SPD silly

FAZ, 02.05.2017, by HEIKE GÖBEL


5 billion euro less should pay the employees to the health insurance, promises the SPD. Anyone who argues like this hopes for citizens who do not know an important connection.

The SPD is on a fool's foot. She advertises with the promise to reduce the health insurance contributions of employees by 5 billions of euros and for employers to pay. These are to take over half of the additional contributions to the statutory health insurance. That was only fair, because it would restore "parity", the half-split between employers and employees.

Anyone who argues that hopes citizens who do not know that their work, of course, always have to generate the total labor costs, including employer and employee contributions to social security. Otherwise the workplace will not work. Therefore, with the shift of the shares for the workers permanently nothing gained.

Real relief requires savings in the healthcare system. The SPD does not think so. Unfortunately, the arithmetical distribution of prints repeatedly leads to political deceptions.

A contribution to clarity would be to add the employer's share to the gross wage on the payslip before it is paid to the social security funds. But so much cost truth is considered by no party to be reasonable.

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