They live in their corona bubble

and feel comfortable in it. They always invent new stories about the dangerous cold virus and reality is completely uninteresting. They have a complete grip on people who have worked all day and turn on the TV in the evening...

and feel comfortable in it. They keep inventing new stories about the dangerous cold virus and the reality is completely uninteresting. You have complete control over the people who have worked all day and turn on the television in the evening.

Even in the upper middle class there are still bosses who present themselves as Corona believers. As long as they can play their authority and their economic base is not attacked, they defend the corona narrative without hesitation. Even if the game with the variants becomes more and more absurd, mainly their social position is not affected. Everyone who has something to lose suspects that this is at stake

The German philistine was one of the most loyal supporters of the Nazi regime, so it is not surprising that Kretschmann, the Green Prime Minister of Baden-Württemberg, is one of the most ardent advocates of harassment against schoolchildren. It is not scientific but political evidence that counts there.

But the wave of bankruptcies is rolling and there is no end in sight. In this way, the number of government supporters is getting smaller. The government must enforce its authoritarian course more and more openly and brutally. Journalists do not dare to report on the murderous vaccination regime, otherwise Helge Braun will send a squad of police into the house who will deprive them of the means of communication and who invokes basic rights and does not want to understand that we live in the "New Normal" , is taken to the police station for so-called identification treatment. That is why journalists like Wulf Rohwedder, NDR, prefer to tell lies and make themselves popular with the artistic director.

Meanwhile, the number of vaccine victims has passed the one hundred thousand mark. One is reminded of the American sect that settled in the Guiana jungle and followed its leader to his death, so that in the end five hundred people, men, women and children, died as a result of collective mass suicide.

The First World War also comes to mind when German soldiers, when the political class had preached to them about defending the fatherland, ran into the enemy with shouts of hurray. In the Second World War, the Nazis' propaganda machinery had a complete mastery of publications, as it is today, but the enthusiasm was no longer so great because the memory of the First World War had not yet completely faded. But even after the complete collapse of the “Third Reich” there were still many people from the upper classes who mourned their privileges. They didn't want to hear about the fifty million dead. Few were sentenced to death, and even fewer were sentenced to execution.

Even now the regime has many followers who will later claim that they did not know anything. The number of vaccine deaths is understandable for everyone. So far there are 17000 and the number of unreported cases has to be a factor of ten. The official statistics are publicly available.

The argument for the vaccine death of the individual is the same as with the Nazis: The advantages for the healthy national body would outweigh, then individual deaths would have to be accepted.

And the correct number of so-called corona deaths is still suppressed: every death, regardless of the real cause of death, is referred to as a corona death if a PCR test was positive in the last six months. Of course, this has nothing to do with reliable statistics on the causes of death. These are politically acceptable numbers that fit into the “New Normal”.

One reply to “you live in your corona bubble”

  1. !! Warning to doctors !!
    As a specialist lawyer for medical law and specialist book author, I have to once again issue an urgent warning to all vaccinating doctors:
    Corona vaccination for adolescents is not indicated. Because it is of no use, since it has been proven that children and adolescents do not become seriously ill and certainly do not die from it.
    The risk of vaccinations is considerable, as the reports of sometimes severe side effects around the world show. If the risk of vaccination clearly outweighs the benefit, then vaccination is not allowed - the “treatment” is clearly contraindicated!
    A non-indicated treatment must never be carried out by the doctor - even with the consent of both parents!
    Even more so, adolescents cannot give effective consent to the vaccination because the vaccination is not a routine treatment (such as blood sampling, braces or acne treatment, for example). In view of the considerable risks, the consent of both parents would always be required! But even this would be ineffective, since the vaccination has no benefits, but various and unknown risks. Parents should never expose their children to these risks!
    - In the absence of long-term studies, adolescents are even less able to assess the dangers and risks than adults or even doctors who need to know about these dangers! Adolescents can therefore not effectively consent to this vaccination - regardless of their age, as they cannot grasp the consequences of the decision.

    ■ Consequence: Doctors are not allowed to vaccinate children and young people. According to the established case law of the Federal Court of Justice, this is to be regarded as a personal injury under criminal law. Doctors are also personally liable under civil law for damages and compensation for pain and suffering in the event of vaccination complications and vaccination damage!
    ■ Even if both parents should actually be informed about all aspects as carefully as the Coronavirus Vaccination Ordinance makes it mandatory for doctors. Because the Federal Court of Justice has set very strict requirements for the education of new, unrecognized treatment methods. The vaccination of children and adolescents is therefore an absolute high-risk area for all vaccinating doctors! Responsible and honest doctors will wait at least five years until meaningful long-term studies are available.
    Beate Bahner, specialist lawyer for medical law
    Author of five standard medical law works
    Member of the lawyers for education

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