The traffic light destroys us

So far, "Habecken" and "Bärbocken" have been popular jokes in wide circles of society. It was meant to denote "babble nonsense" and "brainless parroting". But the more it becomes apparent that these people are really serious about ruining the German economy and are actually contemplating a war against Russia, the jokes stop and sheer horror sets in.

Everyone is still trying somehow to save themselves from the skyrocketing inflation. The energy suppliers have to raise prices and pull the general level up. The rate of inflation has long been ten percent and nobody knows when it will reach twenty percent. The value of all pensions and savings is dwindling at a rate unprecedented for the post-war generation.

However, economic power is dwindling in all countries that have relied on so-called vaccinations. And when the wave of diseases caused by the injections will end is unknown. Narcolepsy, the suddenly occurring, irresistible need for sleep, was only discovered two years after the first injections and was recognized after tough, grueling battles. Initial compensation for vaccination damage is currently at the level of social assistance.  

And in the retirement homes, the number of people killed by the injections is increasing so rapidly that there is an oversupply of beds and facilities are being closed at an accelerated rate. Since the staff is also vaccinated, the quality of care can no longer be maintained. The same goes for the hospitals.

There is a frightening emptiness in the shops for everyday needs. The butchers have to limit their offer. The clothing retailers have to clear their warehouses with special prices and hardly ever reorder.

Airports are being closed in vaccination countries, while countries like Spain, which depend heavily on tourism, have lifted all corona restrictions to prevent economic hardship from becoming too great. Hungary has also said goodbye to the corona depression and at the same time is sticking to the supply contracts for Russian natural gas. And they don't want population reduction and an inhumane society. In this way, Hungary could become a country of immigration for Western Europeans.

The people in Germany have no more hope. Now they will go to the polls again in Lower Saxony; but when the trembling and freezing begins in autumn, they will lose their illusions and then there will be no strong alternative to the Corona parties.

The brainwashing by the subsidized media is complete.

Until now, “haben” and “Bärbocken” were popular joke expressions in wide circles of society. They were meant to describe “babbling stupid stuff” and “mindless parroting”. But the more it becomes apparent that these people are really serious about ruining the German economy and are actually considering a war against Russia, the jokes stop and sheer horror sets in….

10 Replies to “The traffic light destroys us”

  1. “The head of the German Hospital Society (DKG), Gerald Gass, has again warned of a collapse in hospital costs in the country. The clinics face "unknown economic risks" in autumn and winter, said the DKG boss.

    "We now need inflation compensation immediately, because the majority of hospitals can no longer pay the increased costs from income and reserves." He warned: "If politicians do not act decisively here soon, we will have a winter of hospital experience bankruptcies.”

  2. “In the face of rampant side effects and the complete ineffectiveness of the vaccine, countless people who have been naively and trustingly vaccinated continue to console (or deceive) themselves with the last remaining hope that the vaccination will protect them from serious or even fatal courses. In this way, burning doubts can be dispelled as to how, despite four or even five injections, they will continue to contract the corona virus. However, even this self-deception no longer works.
    Hardly any unvaccinated among the Corona dead

    Slowly and unnoticed by the mainstream media, a growing number of official government statistics are now also showing the catastrophic effects of corona vaccinations. Data from the British statistics agency ONS, which dates back to July, shows that between June 1, 2021 and May 31, 2022, nine out of ten deceased people listed as “corona dead” were vaccinated several times.”

  3. A serious crime against children:
    “With an official logo and financed from tax money, Family and Youth Minister Lisa Paus (Greens) addresses children on the Internet who “remember: I’m not a girl at all. Or: I'm not a boy at all."

    Literally it says on the “Information platform for the LSBTIQ* community”: “Are you still very young? And aren't you in puberty yet? Then you can take puberty blockers (...) That way you have more time to think. And you can think in peace: Which body suits me?”

    After a BILD request, the rainbow portal was taken offline yesterday afternoon. The Ministry's justification: The website is "currently being adapted in terms of content". A "quick solution" is being worked on.

    Former CDU federal executive Julia Klöckner reacted with outrage: “Puberty blockers are a serious intervention in children’s development. It cannot be that the federal government recommends these drugs like cough drops!”

  4. “At the latest since the attack on the Nord Stream pipelines, German industry has been faced with a dramatic situation due to the high energy prices. Meanwhile, US financial groups are already pawing their feet to buy up the German medium-sized companies that have been out of reach for them so far. We are not only in an economic war against Russia, but also in an economic war against the US.”

  5. “The proxy war in Ukraine between NATO and Russia is not really about the country in which it is taking place. It is about replacing the dominance of the USA and its ability to wage wars against unloved countries at will with a multipolar world order. Ultimately, however, the background to the conflict in Ukraine revolves around control of global energy and resource sources.”

  6. “Germany in autumn: just before the crash in great distress. With Chancellor Scholz ahead, the lifeguard in a swamp of debt, coping with the past without a cum-ex memory and also quite unimaginative in view of the dangers of the present. With Foreign Minister Baerbock on her leg, a self-proclaimed specialist in international law, or at least for tall tales and excessive hatred of Russia, which is developing into a high security risk in Europe. And beaten up with Minister of Economics Habeck, a swaggerer without any expertise”

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