The failure of left liberalism

Actually the term left-liberal should be put in quotation marks, it is so discredited, but the corona crisis has shifted all standards and made the assignments of left and right useless….

EActually, one would have to put the term left-liberal in quotation marks, it is so discredited, but the Corona crisis has shifted all standards and rendered the left and right assignments unusable.

When, if not now, should the so-called left-wing liberals have raised their voices? Instead, not a word about the fascization of the republic, which is advancing in giant strides. Why did they let the government propaganda numb them? Why is a newspaper that has hitherto been located in the liberal milieu rushing against corona demonstrators? The newspaper openly calls for violence against those who refuse to test and propagates masking and mandatory vaccinations. In the way that was previously only known from the Bild-Zeitung, she is promoting the mood against the Saxon interior minister because he did not act hard enough against the Leipzig demonstrators to praise the embarrassing Schiller speech in the same breath.

It is not surprising that the Greens and SPD ministers identify with state power and call for more resolute action against “marauding demonstrators”. The Greens have long since separated from their leftist origins and expect nothing more than to finally be allowed to take the government chair. To assume they were in the left camp was probably a misunderstanding.

It is no surprise that the Scholz SPD, which is stumbling towards the abyss, is dropping every left panel and taking part in the corona fraud. The times of Willy Brandt are long gone.

Now the question is who will be the losers and who will be the winners in the looming crisis. Where are the voices of the left-wing liberal intellectuals? Why are Bude and Reckwitz silent? Where is Heinrich Böll of our time, who will take the place of Günter Grass, voices that we urgently need? There is still the possibility of raising one's voice in the alternative media and taking a stand against fascization. But they understood that it is now a question of existence in the feel-good bubble in one of the richest countries in the world. Therefore they prefer to remain silent and tolerate such embarrassing appearances as the Schiller speech by the swindler from the Charitè.

Are intellectuals so saturated and do not want to understand until their wealthy, material existence is pulled from under their feet? And was the excitement about climate change only current as long as the others are paying the price and you don't have to worry about your social position yourself? And was the commitment to migrants a nice pose to demonstrate an independent position?

In the Corona crisis, the left-liberal image collapses and positions that are referred to as right-wing are gaining understanding. Is that a consequence of denying class rule and rambling about the “home office”?

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