Which alliances are necessary

Who would have thought that gender ideology would one day develop this power?

Originating in the highly privileged milieus of the American East and West Coast, it is spreading to the rich, affluent Western European societies. The biological imprint of male or female is no longer accepted. What used to be a rare medical issue is now becoming a societal battleground. Under pseudo-liberal auspices, a freedom is praised here that denies social conditioning and presents the individual with escapism, but in reality requires total, lifelong subordination to medical constraints. The surgical interventions cannot usually be compensated for and the hormonal substitution must be lifelong. Whether a normal lifetime is possible with it is not known.

In Christian circles or in social classes that would have been described as conservative before the Corona period, this ideology was never able to gain a foothold. It was quickly exposed as a cunning outgrowth of neoliberalism. Progressive thinkers recognized that here a total subjugation of the people under societal constraints would take place. The emancipatory character of the women's movement would be abolished. Who would have thought that conservative circles and the women's movement would have to pull together? Conservative Florida Gov. De Santis had to reinstate women's rights that neoliberals in the federal government wanted to end.

Christian circles and conservatives have always seen the preservation of creation and the domination of natural forces as a goal, while neoliberalism can only act in the interests of profit and uses the Greens or other currents depending on political expediency. Nuclear power and coal are suddenly environmentally friendly and tyrants in the Orient who torture and dismember their subjects become popular gas suppliers. That's why you have the Greens, who justify any volte at will. Farming in favor of American agro-corporations is disguised as environmental protection and citizens are supposed to tighten their belts. However, the alliance of Dutch farmers with dock workers shows the growing social awareness.

The Covid drama has revealed how much the leftist tinge of large sections of society has only masked excellent accommodation with prevailing neoliberalism. The war-hungry babble of Green top representatives (A. Hofreiter raves about tanks and howitzers that Ukrainians are supposed to use against Russia; according to J. Trittin, German tanks are supposed to be rolling in Ukraine so that they can be used there for peace and against Russia.) everyone should have opened their eyes. Suddenly, the few 68ers see themselves in an alliance with social forces that were described as conservative in the pre-Corona period.

The few national economists who predicted the world economic crisis are without exception at home in the “right” and conservative camp. Apparently, the enormous wealth of Western societies, in which large sections of the middle class could share, has so saturated intellectuals (including Habermas) that they have blocked themselves from any (Marxist) insight.

The fact that the olive greens are actually fascist also has an effect on what appears to be a side issue: C. Roth wants to set up a commission to inspect all the artworks at the Documenta in order to weed out any anti-Semitic ones. Yes, history does not repeat itself, if only as a farce: that neo-fascists pose as the persecutors of anti-Semitism.

The most fanatical supporters of measures against the alleged pandemic can be found in the camp of those who paint themselves left-wing: Baden-Württemberg and Lower Saxony against the rest of the world are staunch mask fans, Thuringia and Bavaria are stumbling behind.

But once there is no gas and inflation reaches forty percent or more, people can no longer be calmed down with climate, Covid or Putin. You will realize that in this society every last drop of oil will be pulled out of the ground, that infection with Covid or a similar virus has always been part of a cold season and that vaccination is a vicious deception.

Poorer classes and the middle class do not want to be the losers in the coming distribution struggles. The government's interventions in the so-called collective bargaining autonomy with one-off payments bring no relief to anyone, but may help with the Lower Saxony elections. It is doubtful whether the masking can be enforced again afterwards. It will soon be possible to force schoolchildren to do it. Kretschmann is already full of joy at being able to live out his sadistic tendencies.

But when things get serious and it's not just taxi drivers and farmers demonstrating on the streets, his police force has to hit harder and Michael Ballweg won't be the only political prisoner.

Who would have thought that gender ideology would one day develop this power?…

8 Replies to “What alliances are necessary”

  1. “In addition to the pharmaceutical industry, the digital industry is the biggest winner of the Corona measures. With every movement restriction, the cash register rings at the Internet companies. The digital industry earns more money from user data, the more accurate it is. Therefore, there is genuine interest in the global rollout of digital certificates, the preliminary stage of which is the vaccination card.

    The digital industry therefore has a number of manifest interests in the continuation of the corona pandemic and the vaccination campaigns. The owners are also largely identical to the pharmaceutical industry, namely the western oligarchs with their asset managers and funds such as Vanguard or Blackrock.

    That's why Twitter, YouTube, Facebook, Google and everyone else are taking radical action against anything that could disrupt their business. Above all, scientific findings that are critical of vaccination are perceived as damaging to business and must be eliminated. ”


  2. “We can hardly count the studies showing that COVID-19 vaccination / gene therapy offers at best fleeting protection against COVID-19. The empirical evidence is so overwhelming that one wonders how it can be that there are still people like Lauterbach and Dahmen who are door-to-door for Pfizer/Biontech/Moderna to get their product up their sleeves? But of course psychiatry knows cases of paranoid obsession.”


  3. “Not only do they not protect against contracting COVID-19, they actually induce COVID-19. In view of such a development, one has to ask the question whether COVID-19 would still be present to any significant extent if mass vaccination / gene therapy no longer existed or had existed. The question of what helped COVID-19 vaccines/gene therapies to prolong the pandemic is a question that would be important to answer. Who dares?

    The cure is worse than the disease, as they say in English: The treatment is worse than the disease, very loosely translated. Since COVID-19 vaccines / gene therapies have been available, one has to reformulate: the cure is cause for the disease - the treatment to eliminate the disease is the cause of this very disease. A number of bastions have been razed since the pandemic began. Trust in doctors and scientists is at a low point, basic democratic values ​​have been destroyed, political actors have been abandoned by all good spirits and now a revolution in curative treatment is looming: the vaccine, which creates the disease it is supposed to protect against .”


  4. Who still remembers: During the vote in the Bundestag on compulsory vaccination, S. Wagenknecht and A. Weidel were the only ones who made sensible speeches.

    “Large parts of the Covid law were thus prevented. The legal possibility of reintroducing the Green Passport in France could thus be averted. A bitter defeat for Macron.
    The authoritarian-liberal President of France, Emmanuel Macron, suffered his first serious defeat in his second term. The opposition from Jean-Luc Mélenchon's left-wing bloc and Marine Le Pen's right-wing party were able to prevent the extension of large parts of the Covid state of emergency in France in Parliament (National Assembly). "

  5. “On June 1, 2022, the federal government quietly introduced preferential treatment for refugees from Ukraine. They are no longer subject to the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act, can now immediately receive Hartz IV benefits, are not subject to any residence requirements and no longer need to have their financial situation checked. In addition, urban construction companies and housing cooperatives, for example in the eastern German states, have announced that all vacant and soon to be vacant apartments will be awarded exclusively to people from the Ukraine. All other apartment seekers, some of whom have been on the waiting lists for years, can queue up again. Anyone who thinks that the federal government is rewarding the war refugees from Ukraine for fleeing to Germany and not to Russia and for showing that they are particularly loyal to NATO only understands half the truth, because one can certainly assume that the traffic light coalition is mostly well-trained Recruit women from Ukraine as cheap labour. The requirement for employment in the programs of the "social labor market" is met with the receipt of benefits from the basic security. This is pushing the politically desired further expansion of the low-wage sector.”


  6. “It will affect those who can no longer pay the gas bill and who are already suffering from the massive increase in food prices, fuel costs and rents. It is the continuation of the policy that has been in place since the WHO declared the pandemic - a bottom-up redistribution.

    It gets worse: According to DB, the overall weaker economic development will dampen gas demand in the processing industry.

    But the point is that DB is considering a possible “gas substitution” for other energy sources – the bank cites hard coal and lignite in the power sector, while for households it predicts that “wood will be used for heating where this is possible”, while the industry will switch to oil derivatives, all contributing to lower gas demand. ”


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