Choose the party that stands for Glyphosate, Nitrogen Oxides and Title Fraud

Glyphosate has to be, otherwise the yields of the agro-industrialists will decline and the EU can no longer export surpluses to Africa.

And the nitric oxides affect only the inhabitants of the inner cities, the permissible limits have now been raised and almost all diesel vehicles can be driven further from the suburbs to work in the inner cities. Should the local residents move to the suburbs? If they do not want that and die ten years earlier, it's their own fault.

And title fraud, that is not allowed to be seen so closely, that's what everyone does. What is more important is that Ms. Merkel's pastor's face is surrounded by fresh, young faces and, in addition, dynamic slogans and broad employment with electric hipster scooters, that makes a difference (at least more than a Dr. title bought in Prague).

Coming soon, a Clooney face from the Greens, otherwise the soap becomes uninteresting and the audience switches from the crime scene Berlin to Netflix.

For the sake of Germany's security, there is no need to worry about a coalition with the Greens: Hofreiter has already strongly criticized the defense minister because she neglected the equipment of the soldiers and yet had to at least ensure proper footwear.

And the armaments industry will also be able to live with the fact that in the future more stringent care will be taken to ensure that the buyers of the armaments declare that they really do not use the weapons for armed conflict.

So choose Weber and Habeck. With Weber as Commission President, you can be sure that the yields of our agro-companies will not be compromised, glyphosate will be allowed and our wealth will be preserved. The nitrogen oxide limits will certainly not be lowered and as for the title frauds, so at least you get professionals. The entertainment by the state-sponsored media is otherwise boring.

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