The unfortunate vaccination campaign and the vaccination card

Will you soon no longer be able to travel abroad without a vaccination certificate?

Will it soon be impossible to travel abroad without a vaccination card? The Jewish star, after all, had a history of several hundred years and affected one part of the population, while the other part could think itself safe. Now the CDU / SPD unity government is creating the division of the people with the help of the vaccination passport at breakneck speed....

After all, the Jewish star had a prehistory of several hundred years and affected part of the population, while the other part could feel safe. Now the CDU / SPD unity government is creating the division of the people with the help of the vaccination pass at breakneck speed.

Yes, for the time being limited travel is to be expected, but the collapse of the vaccination campaign is more likely. At the moment, the deadly effects of vaccination are not numerous enough, and the media and government can claim that there is no link between death and vaccination. In the long run, however, they will not be able to refuse death statistics and an autopsy. And there will probably be a courageous pathologist who examines the vaccine victims and reports his results. The mainstream press will then suppress this again, just as it did with the results of Prof. Püschel's investigation into the so-called corona deaths.

And the very severe nerve damage and paralysis that has occurred so far will discourage anyone who researches from taking the vaccination.

But when you see that not even doctors can imagine that a fever attack or chills could kill a very old, elderly person, you have to realize that it will be a while before the government is forced to stop vaccinating. Program.

One has to fear that the government will find other ways and means to prevent travel. But the economic collapse is likely to push this question into the background. Even those who have enough material means to travel will be prevented from traveling by the destruction of the infrastructure.

And the hunger in the poorer countries, which is still being concealed, will also reach Western Europe. Can the tables for the poor food be stocked with the leftover leftovers or with the excess from the supermarkets? Rather, it is to be expected that there will be no more leftovers and that there will be no excess, that hunger will also find its way into rich countries.

And the old political elites will continue to desperately try to blame the flu virus for the decline. The economic catastrophe was already apparent in 2019 at the latest. The overproduction of goods had assumed gigantic proportions. Consumption in the wealthier classes could no longer be increased, while consumption in the poorer population fell. The zero interest rate policy made saving bad business for ordinary people. A complete expropriation of the normal population could only be operated under the Corona label.

With this in mind, the issue of overseas travel becomes a minor issue.

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