They just throw the billions around

One hundred billion for the defense industry, which makes the defense companies very happy, but immediately there are calls for the government to inject billions more. After all, the soldiers have to have decent boots, and they can't do without radios. So the arms budget has to be increased...

One hundred billion for the armaments industry makes the armaments companies very happy, but demands are soon being made that the government pushes in more billions. The soldiers have to have decent boots and they can't do without radios either. So the armaments budget must be increased.

If short-time work, which is another name for unemployment, increases because the east is no longer a sales area for German goods and at the same time the western countries are impoverished and can no longer buy German cars, then German prosperity must be secured through increased production of armaments will. After all, you have to create peace and defend the well-fortified democracy. That's why this famous government is supplying even more weapons to Ukraine. The western part of the country has not yet been occupied by Russian troops. Volunteers from all over the world are being trained and armed there. NATO doesn't want to take any country out of its care that quickly. It also took her more than twenty years to establish order in Afghanistan. This is what Trittin meant when he called for more arms deliveries to Ukraine.

But that doesn't change anything about the increase in petrol prices, which is why a little is subsidized here too. A billion is nothing. If it at least got through to the consumer; but if it is paid at all, it will reach the corporations again. The government must immobilize the powerful oil companies.

And there should be a bargain for green voters: a monthly ticket for three months should cost nine euros. Then the elections in North Rhine-Westphalia will be over, but the general rise in prices has long since reached into the wallet of the little man. And the protagonists of this republic scornfully announce that "we" could freeze for freedom, knowing that they will certainly not be among the freezes.

The green voice puppet in the foreign ministry can't negotiate the Russian gas either, so the green minister had to hurry to the Orient and serve in front of the head-off Emir to initiate gas deals before Russia initiates an energy embargo. Because the environmentally friendly fracking gas from the USA is far from sufficient for Germany's needs. Again, billions are at stake.

First the financial sector received more than ten billion from cum-ex deals, then the billions in donations went to the pharmaceutical industry and now it's the defense industry's turn. Soon it will be said that wage demands have to be moderate, ie below the rate of inflation, and soon we will also be freezing for freedom.

And in the fall they want to do the foul magic with the masquerade and he asymptomatic transmission again. It is questionable whether there will still be enough members of the Covid sect. After all, excess mortality has risen sharply since the vaccination campaign and the boosters damage people so badly that the belief in vaccination is finding fewer and fewer followers.

22 Replies to “They just throw the billions around”

  1. “JUST IN – Germany: Starting tomorrow, food giant #Aldi will increase prices for 400 products by up to 30% and expects other discounters such as Lidl, Edeka and Rewe to follow suit.

    According to the Funke media group, the discounter expects the purchase prices for groceries to continue to rise by 20 to 50 percent in the coming weeks.

  2. “We already know from the previous year that deaths have increased parallel to the vaccination campaign, which can be seen from the excess mortality. On the other hand, there was no excess mortality in 2020, although we were allegedly exposed to a deadly virus without protection. The variants observed in 2021 were significantly less dangerous with a greatly reduced infection fatality rate.

    Even the delta variant was well below the infection mortality rate of a normal flu. With Omicron we have arrived at the realm of a normal cold or a cold. At least for the unvaccinated.

    The vaccinated have higher Covid mortality. There is also mortality as a side effect of vaccination. And more and more other diseases are now being added, since the innate immune system has been massively weakened, up to vaccine AIDS.”

  3. “If the myocarditis remains untreated, some of the patients develop life-threatening arrhythmias or progressive heart failure. In children, these numbers are alarmingly high: 80% of affected children develop chronic heart disease if myocarditis is untreated. [13]

    What is particularly insidious about myocarditis is that life-threatening cardiac arrhythmias or progressive cardiac insufficiency can suddenly occur even after inconspicuous symptom-free periods of months or even years - even after supposed recovery. [14-17].”

  4. “Are you no longer able to make decisions for yourself after the age of 50? Do older people have to be incapacitated? When it comes to other treatments, are they no longer allowed to decide for themselves whether they want that or whether they want or accept an earlier death? In Western society, unlike in Asia, there is a fairly widespread disregard for older people. This is probably one of the reasons for mandatory vaccinations over 50.

    In any case, it is very clear in this age group that it is not about protecting others, but about protecting yourself. The compulsion to do so is indeed deeply reprehensible and contradicts the most fundamental human rights.

    Since the start of mass vaccinations with the two mRNA vaccines from BioNTech/Pfizer and Moderna and the vector vaccine from AstraZeneca, reports of deaths and sometimes serious side effects have increased in a way that has never been the case with any other vaccine. And that especially in old people's and nursing homes.
    The double-zero vaccination law is a license to kill with a certain statistical probability.

    Or as critical judges and public prosecutors put it at the hearing in the German Bundestag: "The state deliberately kills people with compulsory vaccination."

    The probability of killing by the mRNA injection is now quite high, not only as a direct result of vaccination, but also by weakening the immune system to the point of destroying it, resulting in vaccine AIDS. The next disease, especially cancer, will almost certainly lead to death.”

  5. Professor Homburg:
    “The mainstream media and #ethics council are only now realizing that masks harm children.

    Parents, teachers, judges and reviewers who have been saying this for two years will be prosecuted. Are more house searches threatening, Minister @GruenerDirk
    ? "

  6. Only at 50, now at 60, vaccination should come. It's like playing roulette.
    Do our political losers believe that this allows someone to be vaccinated who doesn't want it. Certainly not, that shows once again the failure of our government, led by Lauterbach with its pronounced need for recognition.

  7. “Rose and Malone report an increase in the number of reports with the number of vaccinations, ie with the second vaccination/treatment the number of side effects increases compared to the first and with the third it increases compared to the second, so one can conclude that from vaccination / treatment to vaccination / treatment the number of side effects increases."

  8. “In all countries where clean and detailed records are kept, it is found that the more time has elapsed since vaccination, the proportion of vaccinated people in hospital outweighs it. There are a number of reasons for this, such as the weakening of the innate and adaptive immune system, the increase in tolerance of the immune system to the virus through repeated vaccination, antibodies that increase the infection, hereditary antigens (even with new variants, the immune system only produces antibodies against the vaccinated variant) and finally vaccine AIDS, a general, severe immunodeficiency."

  9. “Well – the evidence from overcrowded child psychiatric wards tells me that we who still feel these facts are not the lunatics. And this is just the damage already visible, the absolute tip of the iceberg. The harm we have done to our children is an undeniable fact - it is FACT. ”


    “The decisive result of the study is that the second MRI examination also found two findings that are diagnostic for permanent heart damage such as scarring and prognostic for severe cardiac complications such as death from heart failure.

    And these two findings were still found in 11 and 12 of the patients, respectively. Since increasing age is inevitably accompanied by the loss of more heart muscle cells due to banal aging processes, such pre-damage at a young age is extremely problematic because it can lead to premature cardiac insufficiency and is therefore very likely to have a significantly life-shortening effect.

    In fact, the data is clear. The modRNA injections should never have been approved, but since this was done against all evidence, the conditional approval would have to be withdrawn immediately and it would be high time to do serious investigations into how many people have already been harmed and what interests were behind that it could even come to this”

  11. “How stupid were we!

    From someone who is still looking:
    It's just awful what's happening here. It's bad that we saw it coming and people made us out to be complete idiots. The vaccinated somehow all have problems with the pump but do not admit it. They probably don't know either, since TV says there are no side effects. We also have people with real illnesses. Cancer, cysts, cardiac arrhythmias including pacemakers”

  12. “Week by week, the number of strokes reported to the WHO is increasing. Compared to May 2021, the number is now 300 percent higher.
    WHO data, evaluated by Uppsala University, show a significant increase in strokes. The increase is so marked and persistent that a connection with the Covid vaccination can be assumed.

    In mid-May, well under 5.000 cases per week were reported, since then it has been up almost every week. In the first week of April there are now almost 20.000 cases. ”

  13. Dear Prof. Dr. Schwab,
    'We for Humanity' is an initiative by a group of Holocaust survivors and
    was founded by their descendants. From our historical experience we warn:
    It is the end of every pluralistic democratic society when medicine,
    Economy, education, science, justice, culture and media to the dictates of the political
    subordinate to the executive.
    It takes common sense to realize that this is exactly what is happening.
    You have to know the history to realize that this is already the case in Germany
    has happened.
    It takes empathy and your heart to be in the right place to experience déjà vu and
    worried about his country, about his fellow human beings.
    And just when this dreadful lockstep has social life in its grip,
    it takes a lot of courage to talk about it.
    We write to you with deep sympathy and gratitude for having the mind, the
    decency, the heart and the courage to face injustice, ignorance and a never
    to oppose existing contempt for human beings.
    The word "Holocaust" is about 2.500 years old and stands for annihilation, as a synonym for the
    original meaning, namely animal sacrifice by burning. So there are many
    given to the holocaust. When Stalin starved to death millions of peasants in Ukraine in 1933
    left, it was a holocaust. The almost complete extermination of the Indians was a holocaust,
    also what Turks have set up in Armenia. But there's a reason we're at
    the comparison with the Holocaust over 80 years ago, which has become dangerous: The
    Gods in white took part in it.
    What is going on in the minds and hearts of German politicians and physicians who
    Want to force people to take part in a medical experiment? Of the
    The world owes the Nuremberg Code to German enthusiasm for experimentation, which has been in force since
    December 2020 is disregarded. Pfizer/BioNTech have the duration of this human trial
    just extended by a year until February 2024, as they have different dosages and
    try ingredients. And people over 50 have to make themselves available for this.
    What sick mind comes up with the idea, the rejection of it as right-wing extremist or even
    to be construed as anti-Semitic?
    media do. The same media that is hounding you. the same media,
    who defame, deny, stir up hatred against a social minority. That was
    a crime back when the media was screaming that Jews infect everyone, and that's a
    crime today. How much substance the knee-jerk legal classification and the deflationary
    If you have a Nazi comparison, let the Minister of Propaganda at the time clear it up at this point:
    “According to the idea of ​​the NSDAP, we are the German left. nothing is us
    hated than the right-wing national property-owning bloc.”
    (Joseph Goebbels, 1931)
    The worst crime of the media is the abuse of the Holocaust. In place
    we quote from the open letter that we once responded to the smear campaign against
    Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi (same routine against any critic).
    by Holocaust survivor Rabbi Hillel Handler:
    You (media) have lied to your people for years by using false teachings from the Holocaust
    have preached. That is not the lesson of the Holocaust, that Jews are not killed or in
    question may be asked. Nobody should be killed!
    The lesson of the Holocaust is that one must not watch and not participate if a
    minority is persecuted. They instrumentalized the Holocaust for the opposite: for the
    Taking people's will to defend themselves against injustice. And in this godless way
    you have prepared a new holocaust and are in the process of implementing it.
    We hope that the young people you teach will be proud and confident that they
    find the courage to follow their heart and thereby experience the exalted feeling
    to be honest and fair.
    All the best
    We for Humanity
    Hagar Shafrir
    Sorin Shapira
    Moran Zelikovich
    Masha Orel
    Stephanie Schruff
    Morry Krispijn
    Shimon Yanowitz
    Hila Moscovich
    Tamir Turgal
    Amira Segal
    Jacqueline Ingenhoes
    Ariella Weissman
    Dr Rivka Berger
    Rob Grace
    Eve Foley
    Vered Shomron
    Nina Moliver, Ph.D.
    Rabbi Hillel Handler
    Pazit Zaidenberg Porat
    Sherry Ben Chetrit
    Aviva Kilemnik
    Hana Hagit
    Jayda Barkley
    Edgar Siemund, Esq.
    Hannelore Düerkop
    Faina Stoliar Ben David.
    Thomas Gloy
    Elisa Bertinato
    Heidi Stuemges
    Helga Pulz
    Herrman Pulz
    Josef J. Dohrenbusch
    Tanami Yifat
    Edna Golan
    dr Daniel Langhans
    Pnina Rahmian
    Ilan Sharper
    Sheryl Ben Chetrit
    Moshe Chekol
    Ouriel Zohar
    Dafna Karako-Rachmann
    Idit Sivan Handler
    Kelly Ruby
    Yael Gottlieb
    Galit Far
    Tali Gilad
    Tanami Yifat
    Henry Misservil

  14. “With all this political meddling and media propaganda, how long will it be before the rest of the world realizes that a global war is underway and that World War III is on the horizon? That's the actual problem. By the time the world realizes what is happening, the global rupture will already have enabled Russia, China and Eurasia to create a truly non-neoliberal New World Order. These countries no longer need the NATO countries. They have totally lost trust and hope for mutual economic benefits in trading with them. The military battlefield will be littered with economic corpses.

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