We are already in the "Great Reset"!

On the street, many people still walk around masked. The distance rules are still in force. In large parts of Germany, especially in the realm of the bavarian cardboard nose people are still being harassed and, full of fear and aggression, many still support this. In front of stores whose owners still believe in the government's narrative of the dangerous virus, queues of customers form until even they finally migrate to Amazon and the store has to close. Restaurants are trying to attract customers again, but the establishments are not really getting into the spirit of things. Staff are being kept on with difficulty, but no one knows how long this will last. The depressed, depressive mood prevails. It will be the second summer without a vacation abroad, on the Mediterranean....

Many people are still walking around masked on the street. The distance rules are still in place. In large parts of Germany, especially in the realm of the Bavarian cardboard nose, people are still bullied and full of fear and aggression, many still support this. In front of shops whose owners still believe in the government's story of the dangerous virus, queues of customers form until they finally have to migrate to Amazon and close the business. Restaurants are trying to attract customers again, but the companies are not really in the mood. The staff is kept with a lot of effort, but no one knows how long this will last. The depressed, depressed mood is prevalent. It will be the second summer without a vacation abroad, in the Mediterranean.

  • The airlines cannot recover on their own. The billions in subsidies are enough to avoid bankruptcy but not for longer prospects. A quick start-up of flight operations is out of the question because the fatal vaccinations of the pilots and flight personnel can lead to uncertainty and failures. Four deadly effects of the vaccinations on perfectly healthy British Airways pilots who otherwise would not have felt a corona virus until they were eighty-fourth, these can only be with great difficulty withheld. One would also not want to imagine that the fatal blow would hit the vaccinated pilot during an Atlantic flight.
  • Now the labor courts have uncovered the precarious working conditions in the care of the elderly. Workers from Eastern Europe have to take care of the care for five euros or less per hour. It should stay that way by declaring the nursing staff to be self-employed. The SPD and the Greens (Schröder and Fischer) introduced this legal trick and made themselves popular. It is hard to imagine that the government will allow an increase in social costs, of all things, in the Corona crisis. The losers will be the old people again.
  • Free lessons for children of all grades have not existed for a long time. Many parents invest in their children's education. Not everyone can afford it and the social divide is deepening. The government is promoting this division with canceled classes and so-called alternating classes. Before the last election, the SPD promised education for everyone on huge posters and after the election it talked about Kassensturz; now there is talk of Kassensturz even before the election. The media will iron this issue down so that everyone still decides to vote. In order to act pseudo-liberal, they prefer to get upset about Viktor Orban and demand more women on company boards; the social conditions should in any case remain that way. An upswing for the digital corporations, an expansion of their rule, the Corona parties have nothing else in mind.

The Corona crisis was a sharp attack on the living conditions of the masses and to consolidate the rule of the elites. The talk of the Delta variant and of alternating lessons shows that the political class wants to continue like this. The resistance has reached a breathing space for the summer, but the media barrage will surely return to top form from October onwards.

Norbert Haring:

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