Science in the grip of power

The PCR test for Sars-Cov-2 does not indicate an infection. The test also says nothing about a disease. Even with uniform standards, the test would not provide useful information. Covid-19 disease cannot be distinguished from influenza: There are no specific symptoms and no specific treatment. The disease is treated in the same way as influenza has always been treated….

The PCR test for Sars-Cov-2 says nothing about an infection.

The test also says nothing about a disease.

Even with uniform standards, the test would not provide any useful information.

Covid-19 disease cannot be differentiated from the flu: there are no specific symptoms and no specific treatment.

The illness is treated the same way as flu has always been treated before.

Chronicity is an invention of the media. There have always been long-term effects of the flu in rare cases.

The PCR test is unsuitable for finding the virus due to its unspecificity.

Sars-Cov-2- has now mutated and has long since largely lost its pathogenic effect.

As in previous years, there are currently patients in hospitals who suffer from virus-related pneumonia.

We still have what is known as sub-mortality in Germany.

The so-called new infections reported daily are purely an instrument of power. They have nothing to do with real infections.

If, as in the spring, over four thousand doctors and nurses are put on short-time work, this will certainly overload the health system.

Dr. Wodarg already knows the haggling of power and knows that Galileo is undesirable when power takes hold of science. Then all previous friends turn away and pay homage to power.

Meanwhile, Prof. Bhakdi is increasingly playing the role of Giordano Bruno. He does not want to accept that forty thousand scientists who reject the Corona measures are nothing for the government. Science as a tool of the mighty, this sacrilege is deeply repugnant to a scientist like Prof. Bhakdi

4 replies to “science under power”

    1. Galileo Galilei shared with Copernicus the view that the earth revolves around the sun and created the heliocentric worldview around the middle of the fifteenth century. He was charged several times for this and should be revoked.
      The monk Giordano Bruno further developed the worldview and was perceived as a threat to spiritual and secular rule; he did not retract and was burned at the stake.
      If the findings of science contradict those in power, they are suppressed, that was the case 500 years ago.
      It is said that history does not repeat itself, but also that the repetition of tragedy becomes a farce.

  1. Prof. Dr. Michael Esfeld
    Ordinary Professor of Philosophy of Sciences Université de Lausanne, CH-1015 Lausanne
    Member of the Leopoldina
    -mail: michael.esfeld@unil.c
    To the President LeopoldinaLausanne, December 8, 2020
    Dear colleague Haug,
    I was dismayed to note the Leopoldina's statement published today, which states: “Despite the prospect of the vaccination campaign starting soon, it is absolutely essential from a scientific point of view to reduce the number of new infections, which is still significantly too high, quickly and through a hard lockdown drastically. ”This statement violates the principles of scientific and ethical honesty on which an academy like the Leopoldina is based. With regard to dealing with the spread of the coronavirus, there is no scientific knowledge that justifies certain political recommendations for action, such as a lockdown. We are dealing with the usual situation of a scientific controversy in which various points of view are represented with reasons: • Within the narrow circle of experts in virology and epidemiology, the strategy for dealing with the spread of the coronavirus is controversial. The side of virologists and epidemiologists, who call for tough political measures, is opposed to another side of virologists and epidemiologists, who for reasons only recommend protection that is focused only on the risk groups, as expressed for example in the Great Barrington Declaration written by leading medical professionals A wider circle of scholars is highly controversial as to whether the benefits of strong political measures such as a lockdown outweigh the damage it causes - damage to future years of life that will be lost in Germany and other developed countries as a result of a lockdown, deaths from a renewed rise in poverty in developing countries etc. There are numerous scientific studies according to which the lost years of life will far exceed the maximum achievable benefit of saved life years. • Ethically, there are reasons, especially in the tradition going back to Immanuel Kant, fundamental freedom to consider the rights and dignity of man to be inviolable even in the current situation. Human dignity includes, in particular, the freedom to be able to decide for themselves what the respective person regards as a worthy life for them and what risks they are willing to take for this purpose in their social contacts - in such a situation more scientifically and ethically The Leopoldina should not use its authority to draw up unilateral statements that purport to scientifically substantiate a certain political position.
    I would therefore kindly ask you to withdraw the relevant statement immediately as a statement from the Leopoldina.
    Prof. Dr. Michael Esfeld
    Chair of Philosophy of Science
    University of Lausanne
    Member of the Leopoldina since 2010

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