Yes, they are fascists

The Malthusians wanted population reduction. They put forward a lack of food, the earth would not be able to feed all the people who are born.

Their legitimate heirs, today's Greens, tell that the earth would be devastated by the crowds and the climate would become unbearable. This is nothing more than a variant of Malthusianism. This variant stems from petty-bourgeois thinking that sees other people as competitors, be it for food, space or air. Even the Nazis didn't like the fact that everyone had the same rights.

While for the National Socialists it was the race that had to be protected as a supra-individual good, in the green ideology nature experienced a mythical transfiguration and human rights had to be restricted.

A few years ago, the Trittin and Fischer clique wanted to raise the price of petrol to five euros per liter, which would not have hurt the upper ten thousand, but would have hit the broad masses hard. Now they are trying to limit the radius of movement of the common people through so-called smart cities with all possible justifications. The large-scale attempt through the lockdown has already been successful. The legislature and the executive immediately aligned themselves. The massive propaganda apparatus, which costs billions every year, has paid off.

Germany's CO2 emissions are brought into focus, with which every suppression measure can be justified.

While the Nazis still had to use the yellow star to divide and marginalize, green politicians are now using the CO2 argument on behalf of the upper middle class, which is not affected, and are making individual mobility more expensive to an extent that the lower classes are in perspective of which excludes mobility. The divisions in our society are being whitewashed with green ideology.

But green ideologues do not shy away from the open use of violence and the use of stupid slogans ("tanks are rolling for peace"). Rearmament for the Ukraine war is now the trump card. For this to happen, there must be calm in the ammunition factories and equal pay for women must not be an issue.

In the First World War, jewelry and valuables were to be donated for the victory against the enemy, in the Second World War the Nazis invoked the national community and collected winter clothing for German soldiers who were to conquer space in the east. Now the people are supposed to turn down the heating and lower the room temperatures in order to "damage Putin". How aloof are the government propagandists that they think the people are so stupid.

And that is supposed to protect the planet and protect it from "man-made climate change", how does that fit together with the killing of millions of people by vaccine injections. Very good, albeit a very radical solution. This was not the solution that Malthusian Dennis Meadow, author of The Limits to Growth, envisioned. The reduction in the number of people from eight billion to one billion should happen "slowly".

He could not have imagined that we would experience “1984” so quickly.

Malthus postulated a limitation of the world's food supply and therefore advocated a limitation of the population; the Nazis demanded "Space in the East" where they wanted to settle German farmers and the green ideologues are now demanding a CO2-free economy worldwide.

And how many children would have been born alive if their mothers had not received the injections? The fatal drop in the birth rate speaks for itself. Apparently, infanticide is a recurring theme in human history. The Bible already tells us about King Herod.

Our modern society has come a long way and is directly attacking procreation and fertility. The pathologists' reports are clear.

Never again is now.

Sharp fall in the birth rate in February triggers yet another wave of hectic non-reporting

17 Replies to “Yes, they are fascists”

  1. “The mainstream media and the political parties and groups of the former “left” seen as intractable have become the inciters of zero-covid, zero-emission, 100% vaccination and 100% war, carving out a place on the far right of the political spectrum as foot soldiers of imperialism and champions of corporatism (see Benito Mussolini).”

  2. “The Corona measures, the EU economic policies, the sanctions against Russia, the US blowing up of Nord Stream have caused a huge increase in the cost of living for the class of people who make a living by selling their labour. Not only workers and employees are affected, but also the self-employed, one-person companies and many owners of small and sometimes medium-sized businesses.

  3. “See truth in the eye
    In a large, well-controlled cohort study, ophthalmological evidence of vascular occlusions in the retina was compared in healthy subjects with and without RNA injections. This resulted in very early valid indications of spike-related vascular damage to the arteries and/or veins of RNA-treated people in the back of the eye. So ophthalmologists are required.

    The original work is here. ”

  4. Here are 25 children, ages 5 to 12, who died after receiving a Pfizer or Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccine.

    One child killed by these products is one death too many.

    There are 0 healthy children ages 5 to 12 who have died from COVID-19 infection in the United States or Canada.
    These COVID-19 mRNA vaccines should NEVER have been introduced to children aged 5 to 12 (or any other age).
    All parents should have these cases in their legal records!

    Channel with ♥ ️

  5. “That a population reduction is underway is not a matter of belief, but a statistical fact:
    * In 2022 there was excess mortality that cannot be explained by Corona. In October alone, this was 19 percent compared to previous years. According to Norwegian scientists, excess mortality follows the vaccination rate as a percentage.
    * A sudden and massive decline in the birth rate has recently been observed in many countries. The only plausible explanation for this lies in mass vaccination.
    It is more than significant that neither the reasons for excess mortality nor for the declining birth rate and the fertility crisis are the main topics in the media. The corona elephant of vaccination damage is still standing around here and is studiously ignored.

    On the other hand, what is currently the topic:

    people who are no longer sure of their gender; the abolition of the term "mother" by "carrying person" in the news; Anti-natalists who publicly announce on talk shows that they want to give up children in order to reduce the carbon footprint; Adults who cuddle with dolls as a child set — infantility to the power of 2, the only question left is who pays for the maintenance; the ideology of trans-activism, which has become the golden calf of the mediocracy and is making its way into the political sphere — meanwhile, masculinity is considered “toxic”; saving the planet takes precedence over saving humanity. Or has man long been the real enemy?

    We live in an environment that is increasingly hostile to life, which is being constructed and staged in the media by hostile ideologues. Canada already has the most open government suicide system in the world. France is also planning a massive liberalization of euthanasia.

    It is not about the question of a dignified, self-determined and pain-free death, but about the question: Does the state encourage us to die? Anyone who says biopolitics inevitably also thinks about death.

    Population reduction is certainly not a secret issue. The Arte-documentary "Bloß kein Frauen/Un Monde sans femmes", which was also published by 3Sat, names some actors of the population reduction agenda surprisingly frankly: The Ford Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the United Nations Population Fund. In mainstream parlance one could say:

    "A few old, rich, white men think there are too many people on earth. And they would like less of it. Starting with the others, of course, not with yourself.”

    It is obvious that the question of population reduction is inevitably linked to the question of who is superfluous and who is not, ie who is useful or not, and is thus closely linked to the issue of eugenics. This shakes a taboo that has remained intact in Germany since the Nazi era: namely, that there is no such thing as a life that is not worth living. ”


    “The case of the 60-year-old is direct confirmation that mRNA shots cause leukemia.

    One of the first COVID-19 shot side effects we reported on is aplastic anemia. This is a – actually –rare disease that manifests itself in the fact that no new blood cells are produced in the bone marrow, so that a bone marrow transplant can sometimes be necessary. Since we reported aplastic anemia as a side effect of COVID-19 sprays, a number of studies demonstrating the link have come along”


    “The pandemic of the vaccinated is unmistakable even with triple vaccination.

    In Report 42, the UKHSA had already given up showing the case rates in graphs. Tt predicted at the time that the UKHSA will resort to more opaque measures and cuts as the trend picks up. The pandemic of the vaccinated has now become so obvious that the UKHSA is taking exactly this opaque path and will withhold meaningful data from citizens in the future. The aim is obviously to save the national vaccination strategy.”

  8. “The risk of retinal arterial and venous occlusion progressively increases two years after injection, and survival curves continue to diverge. The thrombi may originate from the heart, aorta, carotids, and ultimately from the blood vessels supplying the eye and from the venous return of blood from the eye to the orbit. The eye is a window to the systemic vasculature. Taken together, these data lead to the compelling conclusion that mass vaccination has caused persistent, cumulative vascular damage in some recipients that has persisted for at least two years. These data predict an increase in nonfatal and fatal events associated with progressive atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, including: 1) myocardial infarction (heart attack), 2) stroke, 3) peripheral vascular disease with systemic embolism, 4) critical limb ischemia with amputation. Furthermore, vaccine recipients are probably generally hypercoagulable and predestined for venous thromboembolism by the usual provocateurs (surgery, prolonged immobility, estrogen intake, etc.).

    The practical implications are multiple: 1) Like patients with diabetes mellitus, recipients should be alert and have a low threshold to seek visual symptoms from an ophthalmologist for a retinal dilation exam. 2) Physicians and their patients should be diligent in the recognition and treatment of atherothrombotic disease of the coronary and systemic vessels,”


    “Excess mortality means many more people are dying than expected.
    The latest figures from England and Wales put excess mortality for the last week in April at 22,1% above the average for the previous five years. And within those five years are included the years of the pandemic and supposed deaths caused by SARS-CoV-2. Ergo, one would expect sub-mortality by 2022 at the latest, especially since life-saving juices have been used since 2021, which should put an end to excess mortality.

    However, the opposite is the case.


    he financial elites, especially in the person of the billionaires and the richest people in the world, have wanted to limit the world population for decades. Depopulation is one of the hidden core ideologies of today's western oligarchy. Once you accept that as a reality, much of what has happened over the past three years makes perfect sense.
    They met on May 5, 2009 at the Manhattan home of Sir Paul Nurse, a British Nobel Laureate in Biochemistry and President of the private Rockefeller University. The informal afternoon session was so discreet that some of the billionaires' advisors said they were at a "security meeting."

    Echoing Gates, they agreed that reducing overpopulation was a priority.

    On May 26, 2009, The Wall Street Journal published another report on the billionaires' meeting: "Billionaires Are Trying to Shrink World Population, According to Report"

    “The New York gathering of billionaires Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, David Rockefeller, Eli Broad, George Soros, Ted Turner, Oprah, Michael Bloomberg and others has been described by the Chronicle of Philanthropy as an informal gathering to promote philanthropy. Just a few billionaires got together for drinks and dinner and a friendly chat about how to encourage charitable giving.”

    “In line with Gates, they agreed that overpopulation was a priority,” the article reads, adding, “This may pose a challenge to some Third World politicians who believe that contraception and women’s education are the traditional values ​​weaken.”

    Such a position would not be surprising. Messrs. Gates, Buffett and Turner have been quietly pondering the Malthusian population problems for years. In February, Gates unveiled a plan aimed at capping the world's population at 8,3 billion people, rather than the projected 9,3 billion when the population is expected to peak."

  11. “The virus has no effect on the working population, the insured of the BKK. The COVID-19 shots are having an effect. With the start of mass vaccination, the number of sick people increases gradually, goes through the roof in 2022 and is even higher in the first months of 2023 than in 2022. In view of these figures, any reasonably objective observer must come to the conclusion that with the beginning of the mass vaccination experiment the masses get sick”

  12. Moderna's mRNA shot is not different in its side effect, which meanwhile has to be described as the main effect due to the lack of effectiveness against COVID-19. The evidence shows that spike protein from mRNA production is able to cross the blood-brain barrier and cause significant damage in the brain. Not only does this evidence show this, but an autopsy that found spike protein from COVID-19 mRNA shot production in the brains of those who died as a result of the shots demonstrates the ability of COVID-19 shots to carry their payload in human brains unload.

    Having said that, we now turn to the rather extensive study by Rong et al. (2023), in the course of which numerous mice were again killed for the progress of knowledge. Let's help ensure that they didn't die in vain.

    The authors are interested in whether the spike protein finds its way into the bone marrow of the skull, the meninges and the neural tissue of the brain. Let's send the answer right away. Yes, it finds its way into all three areas of the brain and from there, according to the authors, is responsible for the neurological diseases that appear or can appear even years after a COVID-19 infection.

    “We all know that scientists today find it difficult to withstand the political pressure exerted by mermaids from governments around the world trying to hide their responsibility for a public health catastrophe of unprecedented proportions. That is why the sentence quoted at the beginning, which the authors have hidden in their rather long text, is so important:

    "In particular, the highly immunogenic spike protein, which is used in COVID-19 vaccines, is a candidate that can have corresponding effects independent of infection [with SARS-CoV-2]."

  13. Since the beginning of the vaccination campaign, more or less excess mortality has been observed in most countries. Studies have shown that all-cause mortality increases with vaccination coverage. A series of articles in TKP showed that turbo cancer is a common consequence of vaccination, making deaths plausible. The UK has a high vaccination rate and unexplained excess mortality.


    “Fascism is a chameleon. He skilfully adapts to changing historical circumstances, milieus and mentalities. Most citizens feel safe as long as their politicians don't look like Hitler or yell like Mussolini. Meanwhile, the totalitarian element sneaks in through the back door, driven by protagonists who appear smoother, more groomed, but also more insidious. Rights are gradually being dismantled, institutions turned around in the sense of the one desired doctrine, those who think differently are marked and mercilessly persecuted. The citizens don't notice it for a long time, because who wants to consider themselves a cowardly follower and who wants to look at the bad without embellishment, even if it's already on the doorstep?"


    “Population reduction as a goal of the financial elite has long been a threat. As reported, US Vice President Kamala Harris recently mentioned it explicitly in a speech. There seem to be a number of ways to achieve this goal, such as the war on nitrogen fertilizers to reduce agricultural yields under the guise of reducing a greenhouse gas.

    On the other hand, a group of physicists show that reducing nitrogen fertilization does not affect temperature, but does affect food security. The environmentalist Bjørn Lomborg has recognized the Malthusian nature of the "climate savers" attack on N2O, which, in addition to the pursuit of profit, has also played a role with US billionaires such as Rockefeller and Co since at least the 1950s, "

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