The fear of losing control

The lockdown as the last political means in peacetime

In the face of the impending economic downturn (downturn is a euphemism), it should be said that in the face of a deep economic crisis that threatened to affect Germany, after Greece and Italy, the political class saw no way out to keep the people quiet while maintaining its power. The capitalist economy led to insurmountable contradictions between the ownersrs of capital and the working population….

In view of the impending economic downturn (downturn is already a glossing over expression) it would have to mean in view of a profound economic crisis which, after Greece and Italy, threatened to affect Germany as well, the political class saw no way out to calm the people and at the same time their power to preserve. The capitalist economy led to irreconcilable contradictions between the owners of capital and the working population. While Deutsche Bank boss Ackermann described himself as the real “top performer”, ever larger parts had to live from hand to mouth and the lower middle class had to work harder in order not to fall into the proletariat. In the poorer countries of Europe, funding for the tertiary sector, such as health, has been drastically cut. Germany introduced the largest low-wage sector in Europe, and in Spain youth unemployment was a grotesque forty percent. France tried a new political leadership, but had to crack down on the yellow vests movement with brutal force while Le Pen supporters waited for their chance.

Production capacity was fully utilized, overproduction increased dramatically and deflation was unstoppable even though the ECB launched one program at a time. The so-called financial crisis of 2008 was by no means overcome, the political class was facing the ruins of its economic and social policy, the abyss was visible. Losing control in this situation is the political class nightmare. It is about their right to exist.

Riding the wave of mass panic was a welcome opportunity to demonstrate leadership and discipline the people. The mass media also seized the opportunity to unconditionally support the government course and thus to increase its own importance again after the digital competition had significantly affected them.

The people were locked in their homes completely cynically; the long-prepared pandemic plans were finally put into practice. The government could and can rely on compulsive neurotics, a compulsory washing is to be transferred from the neurotics to the normal population. Anxiety neurotics and hypochondriacs dominate the field. Getting rid of guilt complexes with hygiene is only possible for a short time and must always be repeated.

In any case, it is more elegant to psychiatrize the people than to use the military or the national guard against the people. When it comes to class rule, racism and anti-Semitism can also be celebrated. And it is completely irrelevant to the political apparatus and the media that in the FRG the coercive measures in the FRG have increased the number of acts of violence against women and bodily harm by around 20, the number of rapes by around 000 and the number of child sexual abuse about 3000 has increased. (

Crisis capitalism is only the economic equivalent of the rule of law. For this, the greatest civilian breach since the Second World War is accepted if only the rule is secured.

See also:, report on the corona situation, “The strange professor”

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