The rollback is now coming from the East

You cannot determine the course of the economy

With Schäuble as finance minister, it became clear that the political class is not in a position to steer a country's economic development.

The powers available to the government through fiscal policy were used by the then government and central banks to lower interest rates and constrain government spending. The government increased the deflationary trend and submitted to weaker countries. In the western hemisphere, Greece has been brutally repressed, the government changed, Greece gutted economically and handed over to shipowners and oligarchs. Finally, the deflationary course in Europe could no longer be maintained; roads and bridges fell into disrepair, school buildings looked derelict, while the wealth of the upper ten thousand grew. Wage increases have been stretched out over long periods of time and pension increases have been paltry. The broad masses did not participate in the increase in prosperity, the amount of investment-seeking capital swelled, returns fell. The government's fiscal policy could not materially influence this trend, it could only reinforce it. The 15 percent targeted by Ackermann became unattainable.

With cum-ex transactions, the government tried to pacify the financial and banking sector in Germany alone, 10 billion from the state coffers flowed into this area. Finally, limiting the amount of goods that could not find a market seemed a salvation. The lockdown policy paralyzed economic activity, reduced the production of goods, but also reduced sales opportunities and could not stop the decline in returns.

The Ukraine war offered an unexpected rescue from a hopeless propagandistic situation in which fewer and fewer people believed the pandemic narrative. Now you can pump up the masses again. The Greens serve as particularly zealous Bellicists. Not enough weapons can be delivered to the war zones. The FDP even declares a state of war; Strack-Zimmermann: "We are at war".

The unrestrained government spending is taking effect and the armaments industry is enthusiastic.

The state could no longer support the deflationary trend. Now the unrestrained money printing, which had already started before the Ukraine war and also before the Corona crisis, is being declared to be a rescue. One hundred billion for the armaments industry are cheered by the Corona parties and the increase in the armaments budget is to be continued continuously.

This is reminiscent of the 20s and 30s, when the inflationary development culminated in a gigantic armament spiral caused by the National Socialists. Even now nobody can seem to stop this madness. Government propaganda, which speaks of opposition members as enemies of the state, is treacherous. The opposition is stifled with authoritarian, fascist measures. An end to this escalation is not in sight.

Should the Russian government see the moment as favorable and impose an oil and gas embargo on Germany, de-industrialization would result and, due to the lack of ammonia production, grain production would also not be sufficient.

The compulsory vaccination in the social institutions already means the beginning of the restriction of these benefits, since a significant part of the employees avoids the destruction of their immune power by resigning and those who are left behind as immunocompromised have to stay away from the workplace more and more.

After the US-led rollback of the past few decades, the rollback is now changing direction. The turning point was the Syrian war, in which the American offensive failed. And the war in Afghanistan also led to a humiliating defeat, when the escape scenes from Saigon were repeated in Kabul. And the ruling cliques have to watch helplessly as their propaganda printed and broadcast in the media becomes less and less credible. Do you want to force another discussion about virus variants on the population in autumn and impose lockdowns? This is unlikely to succeed, since the deadly and ill-inducing consequences of vaccinations are becoming increasingly obvious and inflation will certainly not stop at 10 percent.

  • Rents are rising across the board, so that graduated rents are no longer being agreed, but index rents are gaining ground
  • There is a shortage of doctors and nurses in hospitals and retirement homes
  • Day care centers will be closed again
  • Post and Telekom have high sick leave rates because of the vaccination
  • Buses and trains, airlines and restaurants are also suffering from staff shortages due to the lack of vaccinations
  • Even supermarkets have to resort to support staff

The situation in the USA is no better, so there can be no question of an upswing.

15 Replies to “The rollback is now coming from the East”

  1. “The mask requirement on planes and public transport is history in the USA. On Monday, a Florida district court announced a landmark decision. Some flight personnel spontaneously erupted in cheers.

    Just a few days ago, the White House extended the mask requirement on public transport and airplanes in the United States. Now the provision has been overturned by a US federal court in Florida. Passengers on planes, trains and other public transport no longer have to wear a mask. ”

  2. Forwarded from Dr. medical Carola Javid-Kistel
    “This is about my dear friend, colleague and comrade-in-arms Dr. Ronny Weikl, the 2nd chairman of! From the beginning, Ronny was one of the courageous colleagues who stood up against the corona coercive measures and stood protectively in front of his patients in accordance with the Geneva Pledge and the Hippocratic Oath! For this they are now demanding a prison sentence and a professional ban for the multiple family father! A legal scandal! You absolutely want to make examples and create precedents! There are political judgments that should be made here, so that none of us doctors open their mouths and all doctors run straight back into the NWO and transhumanism “on track”! An injustice beyond compare! And the “vaccinators” who are injecting masses of people sick and dead meanwhile earn a fortune! Sick world…..satanic!!! One can only hope that the human family wakes up in time and fights for its survival! "

  3. “We note that the regulatory scrutiny of the
    Protein synthesis and cancer surveillance may be profoundly disrupted.
    These disorders may be causally related to
    neurodegenerative diseases, myocarditis, immune thrombocytopenia,
    Bell's palsy, liver disease, impaired adaptive immunity, impaired DNA
    Damage reaction and tumor development. We show evidence from the VAERS database,
    that support our hypothesis."
    Innate immune suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinations: The role of
    G-quadruplexes, exosomes, and microRNAs
    Stephanie Seneff a,*, Greg Nigh b, Anthony M. Kyriakopoulos c, Peter A. McCullough

  4. “Since the pandemic was declared, the economy has been systematically and massively ruined and jobs destroyed. First it was the Corona measures and now the Ukraine conflict serves that purpose. The 'global poor' are the hardest hit by the turmoil and in particular the massive price increases, inflation and the decline in economic output. The oligarchs and plutocrats in the West and the USA are benefiting.

    The energy and food crisis triggered by NATO's war against Russia will not only be used as a lever to encourage privatization. The European economy will shrink and create poverty for a decade."

  5. “As far as denazification is concerned, the facts are quite clear. The value west contorts itself acrobatically to belittle, distort or deny the obvious and widespread fascism in Ukraine, as Olaf Scholz recently tweeted after his phone call with Putin. But that is precisely why it is necessary to point out again and again and with all emphasis: In Ukraine there is fascism in its purest form, it is real, it is widespread and the government not only tolerates it, but obviously supports and promotes it.”

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