From virus madness to war frenzy

The political class is on hot coals. After the social catastrophe with a profound division and fear of society, the economic decline is now threatening to come to the fore. Russia's warlike offensive comes at just the right time. Now that the narrative of the deadly virus is beginning to wear thin, the visible enemy is being built up….

The political class is sitting on hot coals. After the social catastrophe with a deep division and fear in society, the economic decline is now threatening to become apparent. Then Russia's warlike offensive comes at just the right time. As the narrative of the deadly virus begins to wear off, the visible enemy is now being built.

The ruling Corona parties are even sending war equipment to Ukraine and are surprised when the Russian air force then bombs western Ukrainian airports. And the Social Democratic party leader speaks for a stronger participation in the war by Germany and NATO. Is this collective insanity or cold calculation? Apparently these people don't know any other way out of the economic and social crisis in the West than to destroy the rest of the civilizational interaction with a war.

The great applause of the deputies when the war credits of one hundred billion were announced shows how collective insanity can be diverted from virus madness to war frenzy. Now it is easier to understand how, in 1914, large crowds enthusiastically embarked on a supposedly six-week campaign and how Göbbels' rhetorical question: "Do you want total war?" met with great approval.

7 Replies to “From virus madness to war frenzy”

  1. "Imagine it's the Corona crisis and the virus is no longer playing along! Since the omicron variant is obviously unsuitable for maintaining the panic desired by the elites in the desired manner, the war between Ukraine and Russia comes at just the right time to give the tormented population in many countries around the world no respite. She is constantly kept in a state of shock in order to force broad approval of exceptional measures. The Free State of Bavaria is already using the Ukraine crisis to extend the state of emergency declared because of Corona. Meanwhile, the Western Alliance is doing everything it can to fuel the war, investing its energies in weapons rather than diplomatic efforts. The burning question these days is: How far will the spiral of escalation go? While a major nuclear war would arguably be beyond the reach of even the global power brokers, we can be sure they would literally stop at nothing to further their plans for the great transformation.”

  2. “Today, almost two years in despair with or about Corona, I look helplessly at the political shambles every day. Much has faltered. Old friendships, trust in a functioning civil society and belief in common sense. It cannot go on like this and it will not go on like this. The fear that the political system as we know it is in the process of disintegrating makes me nervous and hopeful at the same time. ”


    “When I cite Israel or Israeli or Jewish authorities as a reference, I do so in full awareness that judgements, evaluations and assessments from this side also have no absolute claim. Classifications as "anti-Semitic" are often politically motivated and are misused, especially in Germany, to defame political opponents.

    For those who now focus on the fact that in Germany a gene injection is being forced on people, an injection whose consequences nobody knows, but for which clear worrying indications have long been given, i.e. whoever understands that social or political Powers that be here in Germany are at least potentially negligent in accepting the possible destruction of biological or human life, but for them conceptual connections to a depopulation that could result from an escalating conflict in the Ukraine are no longer so exotic.
    It takes lines that lead to eugenics. To optimize humanity. And the depopulation of entire landscapes, be it through injections, be it through other biochemical measures, be it through weapon systems, be it a combination of these means, leads to eugenics, one way or another. Because those who are worth not being "depopulated", those who don't need optimization, are sitting in bunkers. I don't want to swap. "

  4. Dear readers

    Ukraine war and corona pandemic: The parallels in the reporting of both events are striking. I have already pointed out the totalitarian and totalitarian character of both discourses.

    Today I would like to address another common ground: the careful and sound discussion undoubtedly took place and continues to take place on the corona-critical side. And in the analyzes of the Ukraine war, the NATO-critical side clearly cuts the better figure.

    Witty and nuanced contributions seem to come primarily from those who are attempting at least a little to understand Putin's actions. Maybe that's not a coincidence.

    A connection between thinking and understanding really cannot be dismissed out of hand. And no, understanding does not mean justifying. To paraphrase the French philosopher Edgar Morin: "It is a widespread intellectual weakness to take an explanation as a justification."

    Understanding can simply mean understanding and comprehending the meaning of words that are written somewhere or come out of the mouth of a politician. Ken Jebsen recently set the bar even lower in his powerful Bautzen speech: “I understand Putin. Because Putin speaks German. And better than our foreign minister.”

    Of course, everyone “understands” as much as their understanding allows, each in their own way. This is how the mainstream understands it: The Russian ruler suddenly went nuts, probably because of brain Covid, has recently taken to the role of the new Hitler and has spontaneously set himself the goal of tearing the whole world into the abyss. - May well be. But isn't there also something like historical background?

    A Swiss university professor for strategic studies dares the historical perspective, but his approach is more hysterical than historical: Putin's actions are "characterized by the pathological idea that Kyiv belongs to the Russian empire". His warfare apparently has the destruction of Ukraine as its main goal.

    The analysis of the former Swiss secret service agent and colonel Jacques Baud seems more careful and plausible to me. Baud has worked in NATO and the UN and presented a very detailed assessment of the military situation in Ukraine. Probably not a troll or a weirdo, and certainly not stupid. However, he does not determine the cause of the Russian invasion in Putin's personal psychological problems.

    When you know the history better, some accidents appear - well, still very bad, but at least less random and irrational, at the same time more complex and multi-faceted. How much understanding of geopolitical problems one should be able to assume of one's fellow citizens is, of course, an excellent subject for debate. But I am happy to pass on Caitlin Johnstone's objection:

    "It's not okay to be an adult in 2022 and think that serious military conflicts consist of the good guys fighting the bad guys like in a children's cartoon.

    It's not okay to be an adult in 2022 and think a war is being fought between an evil monster equating with Hitler and a virtuous, sexy comedian of supreme bravery and wisdom."

    In my opinion, everyone should be able to understand and understand this.

    Best regards

    Christian S Rodriguez

  5. "One should therefore, with a view to the ARD-tagesschau and ZDF-heute, speak of state propaganda and no longer mistakenly call the people working there journalists, because they are not. They lack the moral tools and the competence to do so. They are simple propagandists who have sold themselves to their state and pass on whatever staging is given to them."

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