge, compulsory vaccination with Covid-19 vaccines cannot be legally and ethically justified.

    The view taken by proponents of a general vaccination requirement that there is no alternative to collective vaccination in the current situation is untenable according to the current state of scientific knowledge. There is no scientific data following the usual standards that prove that vaccination does more benefit than harm for every citizen, regardless of age, gender, previous illnesses or other factors.

    Neither the data usually required in approval procedures from randomized controlled studies nor from epidemiological cohorts of sufficient quality are available. There is absolutely no evidence of any benefit for large groups of the population, e.g. for healthy children and young adults or for pregnant women in the first trimester of pregnancy. On the other hand, damage cannot be ruled out, but can even be assumed with a certain probability. Forcing such groups to vaccinate is to ask them to accept bodily harm ”

  5. Pfizer's clinical trial data strongly suggests that the Covid-19 vaccine causes acquired immunodeficiency syndrome in the recipient.

    I discovered some extremely worrying results in the data from Pfizer's Phase I-II-III clinical trial. The double-vaccinated group of 21.926 people in the Pfizer Phase III clinical trial had twenty-one times more death from sepsis and two times more cardiovascular deaths than normal.

    This is strong evidence that Pfizer's Covid-19 injection is indeed causing a new form of "acquired immunodeficiency syndrome," as a mountain of data from the UK health authority suggests, as sepsis is caused by an immune system failure.

    Channel with ♥ ️

    Read on here:

  6. MRNA inventor Robert Malone on mass psychosis through mass hypnosis

    “Many people wonder how it came about that certain groups of the population were hounded again, they were marginalized and a policy of apartheid was pursued. And many are wondering how it can happen that a gene therapy that is still in the experimental stage with massive and severe side effects up to death is suddenly sold as an alleged protection against a viral infection that is 99,85% harmless. Why does this compulsory treatment, which is being driven further and further, still find support in the population
    What can be observed with mass hypnosis is that a large part of the population is completely unable to process new scientific data and facts that show they are aware of the effectiveness and adverse effects of the mandatory mask use, lockdowns and genetic vaccines who trick people's bodies into making large amounts of biologically active coronavirus spike protein.

    Those who have been hypnotized by this process are unable to discern the lies and misrepresentations they are bombarded with on a daily basis and actively attack anyone who has the audacity to give them information that contradicts the propaganda that is they have taken over. And for those whose families and social networks have been torn apart by this process and who find that close relatives and friends have marginalized them for questioning the officially attested "truth" and actually following the scientific literature, this can go a source deeper Be fears, worries and psychological pain. "

  7. “Following the government launch of the vaccine, the UK National Statistics Office (ONS) found that the number of deaths in children ages 10-14 between Week 38 and Week 41 in 2021 was 62% above the five-year average for the The number of deaths in this age group was over the same period. Also, the rise in deaths began when the children received the experimental "vaccine".

    The trend of increasing child deaths continues. In week 43 of 2021, more children in the 5-14 age group died than usual. UKHSA data recently showed that so many children died in late October that excess mortality occurred. ”

  8. “As on the previous weekends, numerous rallies - over 20 registered - took place in Vienna. Traditionally, it started with a rally and a march of the nursing staff, who then joined the other rallies. This time two parties called again, namely MFG Austria and the FPÖ, who, after two separate rallies, denied the big demonstration together with other groups. This time also a separate block of the Free Left.
    Later in the afternoon there was a big demonstration with over 100.000 participants: "

  9. I ask myself what if the vaccination is compulsory. I cannot afford a fine of 1000 euros and vaccination is absolutely out of the question for me. Slowly one is being worn down by this state.
    Everything just sucks, I think the pressure is getting bigger and gets on my nerves.

    1. The compulsory vaccination is already there: What should the breadwinner of the family do if his boss threatens him with dismissal if he does not get vaccinated?
      During the “vaccinations” in a Berlin old people's home, soldiers stood by to intimidate them.
      And Scholz hired a general to lead the campaign.
      Like Noske, he will use military force.

  10. Clinical studies have proven to be fakes. "There is no evidence whatsoever that these gene-based vaccines are effective in protecting against serious illness and death," said Prof. Bhakdi.

    "The benefit of a vaccination is zero, because no vaccination protects against [respiratory] infection" and "second, this virus is less dangerous than the seasonal flu".

  11. “Anyone who thought that Olaf Scholz only had one dropout when he made the fascist announcement that there would be no red lines for his government, an open threat to citizens that we have honored here, is mistaken. As one is used to from toddlers who got lost in something but did not want to admit that they got lost, Chancellor Olaf also repeated his fascist saying in all defiance and the ARD-Tagesschau passed it on in all unrated stupidity : ”

  12. “Because more and more doctors do not want to remain silent any longer:“ This is the biggest medical scandal of all time, ”says Univ.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Sönnichsen, specialist in internal and general medicine. He criticizes the lack of a database for compulsory vaccination. “The highly praised vaccination failed!” Said Sönnichsen. In Great Britain it is already openly admitted what is still being covered up here: “The fourth wave is a wave of the vaccinated. Most of the people in the hospitals and intensive care units are vaccinated. Only in this country is cheating by declaring vaccinated people without a vaccination certificate and vaccinated people who were vaccinated more than six months ago as "unvaccinated". After two vaccinations failed, we are now led to believe that there is no alternative to the booster, ”says Sönnichsen. He has written an open letter to President Szekeres' Chamber of Physicians, which has since been signed by 200 medical professionals - and the number is increasing every day. "

  13. Dear Doctor. ...

    To be honest, I'm slowly turning the bike here at home. Last Thursday I was supposed to go to the DAK in Essen at Willi-Brandt-Platz. I had been called by a member of staff a few days beforehand and we had made the appointment for Thursday, December 9.12.21th at 14.30:XNUMX p.m. I was at the door of the DAK office over time and knocked as I had been told. But nobody got in touch. I actually wanted to settle the matter in the old year and at least get hold of a membership card so that your practice can finally settle accounts. I then called out loud afterwards. No reaction. A few minutes later, an older man came who also wanted to go to the DAK. He found out via his mobile phone on the website that all DAK branches had been closed due to Corona until the end of the year. On Wednesday, December 8.12th, I had met my brother's friend and accompanied him to his mother's home in the late afternoon to take a test that was still valid until the visit to the DAK. Everything for the cat!! Before that, I was at the Spardabank across the street to submit a transfer (as long as there is still money in the account, but it will soon look dark !!). I went to my brother's friend in Essen-Steele, unsuccessful, and we talked about the whole thing. There is always a TESTBUS + tent at the Essen-Steele train station. For the tests I used the form with the table that I had received from your assistant the last time I was with you. When I have 1000 forms at some point, I'll use them to decorate my walls. I needed another test for Friday to be a little more agile. So I did another test around 18.00:9 p.m. on Thursday, December XNUMXth. After the test, I heard something that I didn't want to believe: One of the guys who worked on the test bus was talking to a colleague on the cell phone. He had set the conversation to overhear in order to drown out the bus and train noise a bit: The colleague on the other end of the line complained that he had been "hit on the lid" because he had not met today's QUOTE have. Answer from the other boy: Saturday is the day off. There is more going on. Try to catch up a bit on Saturday. Do the guys get a HEAD MONEY for everyone positive now? Here in Kray-Nord there is no test bus at the train station. And after I found out that the positives are now being determined “as the mood takes you” or by chance, I have a bad feeling. I have now until the 12th Live session prepared. What Dr. Füllmich, Dr, Viviane Fischer and Dr. Wodarg and other experts have gathered information there is a pure nightmare. Hitler and Göbbels could not have formulated the "panic paper" better. My brother and sister-in-law have a friend who "writes tests" when they have to. But unfortunately you live in Offenburg. I'm in the process of working out how I can get from Essen-Kray-Nord to your practice for a blood test sometime EARLY MORNING without having taken a test, because I have nowhere to do a test that early (and risk being "arbitrarily." “Will test positive). I haven't set foot outside the door since Friday afternoon after I went shopping. It's incredible, but it's true. While doing this purchase, I had the opportunity to talk to strolling teenagers. You asked me what I thought of the whole situation. Then one of them said: Who else do the governments want to rule if they screw us all with a pseudo vaccine? Maybe ghosts? Then I said: Listen to the last Rolling Stones song: Living in a Ghost Town. Answer: we already know it by heart. Well, I can't hold out for much longer. Next time we have to "think up" something. I have to start working sometime next year and be able to partake in normal life a bit again. A friend of my ex-boyfriend (in Italy) somehow managed in the first few months of this year to get a special permit because of "allergic shock reactions" or something like that. When does this madness stop ???? Tomorrow I'm going to walk through Essen-Kray-Nord and check whether and where there is any test tent, a test bus or something like that. Thursday 23. December I have to go to the Spardabank again in the afternoon, and this Friday or Saturday I have to go to Netto and Lidl again. I need a test for the Ruhrbahn anyway. If I get a test on Wednesday evening, December 22.12.21nd, XNUMXst without being “stuck”, I can try to come on Thursday morning, as long as that doesn't run out of time for a visit to the Spardabank. I then also have to "cover" Christmas Eve, ie at least get as far as my brother's friend. But maybe we can somehow manage that in your practice. If there are already a lot of patients waiting outside, should I just walk past the queue and knock?

    It is really hard to believe that we are seeing something like this more than 70 years after the end of the Third Reich and 30 years after German reunification.

    Incidentally, I informed the committee of the conversation I was listening to when I was (secretly) standing next to the test bus. I also followed the report by Dr. Luca Speciani on Bergamo and the lockdowns, etc., added something that I thought was important: In the spring of 2020, the regional government of Emilia Romagna already had prepared plans for the 2nd lockdown in autumn. Our governor Dr. Stefano Bonaccini seriously betrayed the Emilians and Romagnoli in October and participated in the "mess". I had to go to the city police and, with my approval as a freelancer, get a permit to continue working, so that I could at least survive. Thank goodness I had a girlfriend and an ex-German student with the city police. Otherwise the matter would not have gone. The parents of the students I taught in the afternoons had to confirm that without my help, the transfer might be at risk. I saw such unimaginable things in October last year.

    In September 2020, one of my ex-students died of leukemia because his life-saving transplant fell into lockdown and was then postponed to October 2020. 25-year-old Riccardo died on September 2020, 19. I had cared for the boy in English for 8 years (from middle school to the end of high school). I have no children, but on September 25, 2020 I lost a "son" because of the dictatorial murderers of the government.

    I hope that I can finally sleep through the night without any problems.

    Thank you.

    With kind regards,

    S ...

  14. Heart muscle inflammation and pericardial inflammation are particularly worrying in young people. The article also shows that the vaccination campaign is already bearing its cruel fruits. American Thinker says the number of young children dying from heart attacks and strokes has increased dramatically.

    According to one of Dr. According to American Thinker, 117 healthy children in the age group from five to eleven years would have to die from the side effects of vaccines in order to save a child from death from Covid-19.


    “Prior to 2020, routine coronavirus infections were called the common cold when they were mild, the common cold when they were more symptomatic, and the flu when they were associated with fever. When the flu resulted in a lung infection, it was called either a respiratory infection or pneumonia, and antibiotics were given. The infection was overcome 99,9% of the time, unless the patient was frail, elderly or immunocompromised, in which case the cure rate could decrease."

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