The media mourn the virus

The shops are only half-full, the mood is depressed and there is no trace of a desire to buy. The restaurants are entered only hesitantly. The obligation to wear masks considerably impairs communication. The obligation to write down the address is seen more and more critically. How should one behave when suddenly the police stood in front of the bag and check whether one is keeping to the quarantine? Gradually people understand how to deal with writing down the address....

The shops are only half full, the mood is depressed, there is no trace of a desire to buy. The restaurants are reluctant to enter. The obligation to wear a mask significantly impairs communication. The obligation to write down the address is viewed with increasing criticality. What should you do if the police suddenly stand in front of the bag and check whether you are in quarantine? Gradually people understand how to deal with writing down the address.

Car dealerships have to offer their cars at bargain prices in order to lure customers into their sales outlets. The effectiveness of the work decreases on the assembly lines. Unit wage costs are rising and are not being adequately offset by government wage subsidies. And short-time work is not exactly conducive to consumption. And as a prerequisite, she only has to consume the remaining vacation. The prospect of a long-distance vacation is dwindling more and more.

Although the flu has completely died down and the virus has disappeared, there are still restrictions on visits to old people's homes. Children receive only limited instruction. Nevertheless, the Minister of Health not only wants to continue the nonsensical testing but even intensify it. This is despite the fact that the test can only deliver artifacts, i.e. false positive results. Quite apart from the fact that it is not specific to Covid-19.

But the media have become so used to the power they have gained through their scaremongering that they continue to try to keep the population afraid. The organizers of the Tagesschau especially love pictures of half-clothed patients in intensive care units with all kinds of tubes surrounded by hooded figures, as well as coffins and mass graves (21.05.20).

The government and the media do not want to admit that all of this was a gigantic deception. That would shake their power.

They prefer to remain silent about the economic smoldering fire that has been keeping the financial world and the economic base out of breath since 2008. But the Corona crisis acted as a fire accelerator, and the government had to pull all the stops to keep control. So the smoldering fire started a blazing fire and the billions, which were supposedly not enough to maintain the infrastructure, are now suddenly being distributed to the corporations and some crumbs are also being given to the self-employed and small businesses. Most people now suspect that this will not stop the economic collapse, but at best postpone it by a few months. The realization is penetrating more and more that it is the capitalist social order itself that is collapsing and the epidemic spread of the virus has only accelerated development. It is our social order itself that brings about the greatest civilization step backwards since the Second World War.

A situation of “save yourself who can” is imminent. Nobody wants to hear the excuse with the corona virus anymore. The political class must then choose the option of early elections before the situation becomes too serious.

The CDU is then faced with the choice of Laschet or Merz, but Laschet is too lax and Merz is too deep in the sinking, so Söder willingly declares his willingness to run. He has proven that he can eat chalk. The AfD is already warming up in the event that the Greens continue to plead for higher meat prices and sag in the voters' favor.


4 replies to "the media mourn the virus"

  1. A reliable citation of newspaper articles includes the date and the organ of publication. The situation described there never occurred, but was only considered once, but was not implemented due to constitutional concerns.

    1. In Baden-W. Bavaria and Mecklenburg-V. the police receive the data from the health department.

  2. The crisis is deep and will take a long time. My neighbor, who works at Siemens Healthcare, should no longer come to the office before 2021 but work from home. Will he keep his job? Kaeser will probably cut jobs in Germany too.

    1. The aggressive and totalitarian endeavors of the capitalist social order had to endure the peoples in Korea, Vietnam and Afghanistan after the Second World War. Larger sections of the middle class fall into the proletariat, with even more power concentrated at the top.

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