Do more vulnerable and old people have to die prematurely?

The crisis in society is coming to a head

Vulnerable and old people die prematurely in large numbers. Most of the younger cohorts survived the corona injections alive. But now they are suffering one respiratory infection after another. And myocarditis in young people is a time bomb. Some people just sit on their smartphone, especially in this winter weather, and don't notice the reduced performance. However, for many who have continuously exercised, this is no longer possible. They try to reach their old performance level through increased effort, but cannot do it. And all of these “vaccinated people” are at risk of the heart’s conduction system suddenly failing and the heart fluttering or stopping.

Actor Matthew Perry had a long drug and alcohol career and achieved sobriety, but it was in vain, the “vaccination” killed him. Completely healthy, extremely fit firefighters, pilots or top athletes suddenly collapse and die. Some airlines that have done it particularly badly are now having to pay high premiums to attract unvaccinated pilots. The constant ailments of the vaccinated nurses hinder work in the hospitals. During the so-called pandemic, many departments were closed due to underutilization. Now they cannot reopen because of a lack of staff. The fully vaccinated Bundeswehr is not fit for war, thank God.

Businesses suffer from high levels of sickness. There are too few unvaccinated people who can take on the work of those who have been vaccinated. The immigrant skilled workers usually do not have the skills and knowledge to take on the work that has previously been done by the vaccinated. The high level of sickness is also causing problems for the public sector.

The pension insurance was able to build up a cushion due to the premature deaths of the insured. This is now melting as economic activity is paralyzed. And the downward trend is also continuing, as the USA has cut off Germany and Europe from receiving Russian gas by blowing up the Baltic Sea pipeline.

German and Western European agriculture works with only small surpluses and immediately feels the tax increase on diesel oil. And it is intended to compete with products manufactured in countries where a minimum wage of three euros is paid. German fishermen do not understand that their taxes are being increased to plug gaps in the federal budget.

The German upper middle class still has enough reserves and is not yet clearly feeling the economic decline. He would replace the run-down traffic lights in the shortest possible time so that a CDU-led government could save its income. So far, however, the government has only attacked the lower middle class and the proletariat with its tax and contribution increases. But the downward momentum can hardly be stopped. “Future investments” in the defense industry alone are not enough to bring about a change. No matter how hard the traffic light government tries to inflate the military budget, it can only fuel inflation.

For the lower middle class and the proletariat, the direction is austerity. Food prices are rising, energy costs are exploding and pension levels are not keeping up with the increases. The train drivers' union only sees the possibility of at least reducing the weekly working hours and the farmers have shown their strength. The many previous demonstrations were covered up by the media, which was hardly possible now. Many farmers are still caught up in the idea that their officials can achieve something through backroom discussions, but that is slowly changing and many have realized that they have to join forces with other professional groups to stop the farming practices. Haulers and tradesmen from energy-sensitive areas have joined the protests. The Dutch, Belgians and French also sent delegations.

The IG Metall leadership has been able to keep its members calm so far, but the base will still give them a leg up. But it is clear that a CDU-led government is not an alternative and that only the AfD is actually offering to represent the interests of those who have been fleeced. To ensure that this competition does not become too great, all stops are now being pulled out and a campaign is being launched, the media is reporting on a “secret meeting” and the traffic light parties are organizing demonstrations and preferring the green color for their SA, as brown is discredited. But these methods are so ridiculous and so transparent that only your own base can be mobilized

It is still uncertain when the next professional group will join the protests against the government.

22 Replies to “Do more vulnerable and old people have to die prematurely?”

  1. “Finally, after the second COVID-19 shot and compared to unvaccinated people, young people have a significantly increased risk (5,3 times) of developing myocarditis or pericarditis, a known side effect.

    The authors console themselves for their results by pointing to the small number of cases. However, one takes into account that in every case in which a young person experiences a side effect after a COVID-19 shot, that side effect is unnecessary simply because young people generally do NOT benefit from a COVID-19 shot “This result is once again proof that pharmaceutical companies and the regulatory authorities they buy are happy to accept the illness of young people when it comes to making a profit.”


    “Simply put, regulatory authorities knew that these products could integrate into the host genome, cause cancer (malignant transformation), autoimmune diseases and adverse events for years after injection. Even if these products are not integrated into the genome, continued exposure through excretion may increase the risk of cancer.”

    Deadly technology

    "They knew it could cause cancer - years after the injection - and now, when there is an epidemic of cancer, they surprisingly have a 'solution.' And their solution is another gene therapy product that is excreted,” he emphasized.!

  3. “It brings tears to your eyes when you listen to the conversation between MWGFD employee Johannes Clasen and 24-year-old former primary school education student Annika. Because there sits a young, pretty woman who describes in clear, structured words her “botched life”, as she described it in the preliminary interview, and her story of suffering, which began after the 3rd vaccination with BioNTech/Pfizer. Her medical history is astounding. ”

  4. “published January 4, 2024

    At the beginning of the new year 2024, the second chairman of the MWGFD and doctor Dr. Ronald Weikl takes stock of the findings from 4 years of “Corona” and makes an urgent call to all fellow human beings in Germany, but also worldwide.
    to the German video
    to the English video

    At the same time, he ultimately calls on all those politicians, “state leaders” and decision-makers, religious and church leaders in Germany and all other countries who have allowed themselves to be bought and harnessed to the cart by an exploitative system and have thus criminally disregarded the interests of those entrusted to them , to resign immediately, to submit themselves to a proper judiciary and to free up their positions for people who can take responsibility with heart and mind and also enough backbone in love for their fellow human beings.

    A good, blessed, successful, happy New Year 2024 to you and your loved ones! I would be happy if you share this video on your social networks. ”

  5. “The polar bears in the Arctic have been appealing to people's love of animals for a long time, especially in the last five years, in order to promote the attempt to implement the complete restructuring of the economy and power structures. That's why we keep hearing that the ice in the Arctic is decreasing, even though measurements don't prove this. A broadcast from the German Bundestag even claims that the sea ice in the Arctic is becoming “less and thinner”.


    “There are interviews that need to be conducted, especially when it comes to a political opponent who has been wronged by the courts, which has been happily reported by the mainstream media. If the appeal ends with an acquittal for the defendant, this information should be reported in the media at least to the same extent as his previous trials or convictions.

    The AfD politician Florian Jäger, who was initially convicted as a “seditionist,” is exactly such a case. According to judgments from the Fürstenfeldbruck District Court and the Munich II Regional Court, he was acquitted in the appeal to the Bavarian Higher Regional Court and the judgments of the lower courts were overturned.”


    “In order for the organized demonstrations to be passed off as something other than the demonstrations staged by the government via networks, which they actually are, the situation needs to be defined, the binding interpretation usually made by the person in a group as the leader is recognized. In Germany, this function is performed, among other things, by this person who is supposedly president for ALL GERMAN, unless these Germans are ideologically on the other side of himself.”

  8. “Fueled by the ruling media, thousands on Germany’s streets are calling for a ban on the AfD. At the same time, a petition calling for a ban on the Green Party is going viral online.

    Since October 2023, a digital petition calling for the Greens to be banned has been published on the “” website. Until now, the demand had received little attention, but that changed at the weekend. Probably because many people are currently protesting for a ban on the AfD. This Monday alone, 70.000 people have already signed the petition for a ban on the Greens.”

  9. “The main goal of the drivers of the agenda, which wants to be called “left-wing” but is nothing other than, if you will, the most brutal fascism of all time, is precisely that we allow ourselves to be worn down, that we become tired, that we allow ourselves to become impoverished, dispersed, segregated, rendered helpless and incapacitated - and sterile, mutilated by MRNA or even injected completely dead.

    It is, with the exception of Pol Pot and perhaps the Nazis, the most brutal, mass murderous dictatorial coup in human history. The fact that it didn’t have a full impact is entirely thanks to us, the democratic resistance inside and outside the institutions and corporations.”

    Anselm Lenz 23.01.24/XNUMX/XNUMX

  10. “The series of sudden and unexpected deaths continues. Younger and healthy people are always affected. If they are athletes, pilots or celebrities, they will also be reported on. Sports journalist Mike Dickson, who died suddenly last week, was a vocal pro-Vaxx advocate who criticized players and athletes who refused to be vaccinated against Covid. He took a particularly strong stance against super athlete and vaccination opponent Novak Djokovic.

    Longtime Daily Mail tennis correspondent Mike Dickson dropped dead while covering the Australian Open. He collapsed in Melbourne while covering the tennis Grand Slam tournament and died unexpectedly, his family said.

  11. “Why do I write “black propaganda”? Because the “experts” are not named, because there are no peer-reviewed papers supporting the thesis “a deadly pathogen that causes 20 times more deaths than COVID-19” or “kills 20 times more people than COVID-19.” or “Kill 50 million people.” Nevertheless, these reports are in the headlines in the mainstream media.

    This is just another exercise in globalized messaging to support the narrative promoted by the WHO (World Economic Forum) and the WEF that governments must pour billions into the world's largest transnational corporations to "cure" a non-existent disease.

    What is not black propaganda, but rather gray propaganda, is the fact that this fear-mongering is being pushed by the WEF and the WHO. WHO representatives are most of the keynote speakers and panelists on Disease X at the Davos meeting this week. From the WEF website:

    World leaders will discuss preparing for the next pandemic at the World Economic Forum in Davos...

    Officials from around the world will travel to the annual meeting in Switzerland, with the threat posed by so-called “Disease X” being one of the key topics on the agenda.”


    The internist and cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough explains in the film:

    “The tsunami of misery, acute respiratory infections, hospitalizations, post-acute syndrome, sadly death from the disease, and now the wave of vaccine injuries, disabilities and deaths has been overwhelming in terms of human despair. The misery is overwhelming, and it has changed the course of people's lives. Remember that even the rarest side effect is significant when a therapy or vaccine is applied to a huge population.”


    “In the past
    Thousands of people took to the streets this week
    all of Germany to fight against fascism
    They chanted: “Never again is now!” Many of these people spent the last three
    Years, 2020 to 2023, to follow orders unconditionally, official propaganda
    to parrot and demonize anyone who dared to repeat the unconstitutional and
    The government's toritarian approach during the so-called Covid pandemic is questioned
    place. Many of these people who are fighting for Palestinian rights are now
    shocked that the new form of totalitarianism they helped bring into being
    have turned against them. And here I am, sitting in front of a criminal court in Berlin
    accused of spreading pro-Nazi propaganda in two tweets about mask requirements
    have. The German authorities had my speech censored on the Internet and
    damaged my reputation and my income as an author. One of my books was written by Ama-
    zon banned in Germany. And that because I criticized the German authorities
    I protested against one of their decrees because I pointed out one of their lies-
    be. This turn of events would be absurdly funny if it weren’t so infuriating.”

  14. “The great peasant wars of the 15th and 16th centuries were fought for exactly the same reasons as today. During this century and a half, not only was the ground literally pulled out from under the farmers' feet, but the average farmer's daily working hours were also doubled and his income was halved. It is understandable (though not excusable) that the brutal cruelty of the somewhat frustrated peasant masses knew no bounds. Neither did the reprisals that followed.

    The global power economy and the collaborating power structures in Europe, which are increasingly subordinate to it and forced into a pariah role, are now doing the same and are passing on the costs of prolonging the agony of the US global empire onto rural society.

    The outcome of the conflict is not yet foreseeable because the entire European system of rule is on the verge of collapse. Just as the rebel leaders of the Peasants' Wars centuries ago had no “adequate idea” of what an acceptable solution might look like, we continue to live in a whirlwind of emotions today, with little sign that an amicable solution could be found in a timely manner .”

  15. Tobias Ulbrich:
    “The health insurance data of over 5,5 million cases requiring treatment after vaccination with reference to the vaccination speak a clear language, as do the warnings from the BKK boss at the time, who is no longer on the board because of his warnings. Although it is a legal obligation for the PEI to evaluate the data from the health insurance companies, this has not happened even 3 years after the start of vaccination because an interface for the data transfer from the health insurance companies to the PEI has not yet been programmed, according to information from the federal government. No citizen believes the protective claims because it is clear that it is about covering up and concealing the extent of the catastrophe.

    A country with this mental state, which prefers lies to truth in all political areas, will still not want to see any connection to vaccination even in such reports from the Tagesschau. That's why the questions that are immediately on the tip of everyone's tongue are not even asked, as was once the case in the so-called real socialism in the GDR, because the answer would have to be answered in the negative in advance for reasons of state and to protect the pharmaceutical industry. Therefore, everyone can think about their part in the economic damage caused, but not say it.

    There must finally be a complete evaluation of all health insurance data and sick notes. The same applies to the clarification of excess mortality through autopsies by professionals who are familiar with all issues related to vaccine damage and its consequences in order to clearly determine the cause of death using differential diagnostics. Never before in the history of medicine has there been a gene therapy that was falsely declared as a “vaccination” and then disguised as a “medicine” and which caused this gigantic health damage in such a short time, of which only 1 percent of the truth can be seen in suspicious activity reports according to a Harvard study could. Any kind of enlightenment in Germany – none. Defective immune systems consequently lead to more infectious diseases and thus to increased downtime. If you had read the scientific studies on immune deficiencies that occur after so-called vaccinations, the connection would be immediately clear. (among others).

    The CDU/CSU, together with the FDP and SPD, shy away from enlightenment like the devil avoids holy water because they know what the end of the story will be. So they would rather let scientists and myself be discredited instead of dealing with the content of the reporting.”

  16. “The large number of deaths that have been observed in old people's and nursing homes in England, Scotland and Wales is therefore not the result of COVID-19, it is the conscious result of the administration of benzodiazepines and opioids, which have had a life-shortening effect. However, this great death was of course quickly exploited as evidence of the deadly nature of the Wuhan virus by those who wanted to use the zee winndow of oppordunidy to partially destroy Western societies. In the worst case, those who took the large deaths in old people's and nursing homes as evidence that SARS-CoV-2 is a killer virus deliberately caused the large deaths in order to be able to use it accordingly.

  17. “The loss of the ability to lead a meaningful life is a very broad indicator that can also be understood by those whose accounts were frozen by the Trudeau government in order to give them their biography as revenge for the criticism they received practiced destroying as part of the trucker protest. Emotional distress is also not necessarily what one would expect as a “cause of death,” just as “a loss of control or autonomy” is not a compelling reason unless one considers all those paralyzed after an accident as potential clients of MAID want to watch. Even if there are certainly cases in which the suffering is so great that the person affected prefers death to continuing to live, these cases cannot, on the one hand, be the reason for an industrial form of euthanasia, because if that is what they are, then they are Gates open to abuse, as the following illustration shows:”

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