Israel's terror regime and the Western media

Why do almost the entire political class, including the Greens and up to parts of the left, support Israel's brutal repression of the Palestinian people? And their media interpreters applaud; the media play down every bonbon drop over Palestine as an “air strike”. The more than fifty demonstrators shot at the demonstrations to mark the seventieth anniversary of the founding of the state were only mentioned by the Springer press to the bourgeois-liberal newspapers, only to quickly get back to business. But the media report a lot when politicians undergo the usual rituals on their inaugural visits. The media reported happily when the German Foreign Minister did not deceive himself to declare that the German and Israeli governments have the same goals. And the German Chancellor's assurance is quoted again and again that supporting Israel would be part of Germany's reasons of state.

It is well received in the western world that the former fascist state is now playing the democratic model boy. But the fact that the Palestinians have to pay the price for European anti-Semitism is deliberately ignored.

In order to preserve its image as a bourgeois liberal, the Süddeutsche Zeitung dismisses its caricaturist on the grounds that although he is definitely not an anti-Semite, he has used symbols of the Nazi regime. because he had drawn the Israeli chief gangster with big ears and bulging lips and thus used the ciphers of the Nazi regime. This is how far the unprocessed negative identification of bourgeois circles with the “Stürmer” and the Nazi ideology goes.

Without having to fear criticism, the political class exports its racism by supporting Israel's racist actions with secret glee and bypassing the oppression and humiliation of Palestine as a permanent, racist-based act. In fact, one of Zionism's leading ideologues, Jabotinsky, justified it with the following words:“Culturally, the Arabs are five hundred years behind us. Spiritually, they do not have the stamina or strength or will. They look at Palestine with the same instinctive love that every Aztec looked at Mexico and every Sioux looked at its prairie ”.

Outwardly, the Federal Government sets itself apart from the Christian-Zionist fundamentalism, from which the American president can be promoted, but proceeds according to the same paradigm in merely adapted wording. This is the secular equivalent of the belief of American evangelicals that the occupation of Palestine by Jewish settlers was divine willful.

In fact, however, the Middle East, after having long served as the Europeans' disposal, has become a point of friction in the East-West conflict. According to the thinking of the great American strategists, Israel protects the oil wells of Saudi Arabia, which are important for industrial society, and seals them off from Russia's influence. And should the Egyptian army no longer be able to hold down the North African population, who demand their share of the mineral wealth, in a renewed uprising, the Israeli army is ready; Germany didn't need to get its own hands dirty.


3 Replies to “Israel's Terrorist Regime and the Western Media”

  1. The State of Israel would never have come about without a brown robbery regime that organized the genocide of the Jews.
    Therefore, it is not up to the Germans to criticize Israeli or Israeli policies towards the Palestinians. One may think as a descendant of these brown mass murderers about Israel's politics what one wants, one may think it also unwise that Israeli voters accept an increasing anti-Semitism in the western part of the world, but nevertheless it is not for us Germans against Israel, regardless of its political leadership and direction. If it ever happened that the rest of the Western world and even the US would oppose Israel (for example, as a result of a massive nuclear attack by Israel on Iran), then Germany would still be well advised to remain neutral. If someone is in debt to the Jews (and thus to Jews living in Israel), then it is Germany.

    1. Israel's government has robbed the Palestinians of their land, murdered their leaders, incarcerated large sections of the people; Murder commands are sent in, who enter the houses at night and shoot riotous Palestinians; during demonstrations, the crowd is fired without hesitation, farmers can not order their fields, at the checkpoints they are humiliated as if they were wearing a star; Immigrant settlements continue, power and water are cut off and, if necessary, there is no hesitation in dropping napalm with American bombers over Palestinian slums. All that is missing is the gas chambers to draw with the Nazis.

      1. The German “guilt” towards the Jews has nothing to do with staying out of criticism of the politics of the State of Israel.
        The state of Israel certainly has the right to survive in this rather hostile region.
        But even the Palestinians have their ancestral right to their homeland and their own state. You have the right to live in decent living conditions.
        As the state of Israel deals with these people, you have to criticize!

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