Long-Covid in the editorial offices

TV and the press see their skins swimming away.

Only in Germany do they still keep the population in fear by invoking a dangerous virus. On trains, passengers from abroad have to mask their faces as soon as the border is reached, because it is logical that someone who comes from France, Italy, Holland, England, Poland or Denmark would otherwise bring viruses to Germany. The media continues to spread this outright nonsense.

This measure can only be enforced with coercive measures. What do the Corona parties want to achieve with this?

Apparently they want to enforce obedience; to prevent future unrest? Should people then endure cold apartments without grumbling? Should the economic downturn happen without protest? Should the insolvent business owners then attribute their insolvency to their own failure?

Energy and plastics are the material foundations on which a modern economy is based. Making them scarce here and making them more expensive leads to a decline in production and a shift to the USA. There, too, there is a well-trained reserve of manpower. The returns of the oligarchs and Western corporations can then be improved there with the help of a large low-wage sector.

There are also cold viruses in the USA, but they have started to deal with them normally, so that the productivity of the national economy can increase again. The Germans are still patiently listening to the media hype about long-Covid (called “chronic fatigue syndrome” before Corona) and hope that the nightmare will soon pass. But the neighboring countries will probably not stand by and watch the activities of the German political class for much longer. Eventually, their economy will also suffer and it is convenient to blame the crisis of the capitalist economic system on the Covid measures.

Taking into account the height of fall, Germany will be unrecognizable next year

Television and press see their hides swim away

20 Replies to “Long- Covid in the editorial offices”

  1. “And that is also what our political caste obviously sees as its core competence: staging unpleasant things and preparing ourselves for them. If you are partly to blame for a misery and neither can nor want to fight it effectively, you still have the attitude of the "honest guy" who bravely stands before his people and tells them the uncomfortable truth bluntly. It is perhaps the last rhetorical trick of an establishment that is awkwardly wandering through the rubble of its own failure. Instead of admitting that they are responsible for the suffering they have caused and stepping down from the political stage, they still dare to blame the victims for their alleged inability to suffer.”


  2. [Forwarded from Fact Sheet Austria]
    Abrupt increase in mortality among older people in Austria

    In 2022, from the end of June, there were 65% more deaths in the 12+ group than in the previous year, when mortality was already at a high level.

    It is obvious that this leap took place in close proximity to the rollout of the 4th vaccination.

    The media arm of the pharmaceutical industry now wants to have identified “climate change” as the culprit, without explaining why it is suddenly starting right now.

    In fact, it is time to explore the true causes without taboos or to refute unacceptable “swearing” based on data that is already available.

    But although fundamental rights have been trampled on in the name of health for 2,5 years now, mysterious spikes in excess mortality arouse no curiosity among the mainstream, politicians and usual experts.

    If the deaths mainly affected “unvaccinated” people, the public would certainly have known long ago – garnished with plenty of ridicule, of course. @FactSheetAustria

  3. Julian Reichelt:
    “But what is currently taking place is a targeted campaign of intimidation against the population in order to criticize potential government critics from the outset. Led by Nancy Faeser, the federal government, the Office for the Protection of the Constitution, the domestic secret service and the public media are apparently working closely together to deter people from speaking their minds.”

  4. Marx and Engels:
    “A section of the bourgeoisie wishes to remedy social ills in order to ensure the continued existence of bourgeois society. They belong here: economists, philanthropists, humanitarians, improvers of the situation of the working classes, charity organizers, abolitionists of cruelty to animals, founders of temperance societies, corner reformers of the most motley kind. And this bourgeois socialism has also been worked out into entire systems.”

  5. “The obligation to vaccinate or the obligation to vaccinate in the health system leads to the collapse. Those who were not vaccinated were either fired or evaded the pressure for unwanted genetic engineering treatment by giving notice or taking early retirement. After all, the training makes it possible to assess the consequences. More and more countries and cities are reporting on the collapse of the system. Here using Berlin as an example.

    The Tagesspiegel reports under the very meaningful headline “Emergency rooms cancel almost every day” Clinicians and nurses warn of collapse in Berlin emergency services” about the lack of staff. Some have left the health service, which was destroyed by politics with the Corona measures, and those who are subject to compulsory vaccination suffer from frequent and longer-lasting sick leave. ”


  6. “At the same time, Western politicians like Habeck and Gewessler complain that Putin would use gas as a weapon. That is, to put it mildly, very naive. To put it less politely, anyone who wants to destroy someone economically and their total defeat and then worry that someone might supply less gas is either an idiot or a government politician.

    It's a wonder Putin is still delivering gas at all. And Europe would be dead if it stopped supplies after decades of uninterrupted and reliable supplies of natural gas. Russian natural gas cannot simply be replaced with LPG. Or by wind power. Putin has the rest of the world as trading partners. Russian raw materials are in demand everywhere. But the world does not have the gas volumes and delivery capacities that we need if Putin really wages an economic war against Europe.

    But doubts are now growing as to whether Ukraine can win NATO's proxy war against Russia. Or is at all serious about the matter. I don't mean the Ukrainians who are being sent to their deaths. It's deadly serious for them. By that I mean the corrupt leadership of Ukraine, the oligarchs and their politicians. According to a documentary by the US broadcaster CBS, only 30% of arms deliveries and military aid to Ukraine reach their official destination. The rest of the money and the guns (!) seep away, which in the case of guns means they are resold.”


  7. “We are told that we live in a democracy where people choose their own destiny, but in reality we are inundated from birth with propaganda aimed at psychologically manipulating the way we think, act and vote. As Noam Chomsky said:

    "Propaganda is to a democracy what the cudgel is to a totalitarian state."

    Silicon Valley is teeming with spies and liars for the same reason the mainstream news media supports every US war and constantly belittles our society's ludicrous injustices: because whoever controls the narrative rules the world. Perception is reality, and if you can control how people perceive reality, then you control reality itself in terms of their behavior.”


  8. “The death rate from vaccination is minimal and vaccination has certainly saved many more lives: this fairy tale still holds true in some population groups. Ex-Pfizer Vice President Mike Yeadon dissected these claims in an Aug. 12 Telegram post, supporting his discussion with various data. Of particular concern should be the unprecedented increase in disability in the US population following the start of the vaccination campaign and life insurance data for 2021. Yeadon states: The vaccination is attempted murder. ”


  9. “Slowly it should become clear to even the most simple-minded politicians that the corona and sanctions policies are resulting in widespread impoverishment and the destruction of large parts of the economy, especially small and medium-sized businesses. At the same time, the US and gas and oil barons and financial tycoons are accumulating tens of billions more in their portfolios. And the absurdity of the EU policy reaches its climax with the fact that thanks to sanctions against Russian gas and oil, Russia's energy revenues have increased by 38%.

    With the lockdowns, quarantine, mass tests and the various G-rules, medium-sized companies have already been enormously weakened and many companies have been forced to give up. With the energy shortage deliberately brought about on behalf of the USA by the EU sanctions against Russian gas, oil and coal as well as the confiscation of Russian property and money, the enormous price increase that had started earlier was massively accelerated. ”


  10. The FAZ framing again

    If the right framing no longer works, the “esoteric rail (https://web.archive.org/web/20220820221105/https://www.faz.net/aktuell/politik/inland/wie-die-querdenker-michael-ballweg-aus-stammheim-befreien-wollen-18255497.html)” here.
    The FAZ – once the flagship of serious journalism – is increasingly approaching the level of a tabloid.
    Apparently, the necessary cuts at the FAZ mean that tabloid journalists are referred to as "political correspondents". What is saved in salary is offset by titles. In any case, it cannot be said of most journalists that they treat each other with care or even understand them.
    The whole thing has a serious background:
    Most German newspapers are struggling with circulation losses: the paid circulation of German daily and Sunday newspapers fell from around 30,2 million copies in 1995 to 13,5 million in 2021.
    The sales of daily newspapers also reached a new low of around 6,67 billion euros in 2020. Source (https://de.statista.com/statistik/daten/studie/382146/umfrage/auflage-der-frankfurter-allgemeinen-zeitung/)
    Since 2014, the FAZ has lost more than a third of its circulation. “Behind every subscription cancellation there is a clever head.”
    Not only does the FAZ feel the same way, the Tagesspiegel also had the worst quarter since 2 in the 22nd quarter of 2014.
    Overall, newspapers and magazines are suffering from a severe drop in circulation and sales. Of course, this has to do with the fact that internet offers in particular can be reached faster and free of charge.
    However, the e-papers sold cannot come close to compensating for the decline.
    In this context, it should be noted that there are now many reputable and well-informed new media formats on the market. These formats are particularly convincing because the content is free, but the quality can be maintained through donations or voluntary subscriptions. This enables a closer exchange with the readers and there is no pedagogical reporting from above.

    Reports like the FAZ article mentioned above are both a sign and a reason for the decline of the post-war press landscape. A daily newspaper that violates journalistic standards in this way rightly becomes the victim of a market that is being reorganized.

    The misjudgments of the journalists in relation to the actual feelings of the people in Germany in the Corona crisis is only a catalyst that accelerates the necessary restructuring.

    If you want to be informed these days, you don't need the FAZ, the taz, or the Tagesspiegel. Even ARD and ZDF in their current state only serve the self-service mentality of would-be government spokesmen.

    The carousel turns. We'll see what happens.
    We as humans have the power to change society for the better by not participating anymore, by controlling our consumption.

    My channel:


  11. “As we can see, these are exactly the typical post-vaccine problems such as thrombotic events, thrombocytopenia, purpura, muscle weakness, chronic fatigue and the like. Really good doctors who have a deep and comprehensive understanding of biochemistry warn against the third vaccination in particular – the damage is then pretty much irreparable, after the second the damage is just manageable. Nevertheless, three partial vaccinations are prescribed as "basic immunization". As a guarantee of permanent damage to the body and the immune system! There are a few questions. ”


  12. https://reitschuster.de/post/bayerisches-olg-maskenattest-auch-ohne-untersuchung-rechtens/?fbclid=IwAR1gvVlTWTxm-UjVsf40YUGMyYNauYACDwsZwSfYtsJxj1Jc8P6P9PLlOEQ

    “On the one hand, a legal swallow like this does not make a constitutional summer. On the other hand, it is proof that the rule of law is still twitching. Although on the one hand too many public prosecutors and judges, including those at the Federal Constitutional Court, act like willing agents of the government, the quasi-official zeitgeist and a completely over-the-top corona course, there are also lawyers in responsible positions who put law above politics and not bowing to social and political pressure.”

  13. https://kritisches-netzwerk.de/forum/gehorsam-gegenueber-dem-staat-durch-unterdrueckungsinstrumente

    “These and other negative effects as well as the actions of the mask defenders in politics themselves reduce their justification, the supposed health protection, to absurdity. It is well known that eco-disasters, poverty, hunger and wars claim the greatest number of lives worldwide - far more than the corona virus ever could.

    If health protection were really at stake, the government would not condone the additional ecological problems. It would not drive the economic war against Russia with zeal and thus do massive damage to the lower classes of the population in particular. It would not catapult conscious citizens into inflation, which must result in mass impoverishment and misery. She would not decide on endless arms shipments to prolong wars with hundreds of deaths every day."

  14. “Actually, this is an undertaking that requires a significant cognitive limitation to even think about, because anyone with all four senses knows that not all Ukrainians are good and not all Russians are evil. And about theatrical performances like the Baerbock photo op in front of a blown up backdrop, a thought process is triggered in normal people to wonder what else is staged, performed to create a certain impression, by people who have no inhibitions about themselves to be photographed at the location where "two inmates... died". Some people just don't have any moral limits to what they're willing to do. And from this knowledge it is actually clear why public service hired writers have to do everything to stage inherently mendacious political actors and try with the crudest means of propaganda to spread their stories as true.

    It's helplessness in the face of the fact that they have to sell a slow-moving morale agent who's been years past its sell-by date."


  15. “What is special about the editorial network in Germany is not that a small circle of journalists-activists who have been carefully scrutinized from an ideological point of view co-writes the front pages of countless daily newspapers all over the country, what is special is that one party is behind it: the SPD. Here, too, regular readers know more: The SPD is only superficially a party, because the SPD is actually a corporation that has become an octopus in the media sector.”


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