This attack on humanity is historically unique

Already in 2019 and long before that, Merkel and Co sat with Sahin at the conference (not at Wannsee) and developed plans on how to implement the WHO strategy and the American billionaires' agenda. Climate hysteria and corona fear were long-prepared tactics to control the population. The German Interior Ministry's plans included instructions on how to apply mass psychological findings (children with fear for their grandparents...)

The political class was sure of the editors-in-chief of the leading media. The highest courts were filled with informants. No resistance was to be expected from the princes of the official churches. Scientists who had already made a name for themselves in the swine flu case (Fauci, Ferguson and Drosten) were recruited and large bribes were paid. The totalitarian agenda could be implemented. The next wave of colds, which began in autumn or winter 2019 and was of medium severity, went according to plan.

In 1942, at the Wannsee Conference, Heydrich, Eichmann and other officials of the Nazi regime sat together and planned the extermination of the Jewish population, the decimation of the population of the conquered eastern territories and their colonization. Even then, Ukraine was a sought-after target for Western strategists. Bioweapons were not yet known back then. However, the Anglo-American elites could not stand idly by and watch Germany's plans for world conquest and had to defeat their competitors.

Totalitarian domination and the suppression of underclass uprisings have always been the goal of ruling elites. And securing power internally results in aggressiveness externally in every state structure. And due to the different speeds in the development of the productive forces, the strength ratios between states and groups of states change.

In capitalism, in which the level of returns is the only measure of success for economic development, there must always be collapses; there cannot be a constant and even upswing with an improvement in living conditions for everyone.

The fact that large parts of the population do not participate in social wealth and are repeatedly reduced to a minimum is not accepted without resistance. Politicians and the media are ready to ensure calm and bring other issues to the fore.

What is the purpose of the largest murder operation in history? Vulnerable and old people in particular are victims of corona injections. The more often the injections are given, the more deadly they are. Estimates put the death toll at 0,1% of the world's population, others put the figure at one hundred million.

That will not be enough for the ruling elites. The plan is therefore to produce all vaccines on an mRNA basis. This makes it possible to penetrate the human genome and limit their lifespan to the time in which their labor can be utilized. Direct killing programs or sterilization campaigns are then no longer necessary.

20 Replies to “This attack on humanity is historically unique”


    “We are dealing with two waves of bioweapons. The American cardiologist Prof. Peter McCullough gave a remarkable lecture to the EU Parliament on September 13, 2023. He calls “Ross and. Rider” of the first wave of disaster and suffering that swept the entire globe: a pathogen (SARS-CoV-2) constructed in the laboratory (USA, China).

    He names the subsequent, ongoing second wave of suffering as the injection of spike protein-transfecting modmRNA (incorrectly referred to as “vaccination”) and lists the potentially fatal effects that are now recognized as causal:
    1. Cardiovascular
    2. Neurological
    4. Immunological.
    He calls for the injections to be stopped immediately and points out that the public is being led to believe that the various complaints of modmRNA victims are due to “Long Covid.”

  2. “The ONS data is so important because there is no comparable data available here in Germany. The reason is, among other things, that for – presumably pretextual – reasons of data protection

    The vaccination status was not permitted on the death certificate - unlike in Great Britain. This means that the influence of the vaccination cannot be traced through official statistics for the German population.

    High quality ONS data on the English population

    The ONS data is high quality: it already takes into account the different proportions of the population per 100.000 according to vaccination status. The data is also age-stratified and even age-standardized. The advantages at a glance:

    Data for the entire English population including all deaths

    Finely divided according to vaccination status of 0-4 vaccination doses

    Vaccination status population proportion adjusted per 100.000 person-years

    Age-stratified finely divided across all age groups from 18-90+ years

    Age standardized

    Exact calculation based on person-years

    The result is devastating for the Covid vaccination. There are no advantages for vaccinated people in the overall risk-benefit balance. On the contrary: the results indicate a massive impact of the side effects at the expense of the overall risk-benefit balance. If the Covid mRNA vaccination has a positive effect, the side effects seem to exceed this.”

  3. I think that was just the first move. It is conceivable that we have been trained not to get vaccinated because the vaccinations do no good. In phase two you could release a virus that is actually dangerous. So that all lateral thinkers are wiped out at once.
    And there is an ultimate weapon that no one thinks about, after all, the pathogen (smallpox virus) has already been eliminated. But it still exists in laboratories, where people are secretly working on it to make it better and more dangerous. A few more generations and there will hardly be any people left who have had a vaccination against smallpox. Things could get really bad for us. God help us!

  4. “Since Britons were saved from SARS-CoV-2 with genetically modified broths passed off as vaccines, they have been dying in droves. The latest available analysis, which the Nobody Who Knows Everybody has just published on his Substack account, shows, based on a very clever idea, that those who are currently dying too much are in the majority saved from this fate by mod-RNA beneficence should."

  5. “The approval studies for the mRNA preparations were anything but clean scientific work. On the contrary, data was suppressed and diseases, infections and even deaths were shifted to the control group using various tricks. A recent study has shown that more deaths occurred in the vaccination group in the Pfizer approval study, but were concealed through tricks. The Moderna registration study has previously subjected TKP to critical evaluation, but new data has now emerged.”


    “We are now seeing a third false narrative. The first narrative was that the virus was untouchable, we had to stay in lockdown and be afraid. The second narrative was: take a vaccine, it is safe and effective. Now the third narrative: It is not the vaccine that is causing these problems, but Covid. The Covid seen in 2020 is causing all these problems in 2023. Please don't fall for this fairy tale. The medical literature at this point is overwhelming; the Bradford Hill criteria for causality are met. The vaccines are causing this huge wave of disease.”

  7. “Since then, we have had figures of births falling by up to 15% after the start of the vaccination campaign for women of childbearing age. Dr. James A. Thorp, a board-certified obstetrician and fetal medicine physician with more than 43 years of experience in obstetric care, calls vaccinating pregnant women "the most egregious violation of ethics in the history of medicine."


    “What I've described is obviously not just about breast cancer. I have heard from other pathologists that there are now an increased number of tumors that were previously difficult to see, i.e. very rare tumors, and that the number of cancer cases in various organs has increased. The changes I have described that appear to be associated with vaccination against Covid-19 are likely only a fraction of what happens in the body. I can say that I feel resigned. I studied medicine because I want to help people. But now it feels like I'm watching people being killed and there's not much I can do. People don’t listen to what I say and my colleagues even question my competence.”


    “In an interview with Steve Kirsch, a former police detective said that in about half of the SIDS cases she investigated, it was determined that the child had been vaccinated within the previous 48 hours. However, the coroners never mentioned the vaccinations on the death certificates, and the doctors were trained not to tell the parents.

    A former police officer reported that about 50% of the 250 cases of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) he investigated over seven years occurred within 48 hours of the child's vaccination. About 70% occurred within a week.

    She argued that this timing proves that vaccines are responsible for SIDS because the correlation would not have been observed if the deaths had occurred by chance."


    “This is a disaster, if you will, because it means that mod-RNA can be transferred into DNA in cell nuclei and thus integrated into the genome of the cell, ready for the permanent production of spike protein and ready to pass on to the next one to be inherited from generation to generation.

    If you are interested, we have described the connections in detail in this post.

    With these points, to

    DNA contamination of the mod-RNA spray liquids,
    the SV40 admixture in mod-RNA spray liquids,
    resulting from both increased likelihood of cancer, and DNA integration of mod-RNA

    A hearing will now be held by the World Council for Health. An online hearing on these issues will take place on October 9th from 18.00 p.m. (19.00 p.m. in Germany) with Kevin McKernan, Janci Lindsay, Sucharit Bhakdi, Byram Bridle, Peter McCullough, Brigitte König and Jessica Rose taking part.”

  11. Tobias Ulbrich:
    “Selin, who is now 18 years old, has had her blood vessels leaking again and again for two years.”

    Selin is doing poorly - she receives daily blood tests via a cardiac catheter. The body constantly forms blood clots. She's not the only one. Trembling for survival every day is torture and tension for the whole family. No doctor has been able to eliminate the causes so far.

    Thousands are affected by blood clot formation. The increase in heart attacks, pulmonary embolisms and strokes is not surprising when the blood looks like this. The video was made available to me today with approval for posting.
    #Thrombosis #Vaccine Injuries #VaccineInjuries #Side Effects #Vaccine Injuries”


    “An inquiry in New Zealand reveals the Health Ministry has issued secret vaccination exemptions for senior staff and doctors. The unvaccinated nurse, on the other hand, lost her job.

    In New Zealand, there was a draconian Corona regime under then Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. Many professional groups were subject to a de facto vaccination requirement - but this did not apply to everyone, as it now turns out. Hundreds of people there were officially (but secretly) exempt from mRNA treatment. All people are equal, some are more equal. Because Ardern said on TV to all New Zealanders that without vaccination you would lose your job.”


    “Don't you feel like this if the shot results in heart damage that completely throws your future plans into disarray, because you can claim damage to your health that goes beyond the usual level of a vaccination reaction under compensation law. What they don't tell you is that if you do that, you'll first find yourself facing the federal government in the form of a civil servant who will usually deny your claim, and then in court you'll be litigating against the same federal government's lawyers who are here advising you of your claims , only to dispute them in court.

    If this is not a moral abyss into which only certain evil fellows enter, then what is it?”

  14. ” You CAN sue Pfizer for fraud

    You ALWAYS could

    The evidence of fraud has ALWAYS been there and proven

    Some people HAVE sued - like Brook Jackson.

    Nothing has changed in terms of evidence of product adulteration. Over time, more evidence simply accumulated, including information about the DNA in the vials and the SV40 promoter sequence.

    Nothing has changed in the status of the Covid shots as an “EUA countermeasure under the public health emergency covered by the PREP Act.” Those who sue must still find a way to overcome the defenses of this legal fortress.”

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