An unprecedented decline in authority

The governments' offensive to expand their power and establish fascist structures has produced a wave of protest...

The offensive by governments to increase their power and set up fascist structures has generated a wave of protest.

A resistance movement has emerged worldwide that is becoming increasingly networked. The structural violence of our economic and social order is becoming apparent. But people have become more confident, they are questioning the old authorities. This applies to all areas of society.

  • More and more people are evading access to their physical integrity. There are forty million more vaccine codes issued than doses actually vaccinated.
  • All propaganda and disparagement of the unvaccinated no longer helps, large parts of the population see through the fraud and defend themselves against the blackmail.
  • All they have left for the Berlin government is a mocking smile. Many see the three-party coalition only as a transitional regime intended to bridge the time until the CDU has regained its composure.
  • But the resistance also gathers its forces and becomes cross-class. The Canadian truckers are setting an example.
  • In Europe, too, resistance is not waning, but is growing and uniting. The Monday demonstrations are a visible sign.
  • Some mayors threaten to use firearms and have to be brought to justice by level-headed police chiefs. You always need the police, but mayors who have gone mad must be held accountable.
  • How can one expect reason from the lower hierarchical levels when the head of government declares that he knows no red lines.
  • One would have expected common sense from the judiciary, but when the Constitutional Court declares its bankruptcy, the lower echelons of the judiciary know where things are headed.
  • Doctors who speak out are terrorized with searches and seizures. Doctor Javid-Kistel was visited for the third time on Monday. Lower Saxony's Weil could enjoy his power. But the doctor has experience from the GDR and knows how the regime collapsed.
  • Many heads of social institutions such as hospitals and retirement homes publicly warn of the loss of their employees if they are to enforce compulsory vaccination. Many employees who have put their heart and soul into their work are retiring. Some go to Switzerland, which is urgently looking for well-trained health professionals.
  • More and more people understand that the social deforestation was obviously prepared in advance in order to reduce the social costs.
  • No one expected that most of the teachers would fall into hysteria instead of reflecting on their pedagogical ethos and protecting their students. Bullying and authoritarian pressure are the order of the day. But many teachers organize themselves and clarify.
  • Occasionally one hears voices that want to warn against variants of Omicron; but the societal damage is so great that it is no longer heard.
  • The vaccination regime that has led to four hundred thousand deaths in the EU is faltering. Hundreds of thousands are permanently damaged and only have an uncertain lifespan ahead of them. Who enlightens the young people who survived myocarditis about their future fate? Who explains the reasons to young people who have lost grandma and grandpa to the vaccination? Who explains the reasons to pregnant women who have experienced miscarriages as a result of the vaccination?
  • What to say to people with cancer, whose cancer was under control until vaccination and who are now suffering from the budding? And the people who have been paralyzed and crippled after cerebral vein thrombosis. Maybe they signed a ridiculous information sheet that had nothing to do with real information.

The Germans must not learn that most of the neighboring countries have lifted all measures. But a turnaround comes too late, the social structures have been destroyed, many economic livelihoods have been destroyed. The damage is irreparable.

How ridiculous that the media should get upset about human rights violations in China. In any case, the Chinese do not decimate their people with lethal vaccine injections and old people are allowed to die a natural death.

Increase in deaths with initiation of vaccination

The physicist “Archi.medes” in the Corona blog:

The numbers show one unexpected death per 2.300 gene injections (total, orange 1st and 2nd, green 1st + 2nd + 3rd injection), the same for each campaign, in total up to now (end of January 2022) approx. 70.000 .

26 Replies to “An Unprecedented Decline of Authority”

  1. “And what you have acquired under the pretext “SARS-CoV-2” is of course not so easy to give back. An example is the Green Passport, the EU's COVID-10 certificate, which - it doesn't take much imagination to see this - is intended to serve as a basis for introducing a form of social accounts modeled after the Chinese model, accounts on which citizens accumulate points or minus points, depending on how much they want their political clowns and their whims."

  2. Even the smallest, barely detectable amounts of the spike protein on the cell surface are sufficient to cause cells to clump together and thus initiate cell death. In the original article, it was shown that the amount that resulted in cell fusion was not measurable.

    The S1 subunit of the spike crosses the blood-brain barrier - precisely this S1 subunit, which is particularly high in the blood after vaccination.

    The S1 subunit makes pneumonia and cardiac arrhythmias.

    The S1 subunit damages nerve cells from as little as 10 ng/ml.

    Shockingly, small amounts of the vaccine-induced spike protein can still be found in the blood 4 months after vaccination. bound to so-called exosomes.

  3. From Twitter:

    In the NS, people were forced to perform medical acts ➡️ In 1947, the Nuremberg Codex stated that people must not be forced to perform medical acts ➡️ Today it is said that anyone who does not allow themselves to be forced to perform medical acts is a Nazi

    Lawyer Ludwig

  4. Briefly summarized the most important information about "vaccination duty" in healthcare ‼️

    Nobody is forced to vaccinate.
    The employer does not have to release you, nor does he have to give notice!
    He can stand in front of you even as non-vaccinated staff!!
    This is the employer's loyalty test for its employees!
    Only the health department can and must take possible steps (possibly fine or ban on entry).
    This can take weeks and months!

    So my tip continues: Keep a cool head, wait and drink tea!!

    Here is my short video about it!

    Beate Bahner, specialist lawyer for medical law
    Author of the book "Corona vaccination: What doctors and patients should definitely know (”
    Member of the lawyers for education

    My telegram channel:

  5. It's so obvious. Horror stories like this come out almost every day.

    football district league

    Abandoned game in the Dortmund district league: "Players suddenly collapsed"

    In a district league game involving Dortmund and Schwerter, the game was abandoned on Sunday. Several players collapsed on the pitch.

    This game didn't even survive the first half. A district league C football game was canceled prematurely on Sunday. Both teams had players struggling with health issues.

    Source (


    Athletes, coaches and spectators of sporting events who suddenly and unexpectedly developed health problems or died since January 01.01.2021st, XNUMX.

    Number of documented cases: 615

  6. Comedian Heather McDonald collapses on stage and fractures skull after saying 'I'm vaccinated, double vaccinated, boosted and vaccinated for the flu'

    Stand-up comedian Heather McDonald collapsed and fractured her skull during a show in Tempe, Arizona on Saturday night. The 51-year-old was about to tell her second joke about vaccinations when she fell, according to TMZ:

    "Eyewitnesses tell TMZ ... the former 'Chelsea Lately' star was headlining the sold-out show when she cracked her second joke ... 'I'm vaccinated, double-vaccinated, boosted ... and flu shot and shingle shot and didn't get COVID and Jesus loves me most.'

    As soon as she told the joke, she collapsed and hit her head on the floor. At first everyone thought it was part of the acting, but it wasn't.

    ♟ Subscribe and share the channel ♟

  7. Everything except mainstream, [07.02.2022/22/52 XNUMX:XNUMX PM]
    [Redirected from Black Beard]
    Hello everyone,

    this letter was delivered to me!!! I don't think it should go was written by a nurse from the Bayreuth Clinic...and shouldn't remain hidden!!!

    An open letter from a nurse who once loved her job:

    When I told my parents back then that I wanted to be a nurse, I was laughed at at first.

    "You with your social quirk," said my father.

    And I should learn something sensible where I don't have to work so hard.

    Just like him – as a civil servant in the office.

    My “social tic” has continued to this day. I call "here" before anyone asks for help and I'm almost always the first one at the scene who wants to help.

    "Helper syndrome" some might call it - I call it empathy...

    There are now more than three decades in this thankless profession behind me.

    I had to realize very quickly that you always reach your limits.

    I've been spat on, scratched, hit, my hair pulled, and insulted in the worst possible way - by people I only wanted to help - by patients.

    I've been able to endure all of this so far, because I convinced myself that these people didn't really know what they were doing at that moment.

    I can also put up with the fact that I've broken my back over the years.

    I put up with the fact that I no longer have a normal sleep-wake cycle and sometimes cannot go back to sleep at 3.00:XNUMX a.m.

    I'll endure the years that I have to work until I retire - even if I'm older and more broken than some of my patients.

    But what is happening to us now, I cannot bear:

    We nurses, who two years ago were still described as "systemically relevant", are now to be retired.

    We're thrown away like a spoiled piece of meat.

    Yes, we are corrupt - by thinking and questioning.

    But does that give anyone the right to marginalize us?

    Are we no longer allowed to decide what happens to our body, which we repeatedly strain for our patients up to the pain limit so that they are still reasonably well?

    We work overtime and often work without a break - even at night.

    We step in when the ward manager asks us to, even though we may have just had something else planned and desperately need the day off to recover.

    We are getting more and more forms and regulations about what needs to be documented and how so that our employer can get the maximum benefit from working with patients.

    We are training new colleagues who do not understand our language and are supposed to replace missing staff.

    We also train doctors who have just left university and who are thrown in at the deep end and for whom their colleagues or senior physicians have no time.

    We are nurses, cleaners, psychologists, office workers and trash cans for the soul - all in one for our patients.

    Are we allowed to be exploited in such a way that the shop is kept running and then thrown out because we don't go along with all this vaccination madness?

    Do you really want to go so far that this whole sick system in the hospitals and nursing homes goes completely down the drain?

    Who will take care of you and your loved ones tomorrow?

    Your passionate nurse

    Even if Mr. Söder is rowing back at the moment until further notice!!!

  8. Jewish Holocaust survivor Vera Sharav:

    “I'm essentially here to address what immediately earns others the neo-Nazi label. I don't think you can call me a neo-Nazi. But I want to address the historical perspective. The story is very relevant to what is happening today, and in many ways it parallels and repeats itself.

    One of the most important parallels is extremely disturbing: the total collaboration of the medical establishment.

    […] Think about it clearly: being obedient means taking them to the slaughterhouse. This time they will not need gas chambers. The technology is far more sophisticated and far more dangerous. Because they can do everything remotely without people even knowing what is happening. That's why I say: Please wake up and wake up your neighbors. Don't let it happen again.”

    inner freedom (

  9. “So the man writes in all seriousness that he advocates compulsory vaccination in order to be vaccinated with a COVID-19 vaccine / gene therapy that has been shown to have ANY impact on the frequency of spread of SARS-CoV-2 from the research cited above, from which one In the meantime, I have to assume that it contributes to the infection process, makes people more susceptible to SARS-CoV-2, so that a correspondingly ineffective vaccine / correspondingly ineffective gene therapy can bring about the effect that COVID-19 vaccines / gene therapies have been proven not to have."

    1. Whether the "vaccination" is a vaccination or not and whether it is medically justifiable is of no concern to the CDU MP. He knows that the party leadership demands obedience, so an independent opinion never crosses his mind. That's why he repeats all the nonsense, as is expected of him.
      He also suspects that it is now not just about compulsory vaccination, but about the existence and privileges of an entire class. Canadian conditions should not occur. Such people are also uninhibited about the use of firearms. People like Schlagstocksaskia are preparing the ground for this.

  10. “We now know that significant long-term damage can be seen after just 2 doses. These are increased susceptibility to infection, hospitalization and death from corona infection, as we can clearly see from the data from other countries. The immune system has been weakened, and after a short transition period, V-AIDS occurs, i.e. Vaccine Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (immunodeficiency syndrome caused by vaccination).

    It also wakes up other dormant diseases and viruses, such as cancer, herpes zoster, shingles, and a host of other diseases.

    In addition, there are the massive side effects as a result of the vaccination itself, which are largely hushed up and covered up.”

  11. “In this final part of the investigation, these experts will tell us how an important part of the other side's agenda has to do with population control, or rather, eugenics. Eugenics got a bad rap after World War II, said Julian Huxley, the founder of UNESCO, but he and the very large group of people who supported the idea of ​​eugenics would soon be able to continue their efforts in this direction , he explained frankly. The parallels between what happened then, 80 years ago, and what is happening today cannot be overlooked, Vera Sharav will remind us.”

  12. Boosted people complain more and more often about a bad rash and itching ❗️

    Released today:
    “Pharmacists are reporting a sharp increase in customers seeking help with a rash after the booster vaccine. The 20-minute community is also suffering, and Swissmedic is investigating the reports.”

    It's all about this:
    -Pharmacies report an increase in customers who suffer from skin problems.
    -The booster vaccination is often given as the reason.
    -Even in the 20 Minutes community, many suffer from rashes and itching.

    My channel: @silberjungethorstenschulte

  13. Just for those who didn't get it:

    A 15-year-old dies after being vaccinated from one of the common side effects, heart muscle inflammation.

    But there is no third-party fault because the vaccination was accepted voluntarily. There was consent.

    So it's your own fault. Don't say I, says the appraiser!

    It's amazing what you can do with people.

    Covid 19 is not a disease but an intelligence test.

    I don't know who said that, but day by day - it's becoming more and more true.

    dr Bodo Schiffmann 9.2.22

  14. "I don't want to brag and I don't care, but I want you guys to know: double shot, boosted, flu shot and - I mean this really honestly - I've also been vaccinated against shingles. And I'm still getting my period... WHAT??? YEAH!!!
    Travelled, been to Mexico twice, done horseback riding, met people and never had Covid. It is perfectly clear: Jesus loves me most. Seriously. It's so beautiful, so beautiful..."

    Then she lay there...




    The unbraked impact causes her skull to fracture...


    It was one of the Nobel Prize winners addressed in the video above

    Speaking in Luxembourg last month, he said of the vaccination program:

    "It's a massive campaign of marketing rules to sell and impose products that kill. Fortunately not the whole world, but older and now younger, athletes and even children.

    These vaccines are poisons. They are not real vaccines. The mRNA allows its message to be transcribed uncontrollably throughout the body. No one can tell for each of us where these messages will go.

    So this is a terrible unknown.”

    With much respect and love, my sincere condolences to his family and to those who knew him. A much admired and courageous man


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