The main thing is panic

dr Renate Reuther, historian, and Dr. Gerd Reuther, doctor, describe the historical basis of the corona crisis in their book.

Since people have lived in cities and written records have existed, respiratory, skin and diarrheal diseases have been exaggerated by the ruling class, declared a general danger and used as a reason for repressive measures. Most of the measures were directed against the lower classes, but also against undesirable population such as Jews or others. There have always been completely groundless lockdowns and segregation of parts of the population. Fear and panic served to control, to discipline and, at least since Malthus, to reduce the population:

“The virus of the 2020 pandemic staging was based on a computer construct. The countdown has been running for many years. According to the adapted definition of a pandemic ten years ago, any infectious disease, no matter how harmless, was suitable for it in a globalized world. The WHO, national regulatory and supervisory authorities have long been under the control of the medical-industrial complex. The leading media were synchronized and social networks were interspersed with paid influencers.

Although Covid-19 was indistinguishable from previous colds, the choreography of a worldwide panic with manipulated numbers of sick and dead people had the desired effect. Facts that showed that it was not a deadly epidemic of a "killer virus" were covered up and twisted, the minority of impartial doctors and scientists were hushed up or defamed. Everywhere “asymptomatically ill” were sent to house arrest.”

As early as the Middle Ages, “quarantine was not just a medical procedure, but always a brutal instrument of rule imposed on residents by magistrates. Rulers saw early on how disease control could serve population control.”

“Once a plague threat was declared, communities went into authority mode. Uniformed men showed up and imposed bans under threat of draconian penalties. To this day, health emergencies, or what are believed to be health emergencies, provide a justification for military action against the population. Corona generals in camouflage suits are the visible proof.”

“Transhumanist thought has never disappeared from school and college curricula and from the policies of international organizations. Bertrand Russell, HD Lawrence, George Bernard Shaw fueled the overpopulation panic. Population limitation was a fixed position in the thinking of Anglo-American elites.”

“An unbiased look at previous epidemic events confirms how deadly measures were and how manipulated the number of victims. The supposed “Ebola epidemic” in Guinea in 2014 remained strangely regional, despite the global movement of people and goods. Even then, a PCR remnant generated the alleged epidemic. Anyone showing symptoms previously associated with malaria, which is endemic there, was not tested for malaria, but for Ebola. If it was positive, although this test did not show an intact virus but only a snippet, the patient was considered an “Ebola patient”. Accordingly, like influenza in 2020, malaria disappeared. All sick people with vomiting and diarrhea and perhaps skin bleeding had Ebola.”

6 Replies to “The main thing is panic”

  1. STUDY: Alarming number of leprosy cases after COVID-19 gene injection
    In a study from the United Kingdom, scientists examined the data of 52 people who visited the Leprosy Clinic at the Hospital for Tropical Diseases in London in 2021. Of these 52 people, at least 49 were vaccinated. The study defined a leprosy adverse reaction related to COVID-19 vaccination as the occurrence of leprosy or a leprosy reaction within 12 weeks of vaccination in subjects who had no prior history of leprosy or a leprosy reaction.

    Within that definition, two people met the criteria. One person developed a form of leprosy called borderline tuberculoid (BT) a week after the second dose of the vaccine. The other person had a reaction after 56 days. Both people had received the Pfizer vaccine BNT162b2. Pfizer has not commented on this.

    The researchers theorize that the development of BT leprosy and a type 1 reaction in another person shortly after vaccination with the BNT162b2 vaccine could be related to the T cell response of the immune system. T cells can theoretically activate Mycobacterium leprae, the bacteria that cause leprosy, and thus trigger leprosy or a leprosy reaction.

    T cells and leprosy
    T cells are a type of white blood cell that play an important role in immune defense. Now, shockingly, studies have shown that T cells can theoretically also be activated by mRNA Covid injections of Mycobacterium leprae, the bacteria that causes leprosy. This can cause leprosy or leprosy reactions.

    Overwhelming evidence in leprosy cases after Covid syringe:
    ➡️ Scientists from Singapore reported a new leprosy diagnosis after the COVID-19 vaccination. They suspected that the vaccination may have promoted the occurrence of leprosy.

    ➡️ Indonesian researchers described the case of a patient showing a reaction after COVID-19 vaccination.

    ➡️ Israeli researchers stressed the importance of early diagnosis and treatment in leprosy reactions after COVID-19 vaccination.

    ➡️ Another study from India described four men who developed leprosy or a reaction within 11 days of the COVID-19 vaccination. Researchers stressed the need for further molecular studies to better understand the diverse clinical presentations of post-vaccination leprosy responses.

    ➡️ In another 2022 study, researchers reported three cases of leprosy complications or reactions after the COVID-19 vaccination.

    Sources for this article:
    Study from UK
    ( from Indonesia
    Report from India
    ( from Israel
    ( from India
    ( from India

    ( Mecit


    “Like all other vaccines, COVID-19 shots lead to specific immune responses, such as increased T cell production or increased levels of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) or interferon gamma (IFN-γ). This means that people who carry the leprosy pathogen, the myobacterium leprae, develop leprosy or become ill again. In the first case, at the end of a diagnosis there will be a classification in the sense of TT or BB or LL described above, in the second case a distinction will be made between T1R or T2R, type 1 reaction or type 2 reaction, which is essentially a distinction between the Describes the severity of leprosy recurrence in people who already have leprosy and are treated with immune suppressants or prednisolone or thalidomide.”

  3. “That's what we have now: a massive, government-funded climate alarmism complex. Claims of a “climate crisis” are being peddled by governments and their media accomplices around the globe to meet the green agenda goals of the World Economic Forum (WEF), the United Nations (UN), the World Health Organization (WHO) and other unelected globalist organizations . Achieving these goals usually involves plans to drastically reduce the quality of life for most people while increasing taxes to "save the planet."

    However, Curry is not the first renowned scientist to speak out recently. As TKP reported, Dr. John Clauser, co-recipient of the 2022 Nobel Prize in Physics and one of the world's leading authorities on quantum mechanics, took the floor to warn the public that the corporate media portrayal of the "climate crisis" being promoted by the global elite and their allies is a hoax is."


    “Not only the pandemic contract should come. A new pandemic is also in the pipeline. It doesn't take much imagination to imagine that it would take another big scam to do this. An associated planning game has already been staged. Obscure, unproven pathogens have been waiting for decades: Polio, Marburg & Co. What is not recognized is that epidemic infectious diseases only exist when societies offer the right conditions: war, hardship, environmental disasters and lifestyles that are not appropriate to the species. Pandemics, such as the World Health Organization (WHO) has been conjuring up on behalf of its donors for decades, presuppose that the same unhealthy conditions prevail on a large scale.”

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