Warning of misinformation

This is the headline of one-line newspapers and broadcasters, they mean the reports in the social media, where the vaccination effects are reported. In fact, the national “quality media” are silent about the serious incidents and the fatal effects. They then say that the connection has not been proven....

This is what the headlines of relevant newspapers and broadcasters mean, by which they mean the reports in social media that report on the effects of the vaccine. In fact, the national “quality media” are silent about the serious incidents and the fatal effects. It is then said that the connection has not been established.

Vaccination dead are boldly declared to be corona victims, see Miesbach.

But when a healthy elderly woman who walks ten kilometers a day through the corridors of the old people's home and optimistically receives the vaccination in the morning and dies in the afternoon, common sense says that there is a connection. Nevertheless, no autopsies are performed and not even the suspicion is reported. For this reason there is a high number of unreported cases, but this is publicly concealed and in any case not discussed. Instead, the media are reporting deaths related to Covid-19. It is only strange that one dies in Hamburg with Covid-19 disease (as reported by Prof. Püschel after the autopsy of the first hundred cases) while one allegedly dies elsewhere an the disease dies. In the meantime another pathologist has reported (Dr. Dietmar Benz) and has confirmed the results of Prof. Püschel.

But that doesn't fit into the official fear and panic strategy.

-It must be demanded that the Paul Ehrlich Institute, which is subordinate to the Minister of Health, announces the number of fatal vaccine reactions every week and not hidden somewhere on the homepage (are there ten or more?).

-For all suspected cases there should be an obligation to perform an autopsy.

-It must be made public how many nerve paralysis (facial nerve) has occurred.

- It must be made public that an international committee of researchers, including German researchers who are publicly funded, expects 14 deaths in ten million people who have been vaccinated. This is a similar number to the official statistics from the corona virus. In their handbook, they recommend psychological tricks for those unwilling to vaccinate and sources of information other than the official ones should be referred to as fake news.

However, the Paul Ehrlich Institute also turned its back on swine flu, so that narcolepsy was discovered late and compensation was only obtained after laborious legal proceedings.

And an ethics committee that declares that vaccination is about distributing life chances should be dissolved. Or was their explanation to be understood in such a way that the unvaccinated had a greater chance of survival?

5 replies to “misinformation warning”

    1. In the handbook “The Covid 19 Vaccine Communication Handbook”, Prof. Cornelia Betsch gives tricks to persuade people who do not want to vaccinate and refers to American researchers on the deadly effects of vaccination; with 80 million people vaccinated, that would be 112.000.
      Prof. Hockertz refers to B. Gates who speaks of 0.1% fatal incidents, i.e. 80.000.
      In this way, after the hospitals, the goal of reducing costs would also be achieved in old people's homes.
      Anyone who has access to old people's homes can easily identify the worries and needs of the employees:
      -First of all, the annual flu wave reduced the number of residents.
      - now the deadly consequences of the "vaccination" reduce the occupancy numbers,
      -and finally, the fear of infection has led to reluctance to move.
      This endangers the jobs while the staff has to work under difficult, harassing conditions.

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