Corona crisis or better social crisis

The nineties were full of optimism, it was believed that things would only get better, Bill Clinton and Kofi Annan will fix it, there will be no more wars, the internet as a big promise solves many problems, the climate is already under control, the outsiders of Greenpeace etc. will already put enough pressure….

The nineties were full of optimism, it was believed that things could only get better, Bill Clinton and Kofi Annan would fix it, there would be no more wars, the Internet as a great promise solved many problems, the climate was already under control , Greenpeace's outsiders, etc. will put enough pressure on them.

Disillusionment began to set in in the late XNUMXs, an economic crisis that many in rich Germany did not notice was overcome, it was believed. Then came Snowden, who pointed out the omnipresent surveillance. And the climate movement gradually grew. A feeling of uncertainty has recently spread as it has become increasingly clear that government promises and glosses over will not save the climate. The feeling of the uncertain future led to an increased excitability. The propagation of a malicious virus gave the media the chance to turn the mass instincts into panic.

In 1913/14 the media and political class had conjured up the image of the evil British Empire. Large masses of people went to war with hurray patriotism and enthusiasm. It was glorified for a long time as a steel thunderstorm but ended in mass murder and famines and led to the downfall of the class of the landed gentry and the large landowners.

Now the print and imaging media are only too happy to fuel panic after realizing the power they are gaining. Left and liberal media blindly follow the course they have chosen, like the lemmings. Strangely enough, right-wing and conservative media like “Welt” and FAZ are more sober. A radical decree is not necessary for television; every cautious partial criticism by experts must be introduced with a commitment to the fundamental correctness of the lockdown. The political class quickly recognized the opportunity and took the initiative in regulating the panicked masses. While the man with the fly fuels the panic with the greatest cynicism, the rest of the political apparatus is also drunk from the sudden increase in power and is even going into extension.

While liberal journalists are attempting to legalize the lockdown as a trade-off, it becomes clear how helpless and how small such figures as Altmaier and Scholz face this historical challenge.

At the moment the masses are still stunned by the Corona crisis. But if the story of the deadly virus is exposed and six or eight million unemployed demonstrate on the street, where is the elite of our political class? A social democracy that caused all this misery will then be swept away entirely. And a laschet will probably not be considered hard enough, the Le Pen type is more in demand.

Then how is the return on the capital invested, which continues to decrease, to be saved? The exploitation of Eastern and Southern Europe is reaching its limits. The constant overproduction finds no new sales markets. The Chinese empire has become a serious competitor to the US empire. The trade war instigated by the US government had to be put on hold for the time being. The media and government can temporarily put the blame for the twenty-two million registered unemployed in the USA on the Corona crisis until the economic system and our social order are at stake.

The ideology of the free and autonomous individual corresponding to the neoliberal age also breaks down. The megatrend of self-optimization could only be maintained by ignoring social conditions and for a small group in the middle class. It is no coincidence that the wrong way of mind-expanding drugs is suddenly being propagated again.

According to all statements made by opinion-forming journalists and representatives of the political class, the causes of the social crisis, if one is granted at all, are not dealt with further; a discussion could be too dangerous. The tracking app is called the course.

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