The eugenicists are enthusiastic

Now, through the back door of "vaccination", they finally have access to the human genome. This has long been the dream of eugenicists, to subjugate people via genetic intervention….

Now they finally have access to the human genome through the back door of the “vaccination”. It has long been the dream of eugenicists to subjugate humans through genetic interventions.

The Nazis tried racial doctrine and comparatively primitive means. They singled out people who they killed with lethal injection in homes and later with gas in concentration camps. At the same time, the SS operated facilities in which they brought blonde, blue-eyed women together with men whom they described as "Germanic".

Today science is more advanced, direct intervention in the genome is possible. These people are indifferent to whether these attempts have to pay for thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands or more with their lives. They pretend to pursue the higher goal of creating a resistant human race.

Large parts of the middle class follow these ideas with the fall into the lower class. The story of the dangerous virus is kept up with all might and is embellished with variants (particularly dangerous mutants ...).

The people who suffer this do not know that the Biontech vaccine has so far caused two thousand deaths in the EU according to official figures. As a distraction, there is constant coverage of Astra Zeneca, without mentioning the high death rate at Biontech.

Nor do people know that the Nazis already spoke of public health, for which sacrifices would have to be made. The same is now being said by politicians who say that the advantages of “vaccination” outweigh the disadvantages.

Significantly, it is precisely individual Christian communities and Jewish communities that stand at a distance from the state and refuse genetic interference.

The official church is silent or condemns the protests, a Hessian bishop particularly excelled. And the common man on the street is incited against the protests by television: “> They only think about their vacation. We built this state after the war and we didn't have time for vacation. "

How brutally this government tears down the economic achievements of the people, but at the same time speaks of solidarity and care, the common man cannot imagine. And the mass media are doing everything to deceive people about it: although the official number of unemployed has risen by half a million compared to the previous year, the headlines report a decline in unemployment; But the manipulation of numbers is known from the Corona campaign.

One Reply to “The eugenicists are enthusiastic”

  1. But even in Nazi Germany there were a few who hid Jews, despite the danger of death that threatened them themselves.
    Now the question is how we can act today and how we can at least fool the system into playing along. As long as certain things are not yet digitally registered, protection against the epidemic could also be faked on paper and an outwardly shown image of the good fellow citizen who naturally participates in solidarity, be it as a doctor or as a patient, both of whom pretend to be from happy to meet expectations imposed above. Much like politicians who make a show out of it in front of cameras, even though the cap is still firmly on the tip.

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