The political class celebrates their memory of the Holocaust

The speeches made by German politicians to commemorate the liberation of Auschwitz seventy-five years ago are a single tirade to justify our system of rule. This order finds its expression in the absolute protection of property. Even collective property in the form of joint-stock companies always serves the rule of a few. Here is the source of envy, here is the source of racism….

The speeches made by German politicians to commemorate the liberation of Auschwitz seventy-five years ago are a single tirade to justify our rule. This order finds expression in the absolute protection of property. Collective ownership in the form of public limited companies always serves the rule of some. Here is the source of envy, racism arises here.

The German President wants to obscure this and fables about the evil. But there is no such thing as “evil”, it is a myth. The conceptual construction of this myth is ideally suited to justify our democratic social order. And the media happily accepted the ball thrown to them and played along quickly.

Hannah Arendt didn't want to be understood that way.

2 replies to “the political class commemorates the Holocaust”

  1. Justification of the rule of law, absolute protection of property? What exactly does this have to do with the Holocaust commemoration?

  2. The social system in Western Europe is also based on the use of violence. As far as possible, however, the dominance of the leading cliques based on violence should not be revealed. In fact, the lower the human being is classified in our class system, the less life chances there are. He has to work more and die earlier. In the religious communities, people come together to form emergency communities, be it Islam, Jewish traditions or Christianity. However, these do not remove the class differences, the structure of power expressed therein is not called into question. The resistance to the limited opportunities for life cannot be completely suppressed. He breaks new ground in the persecution of other beliefs or other people who are believed to have a different race. (The very concept of “human races” is an ideological attribution.) The most important task of the political class in terms of maintaining the system, a justification, is to keep distracting, glossing over or inventing the so-called evil. Then we would have the culprit and would not have to change the social system.

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