You betrayed journalism!

You, W Bartens, C Berndt, M Hengstenberg, U von Rauchhaupt, from the “quality media”, have told your colleagues and the audience the fairy tale of the extraordinarily deadly virus….

You, W. Bartens, C. Berndt, M. Hengstenberg, U. von Rauchhaupt, from the “quality media”, told your colleagues and the audience the fairy tale of the extraordinarily deadly virus.

Although it was clear at the beginning of April that the virus was on the retreat and had caused comparatively little damage, you continued to spread fear and horror among the population.

You did your best to support the government in its underhand attack on fundamental rights. Against your better judgment you followed the instructions of the editors-in-chief and caused serious damage regardless of loss. You are crucially responsible for the greatest civilization crisis since the Second World War. You are no better than your colleagues from the “Völkischer Beobachter” or the “Stürmer” have been. Spying and denouncing are at your expense. The transformation of a halfway functioning constitutional state into a totalitarian state, ruled by fascists of the new kind, that is your work.

You called for violence against the opponents of fascization (C. Berndt), like the Nazis, you made the opponents contemptible. You rambled about real danger and anti-Semitism and thus covered up your own racism.

As it became increasingly clear that the government was running a political campaign to abolish fundamental rights, you enthusiastically participated and kept inventing new stories of the allegedly malicious virus.

You justified the serious damage caused to people by the professional bans. The unbelievable suffering of the old people who have been singled out and cut off from contacts and have to vegetate in old people's homes left you cold. You were not interested in the sick in the hospitals, who can no longer be visited and have to die alone. You have caused the greatest civilizational catastrophe and are still there.

Who should believe you when you write about feminism or about environmental destruction? Apparently these were all just evasive topics. Your privileges are most important to you. As long as you can make yourself comfortable in your home office or drive to work in a Porsche Cayenne, you will invent justifications without reservation.

If possible, no one should know that the clothes you wear are made by workers in Pakistan in a twelve-hour day. The fact that your laptops and smartphones were made with materials that were stolen from the Africans, who does that concern? You cheer the rising share prices because you also want to participate in the price gains.

The achievements of the Enlightenment, the occidental values, these are all just hollow chatter when it comes to the privileges of your class. Then you get the stick out and let the police and justice do their work.

Against you, Relotius was just a small fish that saw through your methods and wanted to do the same to you. O. Lafontaine, an intimate connoisseur of your company, has already given you the right name. Did he already suspect the enormous extent of your deception? In contrast, the campaigns against General Kießling and against Federal President Wulf are only minor details.

When you stand in front of the Truth Commission, as it was set up after the end of the apartheid regime in South Africa, will you get off so lightly? One should think more about the Nuremberg Trials.

2 Replies to “You betrayed journalism!”

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