With genetic control, fascism triumphs

Through genetic intervention, it seems possible to favor the occurrence of thisases from a certain age…

Through genetic interventions, it seems possible to promote the occurrence of diseases from a certain age.

In the current experiment, it has already been possible to weaken the body's own immune system to such an extent that various genetically predisposed diseases break out. Infectious diseases can also be caused by mRNA attacks. Since the diseases only appear with a time delay, and this new phenomenon is not familiar to doctors and patients, no connection to the injection is usually found or it is denied. And since the deadly consequences mostly affect the elderly and the sick, whose immune system is already generally weakened, no further investigation is carried out. Only excess mortality is recorded.

However, the necessary consequence is an enormous reduction in the burden due to the reduction in social costs. However, it is all too obvious that this is an important goal that the so-called vaccinations are intended to achieve and therefore cannot be pushed through openly in propaganda. But to achieve the same goal through genetic manipulation, e.g. that the diseases occur more frequently after the age of seventy, when labor power is no longer usable, would be the ultimate triumph of geneticists. The ongoing large-scale test has already brought them very close to this goal.

As knowledge advances, human reproduction can and will be subjected to state control. Experiments on women of childbearing age and pregnant women are already taking place. In the experiments in the American army, miscarriages have increased by six hundred percent.

At the same time, the campaign is running to no longer accept biological sex, but to subject it to social control. With the help of genetic manipulation, the biological characteristics of the sex can be reduced or the number of members of a sex can be increased or decreased according to labor needs. This brings us much closer to the goal of total usability of labor power.

22 Replies to “Fascism triumphs with genetic control”

  1. https://tkp.at/2022/03/03/moegliche-folgen-des-spikens-auf-den-nachwuchs/

    “Apparently a real battle has broken out over the interpretation of side effects and long-term consequences of mRNA technology. Anyone who writes on Twitter that there are still no studies on the dangers and consequences of vaccination will be blocked. Anyone who draws attention to the massive side effects according to the health insurance company's billing data will be fired, even if they have served their company faithfully for 21 years. Research on damage should be made impossible, although damage can also affect very sensitive areas such as embryo growth."

  2. Highly explosive data on hospital treatment confirm the "strong warning signal" that BKK-Provita has pointed out for outpatient treatment!

    Short video statement by Beate Bahner (2 min. 19 sec.)

    Until the next ban also on youtube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PGOPMk12qX8

    According to this, the number of side effects of vaccinations treated in hospital in 2021 has also increased by leaps and bounds!

    Hospital treatments due to vaccination side effects were about 2021 times higher in 10 than in 2019 and 2020!

    Here the analysis (https://coronadatenanalyse.de/krankenhaus-abrechnungsdaten-impfnebenwirkungen-2019-bis-2021/) based on publicly accessible billing data according to InEK (Institute for the remuneration system in hospitals).

    Here is the link to the numbers on Telegram: https://t.me/AnalyseSterbedatenDeutschland/329

    Beate Bahner, specialist lawyer for medical law
    Author of the book "Corona vaccination: What doctors and patients should definitely know (https://www.buchkomplizen.de/index.php?lang=0&cl=search&searchparam=Beate+bahner+Corona-Impfung)”
    Member of the lawyers for education

    My telegram channel:

    My home page:

  3. https://uncutnews.ch/covid-impfung-ist-kein-kinderschutz-sondern-eine-proaktive-schaedigung/

    “At the end of May 2021, excess mortality also increased. Corona mortality only started to rise again in July.

    What role do vaccines play? Heart problems are a known side effect of the Covid vaccines. In July last year, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) announced that inflammation of the heart muscle and pericardium was included as a possible side effect in the patient information leaflet of the Pfizer and Moderna corona vaccines.

    Symptoms can include shortness of breath, a strong and possibly irregular heartbeat, and chest pain."

  4. “Buyx and company are trying to make the unthinkable thinkable on behalf of a misanthropic idea, as eugenicist and first UNESCO chief Julian Huxley put it. The Ethics Council is supposed to ethically justify what was considered science 100 years ago and had high-ranking supporters from America to Europe: eugenics. The human genetic segregation of the population. Optimized, selective and centrally controlled human reproduction. Comparable to cattle breeding and factory farming.”


  5. https://tkp.at/2022/03/06/unhaltbare-begruendungen-fuer-deutsches-impfpflichtgesetz/

    According to the draft law, well-tolerated, safe and highly effective vaccines are available to prevent Sars-Cov-2. Well, the findings from the billing data of the company health insurance companies and also those from the InEK data are disruptive, as the evaluation of corona data analysis shows.

    It is claimed: "Studies have shown that vaccinations not only effectively protect the vaccinated person against disease and severe disease, but also resulted in vaccinated persons being less likely to contribute to the spread of the pathogen," the submission reads.

    One can really only shake one's head at this claim, which has been refuted a hundred times. Nothing is right here at all. This has been disproved even by CDC studies.
    Almost even more absurd is the protective claim by Vaccination Minister Lauterbach and other politicians that there should be a killer variant in the fall. Do they have secret knowledge that a new variant should be created and released again?”

  6. “There is also a sharp increase of 20% in inflammation of the heart and pericardium – a total of 2.020 cases, 18 of which ended fatally. The number of cases of thrombosis with thrombocytopenia syndrome rose to 278 – 53 of which were fatal. There are now 730 cases of thrombocytopenia or immune thrombocytopenia, 24 of which ended fatally. The number of cases in Guillain-Barré syndrome rose to 354 cases, 9 of which ended fatally. 2

    “There were 12 adverse reactions in children and adolescents aged 17-3.227 years. 8 children in this age group died in connection with the vaccination. This means that we now officially have more “vaccination deaths” than “corona deaths” in this group. In addition, 10 children suffered permanent vaccine damage and 147 vaccine-related heart infections. The little ones are not spared from Guillain-Barré syndrome either – 6 cases speak for themselves here.”

    In children under the age of 12, 505 side effects occurred, and in 103 cases vaccination side effects even occurred in children under the age of 5, although there is still no vaccine for this group. "The PEI states that in 20 cases the vaccine was transported via breast milk. The other 83 cases are not explained in detail. That only allows one conclusion" - according to the corona blog: "These are babies who have not yet been born and who have been damaged in the womb by the vaccination (of the mother)."


  7. Mr. Lauterbach remains in his Corona delusion. I think the person is sick.
    In other countries, everything falls apart, only Lauterbach causes panic again. Mr. Lauterbach has a strong need for recognition.

  8. Everything except mainstream, [08.03.2022/18/43 XNUMX:XNUMX PM]
    Well cheers meal

    Realistically, one must already expect 400.000 deaths from the Covid injection

    And that after the first year.

    That's the tip of the iceberg

    dr Bodo Schiffmann 8.3.22


    Everything except mainstream, [08.03.2022/19/35 XNUMX:XNUMX PM]
    Breaking News:

    The most important news for weeks!!

    Who would have thought that!

    Thanks for the ruthless research

    dr Bodo Schiffmann 8.3.22


  9. Giorgio Agamben:”Where are we at”

    "The example of legislation that programmatically takes care of the health of the population is provided by the eugenic measures of the National Socialist regime: Shortly after the seizure of power in 1933, Hitler's government passed a law to protect the German people from hereditary diseases, which led to the establishment of the so-called hereditary health courts should. As a result, four hundred thousand forced sterilizations were carried out”.

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