Black and green, the new war alliance

Merz, Kiesewetter and Wadephul, Strack-Zimmermann and Hofreiter want to fuel the war in Ukraine. Germany should supply long-range weapons and threaten Moscow. According to CDU politician Kiesewetter, even ministries in Moscow are to be destroyed.

  • Everyone knows that the war was lost for NATO from the start and that Russia has a universally recognized need for security. Russia cannot tolerate NATO troops and long-range missiles on its doorstep. The Pope said it this way months ago.
  • That two hundred to three hundred thousand young Ukrainian soldiers have now fallen
  • That the overwhelming majority of Germans do not want war with Russia and they also do not want Russia to be constantly provoked.
  •  That almost all Germans want to trade with Russia and purchase cheap natural gas. Nevertheless, the CDU and the Greens are acting as warmongers. They are putting Germany's state existence at risk, the worst possible crime committed by politicians in power.

But after they have killed around a hundred thousand old and sick people with the poisonous vaccination injections and caused millions of citizens to suffer from illness, they now want to distract from it and intimidate people. Even young people who were known to be in good health still suddenly and unexpectedly drop dead. All those who have been vaccinated several times are constantly sick and suffer from persistent colds. It is not known whether the toxic spike protein is ever excreted. The birth rate has fallen precipitously.

 There are now signs of a change in personnel in the political class. The CDU and the Greens want to do better and go to war together soon. Hofreiter (Panzer-Toni) is already positioning himself as the new Minister of War. Röttgen would like to be rewarded for his aggressive remarks and made foreign minister. What a pitiful spectacle these parties make!

  • At the beginning of the First World War, people had to go to war for God, the Emperor and their fatherland. But the shouts of hurray quickly died down.
  • In World War II, the Germans had to fight for the Führer and space in the East.
  • In the Vietnam War, the Viet Cong, who refused to be subjugated, had to serve.
  • In Libya and Iraq, the Americans demonized the leadership cliques that opposed American dictates and left behind devastated countries.  
  • In Afghanistan, the Western propaganda machine invented the so-called Taliban and thus a reason to terrorize the population.
  • In Palestine, atrocities are being blamed on the population, which is in a permanent uprising against the Israeli oppressors, and the Palestinian leadership is declared an enemy that must be destroyed because it opposes the Zionist project. In order to deceive the public, the Hamas-led resistance movement is being called inhumane terms. The fact that not a single shot can be fired there without the permission of the Biden clique is constantly kept secret.  

The Americans' wars of conquest have set the agenda for the last 80 years and a black-green government will only continue to support this course and thus mean the greatest possible evil for the German population

5 Replies to “Black and green, the new war alliance”

  1. “Sweden had the lowest excess mortality in all of Europe in the so-called pandemic years between 2020 and 2022. In Sweden there were no lockdowns and practically no corona measures. If the WHO has its way, then in the future it should be allowed to dictate how a country should deal with so-called pandemics. Lockdowns kill people, economies, culture and humanity. (”During the COVID-19 pandemic, Sweden stood out from other countries and stubbornly refused to comply with lockdowns, school closures and mask requirements. This was highly controversial and was viewed by many outsiders as a dangerous game with human lives. However, from Sweden’s perspective it looked as if other countries were embarking on a dangerous experiment.”

  2. “If NATO finds a way to funnel troops into Ukraine after Ukraine has lost the war, under the pretext that it is “separate from NATO,” then that is exactly what it should do.

    The question is whether Putin will accept the excuse that NATO has nothing to do with the fact that he now has Polish, German and French troops fighting in his backyard. When troops from France, Germany and Poland arrive in Ukraine, will he play along and say that this is a separate effort and not really NATO, even though all three countries are NATO members? I do not believe that. But that is exactly what NATO wants. She hopes to persuade Putin to invade a NATO country.

    The lie works something like this: The French, German and Polish troops fighting in Ukraine are not doing so as part of NATO, but when Putin responds to this provocation with direct attacks on cities or infrastructure in France, Germany or Poland , then he “attacked” a NATO country, and the entire NATO now has the legal excuse to invade Russia.

    I know it sounds crazy, but look who's in charge in these NATO countries. They are all madmen and puppets of the World Economic Forum, the United Nations, the British royal family and the secret services in Washington and London.”


    “Assuming that after the end of hostilities in Ukraine, Russia still has the strength to invade the Baltic States, as they constantly claim, and an interest in inviting the entire NATO to the dance, then war would be looming.

    Assuming that the strategic thinkers in Washington came to the conclusion that Russia had been sufficiently weakened by the Ukraine war to dare to attack Russia, then war would be imminent.

    Both scenarios are on the borderline of absolute improbability.

    For Russia, too, waging war means bloodletting. Economic potential is tied up for war production, while at the same time gaps that can no longer be closed are created in the young, high-performing generation. In the event of war, the population is largely united behind the government, especially when their own actions - as in the Ukraine war - can be justified with patriotic arguments. But looking for a much bigger military campaign based on a victory in Ukraine would hardly be met with understanding or approval. The end of the war in Ukraine will be followed by a period of recovery and consolidation in Russia, unless Russia is attacked.

    In the USA and in the NATO staff, people have long been in the process of analyzing the results of weapons testing in the “Ukraine test site”, an attempt that has already cost between 60 and 100 billion dollars. The fact that further funding for this test is being refused by Congress – Democrats or Republicans – is a clear signal that direct military action against Russia has been postponed indefinitely.”


    “Why on earth does Germany have this close relationship with Israel? The State of Israel was not founded by Jews. Israel was founded by the Zionists. The Zionists are a political organization. At the time the Zionists were founded, almost all Jews in Germany were against this organization. And also against the founding of the State of Israel. Anyone who could count to three realized very clearly that the founding of Israel would only be possible with the expulsion of the Palestinians. And who wanted that? It didn't even take prophets to predict what would happen: death, war, ruin, expulsion, theft and mass murder. The State of Israel was paid for with rivers of blood. Do we want to deal with people like that?”

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