No more lockdown!

  1. The flu wave is over. Even before the lockdown, it became apparent that the flu wave would be shorter and would require fewer victims than in previous years.
  2. The next wave of flu starts again in late autumn or winter. The spectrum of the pathogens will have changed a little as every year, so there will probably be a Covid-20 and you will be able to argue whether you call this virus new or not. The causative agent of influenza, however, will be the most important and dangerous, as this season.
  3. By then you will have developed a test that is really specific and does not cover all the corona viruses that normally colonize 10 to 15 percent of the population.
  4. It will be confirmed what is already clear to all experts and can be read from official statistics that Covid-19 has no influence on overall mortality.
  5. The lockdown will only slightly delay the spread of the Covid-19 pathogen, so that immunity will quickly be established in the population. This will have no impact on the frequency and severity of respiratory diseases. The experienced epidemiologists agree on this. Technical idiots, like the virologist from Charitè, represent their own interests above those of society and present it differently.
  6. The media, like the press and television, are completely uninhibited and do not shy away from exploiting illness and death, generating sensationalism and increasing their own importance.
  7. The judiciary, especially the Federal Constitutional Court, completely fail when it comes to protecting fundamental rights.
  8. The political class takes advantage of the opportunity to expand its power. Under the guise of care, it forces the surveillance state.
  9. The causes of the global economic crisis continue to be ignored; the contrasts between poor and rich countries deepen, the gap between rich and poor is widening in Germany; neoliberalism remains the dominant social order.
  10. As in the GDR, the population reacts to state repression with increased solidarity: “Stay healthy”.

18 Replies to "No more lock-down!"

  1. Spreading excessive fear and then basking in the obedience of its citizens - the side effects of this macabre strategy obviously don't matter to our politicians and the media. Delayed visits to the doctor even if a stroke or heart attack is suspected, lack of exercise due to home office, increased domestic violence, weakened immune system due to fear, but also due to unnecessary isolation from vital viruses and bacteria, depression as a result of unemployment and loss of economic existence, as a result of which suicides - never mind, we save lives.

    Responsible risk assessment of the lockdown consequences with the allegedly saved human lives must take into account the fact that the so-called corona dead are on average over 80 years old and most of them are multimorbid. The tragedy of these deaths is not measured by the number of deaths, but reasonably by the years of life lost. And in the light of such considerations, there is reason to fear that the lockdown side effects already far outweigh the benefits.

    If the majority of the population welcomes the lockdown measures intimidated by media scaremongering, it is hardly possible to blame the individual. But if our chancellor, who was educated in mathematics and science with great pathos, uses the allegedly saved human lives as the reason for the non-alternative nature of her measures, one can certainly accuse her of double standards: also an obligation to label unhealthy food, a speed limit on highways, a stop to arms exports in Crisis areas would then have no alternative because they save lives, as would a sustained improvement in the care situation in Germany, a concerted action against the 30000 deaths annually caused by hospital germs, to name just a few examples.

    In the whole staging of the "Corona catastrophe", the question of "cui bono" arises. The first thing that comes to mind is our pharmaceutical companies, but there are a number of other profiteers. Amazon already created 100000 new jobs during the Corona episode. Our politicians, who act as lifesavers, are more firmly in the saddle than ever. Crowds of people wear a face mask that is fatally reminiscent of a muzzle - a metaphor for the silenced citizen. The tracking app creates the entry into the surveillance state. On the way there, it is helpful that the cash is now shown to be infected with viruses and bacteria, which should speed up the already planned cash abolition. The last bastions of resistance by educators against the digitalization of school teaching are also threatening to collapse. Incidentally, public transport is also discredited, which until now seemed to be a lifeline in the fight against climate change and excessive traffic emissions.

    Bill Gates, who has advanced to become one of the most influential people in the world thanks to his private fortune of 90 billion dollars, was allowed to speak on German television for almost 10 minutes on the topics of the day on Easter Sunday. Often referred to as a "philanthropist" by our quality media, Gates turned out to be a dangerous psychopath in this television appearance, who stated in all seriousness that the corona crisis could only be overcome by forced vaccination of the entire world population - without Ingo Zamperoni even asking critically. In other television interviews, he had previously claimed that every citizen would only be able to travel abroad or attend major events again if he had a chip with nanotechnology planted under his skin - preferably from Gates' own biometrics company ID2020 - which he then used be able to demonstrate participation in the corona forced vaccination. Mind you, he extended his ideas to the entire world. The horror vision of world domination by technocrats, who have not been democratically legitimized by a single citizen of this world, suddenly comes within reach.

    Aldous Huxley wrote his depressing science fiction novel "Brave New World" in 1932 and moved the story to 2540. He apparently dramatically overestimated the time it took for his visions to come true.

    1. The Chancellor's double standards
      There was no money to improve the care situation, and the elections were won that way. Even now it is hypocritized that the government has to worry about the elderly; at the same time, however, they are locked up and have to die alone and in grief. And the political class pretends to feel blackmailed by the media. In fact, it's just a distributed role game. The Chancellor takes on the role of a sensible housewife and is allowed to hide her freezing power tactics. Kohl could quickly clear them aside and with the big snout Schröder she didn't stay long. Seehofer was a bit bulky, but is only tolerated for a while. The Greeks had to learn that only one has the say in Europe, and only when large sections of the population were looking for something edible in garbage cans did they have to give up their resistance. The Italians have apparently not yet grasped the lesson the Chancellor will teach them if they want to stay in the euro area; only one has dominance here. But Macron could side with her, then the German dominance is over.
      With the Lockdowm, the German population is finally getting to know the true face of the pastor's daughter. The survival reflex through submission still applies. But the more companies plunge the abyss and livelihoods are destroyed, the clearer it becomes that submission does not protect against state repression.
      With Scheuer as minister for the auto industry, the credibility is already badly damaged, the situation is no better for Klöckner as minister for the large landowners, Scholz as a representative of the financial industry and Kramp-Karrenbauer for the armaments industry. And Spahn is trying to get the data from the pharmaceutical companies. And the media applaud approvingly. The main thing is that the upper middle class remains in power. Unfortunately, the campaign to discipline the population by frightening them has gotten out of hand. The population has to pay for this, the summer vacation is already canceled. And that they fill the football stadiums is out of the question, that would be uncontrollable. And the judiciary was already put in its place by timely changes to the law, so that no accidental resistance can be expected from there. The rest of the resistance will be dealt with, the media are ready to show columns of coffins again at any time. And compliant doctors who murmur from millions of dead are easy to get after the experience with the Charitè. And if the whole thing slips further, the AfD is called for help. History does not repeat itself?

    2. I am in favor of turning on the brain before writing. Stupid phrase thrashing doesn't help. There are evil forces behind everything. Oh how terrible this world is!

  2. I ask for references for points 4 and 5. Such claims should not be made without scientific support. Publications would be the most credible here.

  3. Proof of source: Euromomo counts the number of deaths and no one has yet claimed that these figures are not reliable; as a result, the number of cases has increased this season as in previous years, and is somewhat less than in previous years. Nobody has said that the number would be even smaller without Covid 19. That was point four.
    Point five: Immunity: Streek found 15% immunity in his work. Drosten estimates 45%. Let's wait.

    1. Do you mean this Euromomo?

      The graph visible there shows the highest peak by far since the start of the recordings. Where can you explain the lower fall rate than in the previous year?

      Unfortunately, I do not fully understand the argument to point 5. Does a lower infection rate not speak for the benefit of lock-down?

      I would find a link to the 45% statement very interesting.

      1. You have to scroll a bit and then get the Z-Score for Germany (Berlin).
        Long before the lockdown, on March 5, the number of infections begins to decrease significantly and continuously. The lockdown did not change anything in this drop.
        Mr. Drosten chatters so much and expresses himself vaguely (“maybe we already have 45%…”), so that one shouldn't actually quote him at all.

    2. One more note on the first two points: In points 1 and 2 you speak of the flu season this year. It was actually very moderate.

      However, the paragraph reads that the lock-down was due to the flu.

      Perhaps it would be good to clarify that, according to the definition of the associated pathogen, influenza has nothing to do with Covid-19 or the lock-down to avoid confusion.

      1. The overarching term is: respiratory tract infection ”. Various pathogens are usually involved. In the flu season, the causative agent of influenza is the strongest and most important. Now Covid-19 has also been isolated, which has symptoms with a slightly different focus. To ascribe a special role to it is at least controversial. In any case, all the symptoms are known from previous flu waves. In the next flu wave, which will start in late autumn, the flu viruses including Corona have changed and adapted slightly or more and if you look carefully you will find a Covid-20 virus.
        If you keep in mind that we are constantly populated by billions of viruses, that is how nature is set up, you can understand. that you can't focus on Covid-19 like that.

      2. Yes, the term flu has been avoided by the government and the media. That was part of the scare tactic. The lock-down was justified with the symptoms that the respiratory infections cause in the colder months of the year. The media and the Charite clique held the one corona virus responsible for this. To date, however, there is no test that could be used to determine that the symptoms of the respiratory tract infections were caused by the one corona virus. The media quickly switched to the death rate, but it also turned out that the virus was not particularly malicious, see Hamburg. As a result, the credibility of the official media sank and for two days ARD and ZDF have only been formulating like this: "Deaths in connection with the corona virus ...".

        1. My last comment was somehow lost. Probably because of the links.

          Therefore another attempt:
          Scientifically, influenza and corona viruses belong to completely different virus families. Therefore, the term flu in the context of corona is incorrect according to the definition of the word.

          Bacteria also cause respiratory diseases. Here, however, we draw a clear dividing line. Antibiotics help against bacteria, but not against viruses. One can be vaccinated against flu, but not against corona.

          It is therefore difficult for me to lump all respiratory infections into one pot without differentiating the cause and to write a general and already defined term about them.

          1. There is a wish behind the endeavor to declare this one corona virus special, to attribute it a special role. However, we are largely passed out of nature. And nature keeps reminding us that our civilization must be in tune with it. We not only have to live with the corona viruses, but with everyone else too. And with every wave of flu, one or the other type of virus predominates and every respiratory infection leaves an immunity. which also affects other viruses to a certain extent. (A kind of cross reaction)
            The recognized epidemiologists summarize all viruses that cause respiratory infections in diagrams.
            The claim that the Corona flu was special and not part of the annual flu wave is part of the government's and the media complex's propaganda strategy, which hides a political agenda.

    3. Well, I don't think Berlin is very meaningful, since Berlin has so far had no significant corona cases, let alone dead people. Germany as a whole is still good at the death toll. But how does the rest of Europe explain:

      There is a massive increase in mortality far beyond the usual level in many countries. Unfortunately, this contradicts the statement that Covid 19 does not trigger increased mortality.

  4. Medicine is not an exact science, but lives on assumptions and assumptions. The use of modern aids and other sciences means that science is slowly coming back, but the millennia-old practice of medicine men is still having an impact. In this respect, one should not be too critical of the current generation of medical professionals. You have to be changeable. For example, cholestrin was life-threatening for 70 years and you should not eat more than 1 egg a week, so you can eat as much as you want today. Fortunately, biochemists have been able to prove that the dangerous cholestrin is produced by the body itself from stress hormones. And so we can be curious about what else we can expect from the false old knowledge of medicine.

  5. The reference to Euromomo is very good. They are currently proving that the current level of mortality is greater than ever since data was collected. It is already twice as big as in the flu wave of 2017/2018. The numbers for the over 60 year olds are even more catastrophic. So please do not use references that prove the opposite of your own arguments.

    1. Euromomo published the numbers for deaths in Germany from week 1 in 2015 to week 16 in 2020 and calculated that we are below this by a factor of -1,14.

  6. The claim for the euromomo values ​​would be called fake news in “Trump's speech”. They do not correspond to reality. Please read again in the original.

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