How Sigmar Gabriel was at the service of Deutsche Bank's Minister of Economy

How Sigmar Gabriel served Deutsche Bank as Minister of Economics

Norbert Haering - On the occasion of Sigmar Gabriel's appointment to the Supervisory Board of Deutsche Bank, it is worth recalling that, as Minister for Economic Affairs, Gabriel set up an investment industry lobby group to draw up a plan for the profitable privatization of the German motorway network ... .

Norbert Haering - On the occasion of Sigmar Gabriel's appointment to the Supervisory Board of Deutsche Bank, it is worth remembering that Gabriel, as Minister of Economic Affairs, installed a lobby group for the investment industry that was allowed to draw up a plan for the profitable privatization of the German motorway network. The Deutsche Bank boss was also a member of this internal ministerial lobby group. The plan largely failed because the public outrage over this brazen highway robbery, also a little promoted by this blog, was too great. From my text dated February 11.2.2015, 1: “If the Minister of Economic Affairs himself installs a lobby group for the finance industry in his ministry (called“ Expert Commission ”) and this ministry-internal lobby group is filled with no fewer than Deutsche Bank boss Jürgen Fitschen, Allianz board member Dr. Helga Jung, and Ergo CEO Torsten Oletzky, who have them run by former (note) banker and DIW boss Marcel Fratzscher, then one could expect that there would be no small success. And so it happened. It should be a billion-dollar robbery of the German taxpayer, in broad daylight and on the open road (Handelsblatt page 24.1.2020), disguised as “God's work” (Blankfrein). The time for the trial balloon is ideally chosen, on the day on which the euro finance ministers give the showdown with Greece and an attempt is made in Minsk to negotiate peace in Ukraine, and on the day before the dispute at the level of the heads of government at the summit continues in Brussels. The chances that he won't get shot down on a day like this are pretty good. And when it flies, it flies. The black and red trio of ministers Gabriel (economic lobbyism), Dobrindt (traffic detours) and Schäuble (financial deception) want, as the Handelsblatt exclusively reports today, to transfer the German autobahns (and probably afterwards also federal highways) into a new company, which will become a reservoir for the plant seeking billions from Allianz, Ergo and Deutsche Bank is to be expanded. ”Dossier on the highway robbery [XNUMX/XNUMX/XNUMX]

Andreas Triebel:

Does the German political class only offer corrupt politicians?

While Schröder worked as a propagandist for Putin's Gazprom and Fischer for a rival company, Gabriel prepared the SPD's crash landing; then he served himself as the top lobbyist for the car companies to take a seat on the armchairs of Deutsche Bank as a member of the supervisory board.

German political officials can be used in many ways: Now everyone is wondering what job Scholz is aiming for, like Schäuble, who threw the billions out for the financial industry with his hands full. Is he preparing his career as successor to Friedrich Merz at the financial giant Black Rock? In any case, it qualifies him for this task that the planned stock exchange tax should only affect smaller investors and not the financial groups.

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