State terror in Heidelberg

Attorney Beate Bahner was arrested yesterday, maltreated and locked up in a psychiatric institution. Ms Bahner had protested in letters and appeals against the government's emergency measures. In her distress, this courageous woman turned to the Federal Constitutional Court. The latter did not dare to take a stand against the suspension of basic rights and preferred to duck away....

Attorney Beate Bahner was arrested, ill-treated and detained in a psychiatric facility yesterday. Ms. Bahner had protested in letters and calls against the government's emergency measures. In need, this courageous woman turned to the Federal Constitutional Court. The latter did not dare to take a stand against the abolition of fundamental rights and preferred to duck away.

Preserving the power of the government and wealthy classes is the highest law, it is the very substance of the Basic Law. If this basis of all laws appears to be in danger, all human rights and freedom and equality and fraternity won in 1789 have to be put behind. That was already the case with the Nazis and was no different in the GDR. The French yellow vests, which were beaten together and shot half blind, also had to learn this lesson.

Mistreatment of Ms. Bahner will be dismissed as an abuse of lower batches. As is well known, the perpetrators at lower levels do not need explicit instructions; they know very well that their abuses are always covered by their superiors and the judiciary. And of course the press attacks the lawyer, psychiatrizes her and tries to drag her into the dirt.

In addition to the national flag, the president unctuously announces that the lockdown has to save lives, but at the same time is not ready to demand that wages be paid to the nursing staff, which would enable dignified care for the elderly. What is more worrying: this hypocrisy or fascist slip of lower batches?

The middle class is considered to be intellectuals who are willing to defend the whole thing. These people enthusiastically take up the story of the killer virus, which apparently has an “egalitarian component”. Glorious times when millionaires and the homeless are now equals in the eyes of these blind sociologists. No, Mr. Bude, this is not the collapse of neoliberalism. On the contrary, he gets up again strengthened. The difference between above and below increases. Even more people have to work for low wages and in precarious jobs. Even more people are dependent on alms. Public services will be cut even more. Feminism is still seen more as a playground. Climate protection must “temporarily” step back. Totalitarian excesses are accepted with a shrug of the shoulders. The surveillance state is being expanded rapidly. The media and political class glanced at Singapore, South Korea and China with admiration. The centralization of capital is experiencing a powerful surge.

Our political class does not waste a second thinking about not defending the neoliberal world order. And Mr Bude rants about a “rediscovery of society” (that should be a different formulation for the well-worn term “we are all in the same boat”). In this way he maintains his position to which he owes his reputation.

One Reply to "State Terror in Heidelberg"

  1. If you know exactly what is wrong, where are the suggestions on how to do it better. Disparaging people whose views you dislike should not be taken seriously. That is the level of the American universal genius Trump.

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