A further level of escalation has been reached

Now the political class is resorting to harsher means:…

Now the political class is resorting to harsher means:

  • Officials who are not compliant will be removed from the service. All officials must support the narrative of the virus, which is far more dangerous than the flu. Criticism is stifled. (S Kohn)
  • Judges who form their own opinions that differ are harassed, transferred, harassed with house searches and confiscations.
  • Scientists who want to appear as witnesses get visits from the police and have to endure confiscations.
  • Doctors who disagree with the government are harassed, prosecuted by the judiciary, pressured by authorities until they cave in or are banned from practicing their profession.
  • Anyone who vents their outrage about the coercive measures online will be intimidated by nationwide coordinated actions: Hendrik Sodenkamp in "Democratic Resistance": "With their days of action, which consist of house searches and interrogations, the interior minister and her apparatus want to intimidate the opposition before the Embarrass neighbors, stigmatize them and keep me busy with outrageous lawsuits. It is obvious that they are resorting to increasingly absurd allegations: all kinds of forged documents and insults..."
  • War propaganda is in full swing. There should be general agreement that arms will be delivered to Ukraine. The rearmament by an additional amount of one hundred billion is cheered in the Bundestag.
  • The population is supposed to freeze soon, it's for freedom. Not a Protestant pastor comes off stupid for this saying.
  • Social facilities such as hospitals and retirement homes are consequently being dismantled.
  • As the value of money falls, the unions agree on measly wage increases and worsen the situation of wage earners.
  • The absurd quarantine orders are reducing the efficiency of the companies.
  • The injection of the highly toxic vaccine substances weakens the employees, and sick leave increases.
  • Social cohesion is shaken, society is divided. Politicians and their media have created a climate of denunciation and slander. The political class uses this split to consolidate its power.
  • Demonstrations are banned or sometimes even beaten up; nevertheless, over XNUMX public rallies and demonstrations take place daily and weekly throughout Germany.
  • Not even the children's education is guaranteed anymore. The teachers' unions have completely failed.
  • The official churches have sided with the government and must therefore endure further exodus and resignations. Solidarity and caring for the elderly and the sick have become foreign words to the functionaries of the official churches, while the flow to the free churches continues.

Many people hope that this social catastrophe will come to an end in the summer. But the propagandists of the regime are already tinkering with such creative constructions as "Deltakron" and "Sommerwelle" and similar nonsense.

19 Replies to “Another level of escalation has been reached”

  1. “Untruths about Corona, Covid and the pandemic have been spread for two years. Basically, it's just a few lies that lay the foundation for the rest. Germans were significantly involved in some of them – the term scientist is self-explanatory.”

    "Dr. Peter McCullough's 5 important points about Corona, Covid and vaccination:

    a.) It spreads through the air (so there is no point in sterilizing surfaces)
    b.) Spread occurs from a sick person to a susceptible person (asymptomatic spread is negligible)
    c)No scientific support for asymptomatic testing (false positive results)
    d) Natural immunity is robust and protective
    e)The virus has always been treatable (95% of lives could have been saved)
    f) The vaccines are not sufficiently safe or effective

    “The global mass vaccination program has failed. In fact, it has made the situation worse.”


  2. “LGE abnormalities reported by the authors have been shown to be associated with increased mortality, increased mortality from cardiac disease, increased likelihood of needing heart transplantation, increased likelihood, again, of acute myocarditis being hospitalized with an increased likelihood of needing a pacemaker later in life, in short: with an increased likelihood of heart disease later in life.”


  3. “Currently, 5 Covid patients are being cared for in the intensive care unit in Vorarlberg. Of these, 2 are boosted and 3 "not fully immunized", i.e. double vaccinated. So there is apparently no unvaccinated Covid patient in an intensive care unit. In the situation report a week ago, all three Covid intensive care patients were even boosted! Of the 115 Covid patients currently on the normal wards in Vorarlberg's hospitals, 25 patients are "not fully immunized", according to the management report. This means that apparently ALL patients are vaccinated at least twice. This is how politicians and the media damage our health
    Germany provides transparent figures

    In Germany, the RKI collects the numbers much more precisely, also thanks to the intensive register there. This shows that the proportion of those who have been boosted in intensive care patients is increasing rapidly.”


  4. Switzerland from 01.04.22
    • The Federal Council lifts the last measures against the corona pandemic.
    • From April 1st, the obligation to isolate infected people and the obligation to wear a mask on public transport will no longer apply.
    • A transition phase with increased vigilance and responsiveness is now indicated until spring 2023.
    • Structures must be maintained so that, if necessary, we can react quickly.
    • The Covid app will be temporarily disabled.
    • If you want, you can still have yourself tested free of charge.

  5. “Despite (or because of?) a lower vaccination rate than in Austria and Germany, the Covid chapter in Switzerland is now (for the time being?) over. With today's April 1st, the last regulations have also fallen. Those who test positive are no longer isolated, and those who are ill are recommended to stay at home. As before 2020.

    April 1st is a real freedom day for Switzerland. As of today, Friday, all other Corona regulations have fallen. There is no mask requirement anywhere, nor do you have to be ill, infected or quarantined with a positive test.”


  6. https://sciencefiles.org/2022/04/01/berichte-ueber-impfschaeden-fluten-kommentarbereich-ard-bericht-bringt-redaktion-in-ideologische-noete/

    “Officially there is no vaccination damage worth mentioning. Well, a few heart muscle infections here and there, now and then there is a death, but nothing worth mentioning, it would be worth mentioning, the Paul Ehrlich Institute would report it, but the Paul Ehrlich Institute was obviously banned to even begin to evaluate the data, it therefore does not report, with the result that there is no vaccine harm, officially.”

  7. “Soldiers and their families are a relatively easy-to-control group. Figuratively speaking, missing ones are noticeable when counting them in the morning. The medical records are complete and easily comparable. In the US military, it is now becoming increasingly clear that mRNA injections are far more dangerous than any combat mission.

    The US lawyer Thomas Renz reported in January that miscarriages by servicewomen and partners of servicemen were observed to be 300 percent more than in previous years. Cancer, Neurological problems that can affect the pilots register an increase of over 1000%.

    It was recently reported that 80 of 83 military personnel who died at Fort Bragg had their deaths "sudden and unexpected."


  8. The PEI no longer records vaccination reactions.
    This means that Germany no longer has its own database on side effects of mRNA gene therapy.
    disguise, cover up, cover up. This is the German way of dealing with the Corona crisis. Apparently, evidence has now begun to be "disposed of" to make it harder for investigators to find perpetrators and prove the crimes.

    In principle, any lack of transparency is good news, as it shows that we are on the right track and that those in favor of measures and vaccination are getting nervous.

    We will use the ZAAVV (http://zaavv.com/) reveal everything. We will also find all the perpetrators.

    I call on all honest employees at the PEI, the RKI and the health authorities to secure all relevant data and, if necessary, to contact the encouragers (https://mutigmacher.org/) to turn.

    There will be leniency programs later. Those who can show that they have secured data for judicial review can expect leniency in court.

    My channel:
    Lawyer Ludwig

  9. “We are likely to face a humanitarian emergency from 12/2021 to 12/2022 (one to two years after the start of the vaccination campaign), if fears about the medium to long-term effects of the vaccination should be confirmed. If every thousandth person to be vaccinated became seriously ill as a result of the vaccination, we would - in contrast to the COVID 'pandemic' - have a real socio-medical emergency.

    To the distress of the victims, who had themselves vaccinated out of good faith in the messages of the state and the media, there would also be a fundamental crisis of confidence in the state and its institutions. Because under normal circumstances and the previous well-founded standards for approval, these vaccines would have to be withdrawn from the market immediately.”


  10. "Chope's findings certainly also apply to us, although the reports in England and Scotland are considerably more comprehensive and honest than anything AGES and RKI have published to date. And once someone speaks the truth, like the board of directors of BKK ProVita, then they are immediately dismissed and persecuted. The mRNA gene syringes must be injected until .... Yes, what actually? Until everyone is sick? Or deceased?"


  11. “The least we can do for COVID vaccine victims is to name their names — victims like Caitlin Georgia Gotze, a healthy and fun-loving 23-year-old who is studying to be a veterinarian at Griffith University, and worked at the same time as a horse carer. Caitlin died at work of a heart attack after a second Pfizer shot. The cause of death was given as asthma, an illness Caitlin had never suffered from. ...

    The Australian Health Practitioner Regulatory Agency (AHPRA) has urged doctors not to report or even talk about the harm they are seeing.
    The truth is that the Select Committee on COVID-19 ran a protection racket for the pharmaceutical industry and today's vote proves that. This unprecedented betrayal of the Australian people must be brought before a royal commission without delay.

    To the Prime Minister, the Secretary of Health, the Department of Health and all those in the Senate and House of Representatives - all of you who committed this crime - I have a question: How the hell are you going to get away with this? We will not let you get away with it."


  12. “But what unfortunately still seems to happen as a result of these disorders of the immune system are other diseases such as cancer, shingles, autoimmune reactions, heart and circulatory problems, as well as neurological damage – in short, everything that the innate immune system is supposed to protect us from.

    Several studies have shown that mRNA remains active in the body for at least four months. Pfizer's documentation shows that the same applies to the toxic lipid nanoparticles. As a result, the weakening of the immune system lasts for months, especially if the vaccination is repeated again and again. Hence the dreaded vaccine AIDS.

    All this is known and conclusively documented. The continuation of the vaccination campaigns that the pandemic operators want to enforce, through compulsory vaccination and the extension of the digital Covid certificates, will damage even more people even more massively."


  13. “One would think that governments have learned a lot since then. But there continues to be a thoroughly vicious political reaction to an alleged outbreak of a common cold respiratory viral disease.

    It is no longer 2020 when it could be claimed that this disease was 10 times more deadly than seasonal flu. Recent calculations of the global mortality rate range from 0,0001% to about 0,1%, depending on age group, which is below the typical seasonal flu and corresponds to the common cold and sniffles caused by the well-known coronaviruses.

    What is even clearer is that SARS-COV-2 kills almost exclusively the elderly and sick. The flu occasionally kills infants and young children.

    All in all, the objective evidence shows that this supposedly new virus poses less of a societal threat than influenza.”


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