Doctors and political class play the balls

The test used to detect the virus by throat swab is nonsense except in very exceptional cases. Contact with the virus is usually harmless and is not noticed by most people, while others suffer from flu symptoms. If one is tested and the result was negative, contact with the virus can still occur in the next minute....

The test, which is used to detect the virus through a throat swab, is nonsense apart from large exceptional cases. Contact with the virus is usually harmless and is not noticed by most people, while others suffer from flu symptoms. If you are tested and the result was negative, you can still have contact with the virus in the next minute.

The antibody test now available, however, offers the possibility of proving that contact with the virus has taken place and immunity has arisen as a result. This test can be useful to counter discrimination. Some blood is drawn for the test and the laboratory charges a fee of around twenty euros.

It is irresponsible how the great Zampano from the Berlin Charitè continues to fuel the hysteria and fear. He unscrupulously exploits the reputation of the doctors and basks in the admiration of the media: The “star” has chosen him to be Germany's savior! He rattles about a drug against the virus and speculates about how the official approval process can be circumvented. Why doesn't he recommend “Tamiflu”, which has helped so well against swine flu that all the profits (billions) have come to the pharmaceutical company but nobody else? Now he's preparing the ground for the next coup. And in support of the political coercive measures, he warns of an alleged second wave of the virus spread. Without hesitation, the media take over the talk about the speed of the spread but do not at the same time explain that it is not the spread of a disease and not a malicious virus but the annual flu wave. Who was interested in and reported about the 2017/18 flu wave, which claimed twenty-five thousand deaths? The manipulation knows no bounds, in the meantime television is already penetrating the intensive care units, which are yawning empty at the moment, and is showing prime time recordings of half-dressed people connected to devices. Public life is being paralyzed with all might.

Block dwelling is increasingly spreading. It is still harmlessly justified with solidarity with the elderly and the sick, but that can quickly turn into discrimination. With the Nazis it was the Jews ... And doctors as helpers of the regime, Germany has experience with that.

Only at the height of the economic crisis will it not matter to the millions of unemployed whether the blame is put on the Corona virus or the Mini-Brüning, who heads the Ministry of Finance, the failure of the political class is too obvious.

3 replies to "Doctors and political class play the balls to each other"

    1. Our reputable media outdo each other with fact checks. But you have to put quotation marks. These “fact checks” either refute something that was not asserted at all, or they simply contrast interpretations of numbers with another interpretation, or they dispense with numbers entirely and simply claim the opposite.
      The magazine “Correctiv” got on this black ice and promptly fell by contenting itself with counter-claims for the sake of simplicity.
      The “mirror”, which is known to be unable to tell fiction and truth apart, uses the nasty method of slander by telling Dr. Wodarg moves closer to the citizens of the Reich. As for the matter, he only has to say that the virus is new after all. As a justification he gives that it is more dangerous. That would turn out to be. Although he probably has a science desk, he feels infected immediately. He doesn't know a difference or he'd rather not talk about it.
      The “star” who published the Hitler diaries prefers to forego arguments and elevates Mr. Drosten to the rank of pop star. He is not entirely wrong.
      The Tagesschau had a violent campaign against the Federal President and nobody apologized when everything turned out to be a fake. She now has no qualms about frightening the audience with the irrelevant rate of propagation and equating virus contact and illness. For them, the fact that John Hopkins is financed by American billionaires is not worth mentioning.
      Serious fact cookies, none. Trendy reporting is more likely to be true.

  1. When criticizing doctors, I am immediately there. From personal experience, I have great respect for the skills of the surgeon. In their work, you can quickly see whether their work was successful. They also have no white coat effect as a placebo. With most other doctors, I feel that if they knew the pilot's flying skills were as good as their ability to make correct diagnoses, they would never board a plane. The nonsensical Numerus Clausus regulation makes everyone feel compelled to study medicine with a one-school diploma. In the field of visual arts, one would know that talent is a part of this. Medicine is also possible without.

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