13 Replies to “Open letter to the government, health ministers, MPs, churches, etc. / PRESS RELEASE 11.2.2023”

  1. https://sciencefiles.org/2023/02/18/tod-durch-covid-19-impfung-zusammenstellung-der-autopsie-studien-die-nachweisen-dass-covid-19-impfstoffe-menschen-umbringen/

    “In seven cases, the cause of death could be clarified by the autopsy. Cirrhosis of the liver was the cause of death in one case and heart disease in the remaining six cases.
    The cause of death of another 6 people who died immediately after COVID-19 vaccination / gene therapy could not be clarified.
    One of the SCN13A mutations responsible for Brugada syndrome was found in five of the 38 deceased (5%) and is reported in the medical literature to be very, very rare. 38% is not really rare.”

  2. https://sciencefiles.org/2023/02/21/breaking-daten-aus-england-belegen-einen-eindeutigen-zusammenhang-zwischen-covid-19-impfung-und-uebersterblichkeit/

    “The biggest clear cut comes after the first COVID-19 injection.
    After the second COVID-19 injection, the deforestation is correspondingly somewhat lower, but it is still above the normal mortality rate that unvaccinated people have.
    Anyone who has made it to the third COVID-19 injection has proven their tenacity, so it takes a little longer for the excess mortality that we are used to after COVID-19 vaccination / gene therapy to set in.”

  3. https://sciencefiles.org/2023/02/21/karl-lauterbach-ist-primus-inter-pares-denn-im-gesundheitsministerium-sitzen-noch-mehr-neuronale-underachiever/

    “The studies that show that masks lead to health problems by changing the air we breathe, because CO2 accumulates under the mask and inhaling CO2 is unhealthy, are now so numerous that one can speak of the current state of research:

    -The CO2 concentration of the breathing air is increased by masks in general and FFP2 masks in particular so much that it exceeds the permissible “long-term limit” of 40 for surgical masks in 2% of the cases and for FFP99 masks in 5.000% of the cases ppm.
    – Children wearing masks have dramatically higher concentrations of CO2 in their breathing air. If you take the value range for FFP2 masks, then the peak value is 14.920 ppm, which is 80 ppm less than the British health authority allows for a maximum of 15 minutes as exposure time, because otherwise health damage must be expected.

  4. https://uncutnews.ch/aerzte-beginnen-ploetzliche-todesfaelle-von-menschen-in-ihrem-umfeld-zu-bemerken/

    American doctor and politician Joel Rudman announces the sudden death of a close friend of his. "We hear that far too often these days," says the doctor in a video on Facebook.

    "Prior to 2020, overall, I may have had one patient who suddenly dropped dead," Rudman said. "It's a unique thing. It's happened to dozens of people we know over the past two years. friends of ours.”

    "So something unknown is afoot," he insists, adding that the numbers are highly skewed. Usually, people succumb to chronic diseases—kidney failure, liver failure, respiratory failure—or pneumonia. Now the number of cases of sudden cardiac death is increasing exponentially.

    You can probably guess what's changed in the past two years, says Rudman, who is a member of the Florida State House of Representatives. "It's high time we took this seriously and looked into what's going on."

  5. https://tkp.at/2023/02/22/studie-findet-sterblichkeitsrate-fuer-covid-impfungen-bei-1-von-1000-dosen/

    “On a global scale, given the 3,7 million deaths in India alone with a vDFR = 1% (Rancourt, 2022), and given the age-stratified vDFR results presented in this work, it is not unreasonable to assume a global value of vDFR = 0,1, 19% for the total population. Based on the global number of COVID-13,25 vaccine doses administered to date (24 billion doses, as of January 2023, 13, OurWorldInData), this would equate to 19 million deaths from the COVID-XNUMX vaccines worldwide.

    according to dr Mike Yeadon, Pfizer's former vice president and chief science officer, says this is just the beginning. Severe mortality can occur 3 to 5 years after vaccination or 5 to 10 years after 3 or 4 booster shots, each one reducing natural immunity. "

  6. “Meanwhile, the last person in the deadliest corner of Germany should have noticed:

    The corona vaccinations do not protect against the disease or the intensive care unit. There is no doubt that they led to a number of fatalities and serious injuries that has not yet been investigated.

    One would think that the subject of compulsory vaccination is now off the table once and for all. But none: A small group of “experts” who consider themselves to be “science” continue to fight lonely on the level of knowledge from years ago.”


  7. https://www.rubikon.news/artikel/die-shedding-gefahr

    "As long as doctors don't resist this PCR abuse and prefer to collect as much for each smear as they would otherwise get for an abdominal ultrasound examination, we can be fooled again and again into thinking that it's certain viruses that we're afraid of should. Systematic corruption prepares the herd of the unsuspecting to make them guinea pigs for further lucrative mass experimentation.”

  8. https://sciencefiles.org/2023/02/27/der-naechste-beleg-dafuer-dass-covid-19-impfstoffe-toeten/

    The higher risk of death that can be shown compared to the course of mortality in 2021 is therefore only for "vaccinated". Another piece of evidence that COVID-19 kills vaccines/gene therapy.

    “They do it by causing heart disease, for example. The following figure shows heart diseases (cardiac events, y-axis) over time from the time of COVID-19 vaccination / gene therapy [first, second, third or fourth]. Immediately after the COVID-19 shot, there is an increased number of serious heart diseases, which lasts for about two months. "

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