Eighty percent of “vaccinated” women lose their child

The press and television want to distract attention and prefer to talk about the climate. Sudden deaths after injections are creating vacancies in factories and public administration, and many are happy to be able to move up sooner than expected. The same phenomenon was observed in Germany during the Nazi era when Jews were expelled.

And not only the elderly who unsuspectingly underwent the injections are now suffering from tough, stubborn respiratory infections, but the health of athletes is also ruined.

In football, the clubs do not find high-performance athletes to move up so quickly, so that they unexpectedly have to vacate their usual top spot.

The Pfizer documents show that the fatal consequences of the injections were already known in 2020.

  • Eighty percent of women who are vaccinated lose their child and children. Those that survive are damaged and have chromosomal damage.
  • The number of births is falling dramatically in Western Europe and the USA.
  • Men become infertile in large numbers. The toxic spike protein accumulates preferentially in the reproductive organs, which are heavily supplied with blood.
  • The spike protein also settles in the brain and causes mad cow disease (BSE). The people concerned are quickly buried without any special pathological examinations taking place.
  • The rate of cancer is exploding. One also speaks of “turbo cancer”.

What is the goal of genetic interventions?

  • Alleged overpopulation has been an ongoing issue for many years.
  • The public discussion repeatedly raises the issue that the social costs would increase and would soon no longer be affordable. Retirement homes, hospitals and pension payments could no longer be financed. Old people would live at the expense of the young.
  • People would get too old and therefore healthy people would have to work until their seventieth year.

The Nazis weren't the first and only ones to study the human gene pool. As early as the XNUMXs, American billionaires were considering how targeted genetic interventions could influence the usability of people as workers. They also found the age of retirement of retired people much too high.

Today, the age at death after the start of drawing a pension can be manipulated through genetic interventions. Fine control has not yet been achieved, however.

Even when it comes to birth control, the instruments are still too crude. If eighty percent of women miscarry after the injection, the measures have gone too far. And the propaganda effort to cover up the measures is enormous.

But the goal of a small stratum of billionaires reaching the biologically possible age of XNUMX while working people live not long past retirement is within reach. Genetic manipulation will therefore definitely continue.

The dissolution of the traditional family and the decoupling of gender from its biological basis are cultural developments that, not coincidentally, accompany scientific "progress".

As can be seen, there is no major change until the first quarter of 2021, apart from the usual seasonal variation. In the second quarter of 2021, the proportion suddenly increased by 9,4 percent compared to the average of the two previous years, in the fourth quarter of 2021 the proportion of pregnant women who lost their child estimated in this way is 19,6 percent higher than in the previous two years

Prof. Kuhbandner in "multipolar"

20 Replies to “Eighty percent of “vaccinated” women lose their child”

  1. https://tkp.at/2023/04/27/pfizer-finanzierte-gruppen-die-fuer-impfzwang-stimmung-machten/

    “Tkp reported this month about the relationship between Pfizer and Caritas. The Catholic aid organization received 2020 euros from Pfizer in 100.000, and in 2021 it was almost 50.000 euros.

    The managing director of Caritas then demanded in November 2021 - when "3G" had already applied in the workplace - that vaccination regulations in the workplace be tightened. He wanted 2G in the workplace.”

  2. https://www.manova.news/artikel/ampelpolitik-fur-reiche

    ” The market demanded efficiency, which means: private and municipal clinic operators sewed the staff ceilings to the brim. Overwork and then the need to vaccinate last year drove a lot of professionals to flee.

    And the two-tier medicine is no secret either: Those with statutory health insurance have been lagging behind for many years.

    In line with the market, more and more hospitals are banning less lucrative sectors. They closed maternity and children's hospitals, women's wards, laboratories and emergency rooms. Doctors on call and fast ambulances have long been in short supply, especially in rural areas. "

  3. https://www.mwgfd.org/2023/03/gesunde-90-jaehrige-in-den-tod-gespritzt/

    “In December 2022, the almost 90-year-old mother died. She has also been vaccinated against COVID. Even three times, in April, June and November 2021, with the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine Comirnaty. The woman, who had been healthy and vigorous for her age, then became weaker and died on December 05, 2022, more than a year after the last vaccination. dr Roman Schiessler also had an autopsy performed on his mother, on Dr. Helmut Luck, primary pathologist at the Amstetten State Hospital. With the following finding: “More pronounced myocarditic changes were found in the area of ​​the AV node (atrioventricular node), which is of crucial importance for the transmission of electrical excitation to the myocardium. It is therefore possible to conclude that the death was caused by cardiac arrhythmias, which in turn are caused by lymphocytic myocarditis.

    The positive detection of Sars-Cov2 spike protein with the simultaneous absence of the Sars-Cov2 nucleocapsid suggests that lymphocytic myocarditis is a reaction to the Covid vaccination with an ultimately fatal outcome. The practically complete absence of comorbidities, which one usually finds in the age group of the deceased, also speaks for the importance of the vaccination as a triggering cause year after the last vaccination (!) there is still plenty of spike protein in the damaged organ areas.

    The example of Helene Schiessler shows that we have to assume that the so-called COVID "vaccination", which is probably the greatest pharmaceutical crime in living memory, took away valuable remaining time from countless older people. The clues and evidence of this crime are on the table! It is now the duty of the judiciary and politicians to further investigate this crime and to hold the perpetrators accountable. The task of the media is to truthfully present numbers, data and facts and thus the extent of what happened, as required by the press code, and to accompany the now urgently needed work-up in the media! Who is silent makes himself complicit! "

  4. Many doctors and scientists warned at the beginning of 2020 that panic-mongering, lockdowns and restrictions in hospitals would increasingly claim victims from other diseases. Examinations, treatments and operations did not take place. The hospitals were significantly understaffed in 2020, as the statistical offices reported in retrospect, in Austria, for example, by 18% less.


  5. “The psychological techniques used by the UK Government fall within this definition of coercion. It follows that, according to Public Health England, and at least to the general public, consent to vaccination has been overruled by the conduct of the UK Government. It is also important to highlight that there have been serious injuries and deaths directly related to the Covid-19 vaccine. Many of those injured or deceased would not have been vaccinated had it not been for psychological pressure, fear of social ostracism and/or accurate information."


  6. https://tkp.at/2023/05/01/mit-blindheit-geschlagen/

    “…we, who see how the calamity has been spreading since 2020 after years of preparation, have to be defamed as fantasists and declared to be undesirable people. The collective perception is fixed and does not tolerate deviations. Like the blind, everyone follows the white line on the ground and looks neither left nor right.

    Wells' allegory describes the drama of all social lies. No matter how plausible, logical and evidence-based the enlighteners argue: the closed society does not want to be freed from its hypnotic trance. It pulls the ground out from under their feet.

    The powerless who voluntarily submit simply want to believe that a well-known disease is new, injections of gene coding for a highly toxic substance protect health..."

  7. “In examining the Pfizer documents, Dr. Wolf concludes that one motive underlying this monstrous enterprise is "a war on women's reproductive capacity."
    "What a beast 16 percent look at reproductive disorders [in their studies] and move on," lamented the longtime feminist.

    She goes on to refer to the Pfizer records as "Nazi medicine" because they detail the hundreds of thousands of unwanted attacks on women's reproductive organs.
    This phenomenon is "not universal," Wolf shared. “This decline, this murder of the next generation, is not global. He focuses on Western Europe and North America.”

    Item 11: The LNP damaged the rudiments of masculinity in the testicles of boys in utero when their mothers had been injected. So these are monsters, and you can't help but notice that they're out to disrupt human reproduction.

    “Moreover, Report 37 reveals reproductive harm to boys in the womb of their vaccinated mothers.

    Wolf explained how the Pfizer documents disclose that the LNP "weakens young boys in utero" by penetrating "the testicles of fetal little boys" and "the Sertoli and Leydig cells, which are the actual producers of manhood." , damage.

    These cells “are responsible for the male hormonal balance that produces traits like deep voices, body hair, broad shoulders and all the other things we associate with normal masculinity. And that is now being compromised.

    So we don't know if these little boys from vaccinated mothers will be able to grow into sexually functioning adult males," she warned.


  8. https://sciencefiles.org/2023/05/02/uebrigens-die-uebersterblichkeit-ist-nicht-verschwunden-sie-besteht-fort/

    “All the initial conditions suggest that mortality is falling.
    However: It is increasing and is above the corresponding daily average for the years 2022 to 2023 on almost every day in 2016 and 2020.

    These data only allow the interpretation that COVID-19 shots not only had NO mortality-reducing effect at all, but rather had and have a mortality-increasing effect. Pfizer/Biontech/Moderna medicinal juices don't save lives, they eliminate lives. There is no other way of interpreting these results.”

  9. “Those responsible for sitting on this data and NOT ringing the alarm bells from morning to night are accomplices with those who have lied to the population about the “safety” of the experimental COVID-19 sprays and continue to lie in order to protect themselves from prosecution protection."


  10. https://www.manova.news/artikel/wir-uberzahligen

    “It is clear that the question of population reduction is inevitably linked to the question of who is superfluous and who is not, that is, who is useful or not, and is thus closely linked to the issue of eugenics. This shakes a taboo that has remained intact in Germany since the Nazi era: namely, that there is no such thing as a life that is not worth living. "

  11. "Dr. Alexander explains the fraudulent study that was supposed to get approval for remdesivir:

    They made a methodological error by changing the primary endpoint of the protocol because they didn't see any benefit in mortality etc., the outcomes that are important to patients. Also this morning, the LANCET study by Wang et al. published showing that remdesivir fails and is very, very harmful. There was also the failed Ebola study with massive damage and deaths from remdesivir. So they changed the secondary outcome to the primary outcome, time to clinical recovery… outcomes that are no longer relevant to patients like death or hospitalization etc.”


  12. “The German pension fund still had a deficit of 2019 billion euros in 6,5! But now, less than two years since the start of the Covid vaccination, the same pension insurance company was able to inform the German Press Agency that it expects a surplus of 2,1 billion euros due to the high mortality rate.

    Inserted excerpt from the program "The Death Countdown is On!" (www.kla.tv/17843):
    "All death lists in the world to date have shown that up to this point, i.e. December 30, 2020, there has been no higher death rate than in normal flu years, rather lower."

    Manager Magazin brought these facts to light on December 28, 2022 under the title, I quote: “Full coffers! Higher Mortality Helps Pension Funds Exceed Billions.” “It has come to light that Pfizer and the FDA knew from the start that the injections were damaging the hearts of minors, and yet they waited months before publicly telling the public about this tragedy.

    It has come to light that during the first 12 weeks of vaccine introduction, 61 people died from stroke - half of the stroke side effects occurred within days of the injection - and that 5 people died from liver damage, with many others dying Liver damage occurred shortly after the injection.
    All sorts of neurological events have come to light, cardiac events, strokes, cerebral hemorrhages, and blood, lung and leg vein clots on a large scale. It has come to light that headache, joint and muscle pain are the most common harmful events. Nevertheless, these were not given as a warning by the authorities as a recurring side effect.

    Then came the clearly recognizable harrowing all-round attacks on human reproductive capacity: with damage to the testicles, sperm count, sperm motility, etc.; there is damage to the ovaries, the placenta, also to menstrual cycles. It has come to light that over 80 percent of vaccine-related pregnancies ended in spontaneous abortion, termination, or miscarriage. It has further come to light that 72 percent of certain harmful events occurred particularly in women, and that 16 percent of these were "reproductive disorders," as Pfizer puts it. A dozen or more names have come to light for the disruption of menstrual cycles in adult and adolescent women.”

  13. “You can clearly see the dark spots, the leukocytes, which attack nerve cells in the brain and render them harmless because the cells produce the Pfizer/Biontech or Moderna spike protein. The result of this process is permanent damage to the brain, resulting in neurological disorders ranging from loss of speech and consciousness to personality changes and, of course, death such as stroke.
    All of the damage described here is long-term damage that will set in sooner or later in those who have been vaccinated, whether all of those who have been vaccinated or just some of those who have been vaccinated is ultimately a question of the quality of the COVID-19 shot that was given to them. All of the damage described occurs over the long term because the spike protein from Pfizer/Biontech and Moderna has destroyed cells in the body of those who have been injected that cannot be restored or reconstructed and the absence of which results in long-term consequences, consequential damage that one can then just have to wait.


    Burkhardt calls his results devastating and alarming for the long term, which already makes it necessary to make them available to the widest possible public.”

  14. https://www.auf1.tv/corona-fakten-auf1/geburtenrueckgang-4-von-5-ungeborenen-sterben-eine-folge-der-mrna-spritzen/

    “Nine months after the start of the vaccination campaign, there was a dramatic drop in the birth rate. The Pfizer approval study, the publication of which first had to be obtained in court in the USA, showed that four out of five unborn babies died after their mothers had been injected with genes. This is exactly what Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi warned about in August 2022 in the AUF1 interview.”

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