Heldenplatz 18.09.22/XNUMX/XNUMX Prof. Christian Schubert

We are all gathered here to express our dismay at how it could be that those people in our country whom we have given our trust to uphold our freedom and fundamental rights, our sense of security and inviolability, our health and safety that these people betrayed our trust.

By now we have said a lot about the arbitrary and unnecessary restrictions imposed on us in our daily life, development and existence, the abuse suffered by many who lost their jobs for not being vaccinated, the abuse of those who got vaccinated even though they didn't want to, and those who suffered severe damage from the vaccine or died. And that's only thinking of those who had to experience something so outrageous in the last almost three years.

But that is only a fraction of the man-made misery that has befallen us. There will still be many millions of dead people, innocent people who are the victims of this time, but it will then be said that their suffering and death have nothing to do with Corona.

I am speaking to you today because, especially in these times, we should remember aphorisms that are very familiar to us, such as "history repeats itself" or "resist the beginnings". I am a medical psychotherapist and I know about the powerful power of trauma. Unprocessed or untreated trauma tends to come back, not in the same form, but in a similar form.

It's like in nature. Think of the tree that has a certain shape. If we break a branch and look at that branch, we see that it's a scaled-down copy of the whole tree, not the same, but it sort of traces the shape, the look of the whole tree. And if we look at another branch or twig from this branch, then we see again that the shape of the tree is reflected in it. Why am I telling you this? Because our psyche, indeed our history, behaves the same way. "History repeats itself," remember?

Did you know that the period after the First World War was marked by major cuts in living standards, by deep insecurity, a loss of community spirit, and even by a great deal of loneliness?

This climate was the perfect psychological and psychosocial breeding ground for convincing the masses of a devilish idea, the idea that there is a race that is inferior and needs to be eradicated and then, through genetic optimization, through eugenics, create the perfect human to create - "survival of the fittest" - another aphorism that we should remember these days.

It was a kind of promise of salvation. The humiliated Germany should rise again socially, economically and politically through the optimized people. Rudolf Hess said at the time: "National Socialism is nothing more than applied biology".

One professional group was particularly predestined to implement this biological program: the doctors. On the one hand, of course, because of her deep interest in biological relationships. On the other hand, because many doctors have an authoritarian personality, characterized by a strong adherence to rules and a low ability to control their instinctual impulses.

Yes, and ultimately doctors then as now are prone to taking on an elevated position towards the weak, the patient, taking themselves more seriously than others, and thus also happily accepting the political mandate assigned to them for the purpose of career and being adored by the public .

During the Weimar Republic, for example, 50% of doctors were among the first Nazi supporters, later there were 7 times more doctors in the SS than other professional groups, and 90% of the highest-ranking and most powerful doctors were directly or indirectly involved in the terrible atrocities of the time . The Nazis needed doctors to carry out their crimes scientifically and thus as efficiently as possible.

To be clear, history tends to repeat itself, yes, but not immediately. Of course it would be wrong and a trivialization of the terrible events in the Third Reich to equate the current developments with those of 80 years ago. I can't do that because Corona is far from over, the consequences are not yet foreseeable, we are almost in the middle of it.

But I warn "Resist the beginnings" and I am already doing my best not to forget not to cover up the social trauma suffered with overactivity, as the rubble women did symbolically at the time with the reconstruction of Germany and Austria. We will have to come to terms with the last three years, indeed the entire period after the Second World War, even if this is unpleasant, even painful.

And when I speak of "we", I mean medicine first and foremost, a medicine that carries a false approach to people, that sees people as machines, without soul and spirit, which obviously always endangers them to violate their very own mission, namely that of never harming people. Primum non nocere!

Let's all be heroes, don't shut up. Especially in these times it is important to put your finger in the wound, remain critical, think laterally where lateral thinking is necessary. No censorship, never! Because censorship prevents the processing. And the establishment definitely doesn't want to work it up.

The death reports show that the majority of them occur in direct temporal relation to the mRNA vaccination. (Transparency test, 28.09.22/XNUMX/XNUMX)

10 Replies to “Heldenplatz 18.09.22 Prof. Christian Schubert”

  1. https://tkp.at/2022/10/01/studie-universitaet-oxford-impfung-vergroessert-risiko-von-infektionen-um-44-prozent/

    “The results take the global vaccination campaign to absurd lengths and are bad news for everyone who has been vaccinated. After two doses of COVID-19 vaccine, the chance of infection increases by 44%, a study shows. The alleged reduction in severe courses – which is not true anyway – is put into perspective by the fact that the risk of infection increases. And the fact also proves that the immune system is damaged by the mRNA injections. "

  2. “It is remarkable that the “Tagesschau” reported on the action. The editors, who otherwise like to keep silent about massive crimes as "not nationwide relevant" if the suspects don't fit into their political prey scheme. The inaccuracy of the report is also remarkable. The fact that the police searched the homes of supporters of the doctor is not an inaccurate formulation on my part. It says so on the Tagesschau page. That support alone can lead to such massive police intervention is something that is more likely to be expected in authoritarian states than in constitutional states.”


  3. Child mortality increased by over 691% AFTER the C vaccinations! and this is official, after Joachim Kuhs (German politician and Member of the European Parliament since 2019.)

  4. david berger
    September 29, 2022

    (David Berger) After an article in the New York Times, people in the USA shake their heads at Germany and are reminded of the nation's darkest times. The reason: The extensive report is dedicated to the German government's troubled relationship with freedom of expression and reveals that in the fight against voices critical of the government, Germany "has gone further than any other Western democracy in persecuting individuals for what they say online."

    A lengthy report in the New York Times has revealed the extent of German prosecutions for "online language crimes" and a behind-the-scenes look at the institutions tasked with monitoring social media in order to prosecute German citizens for their online initiate posts.
    More than 8.000 cases of politically incorrect language online

    The Times says there are more than 8.500 cases related to alleged online language-related crimes, according to its research, and more than 1.000 people have been charged or convicted since 2018. There is no official data on the total number of people charged with online language-related crimes. But the experts who spoke to the New York Times said the true figure is likely much higher than what the NYT found

    The New York Times report also details the extensive social media surveillance operations being carried out by a task force in the German city of Goettingen. Established in 2020, this task force reportedly has hallways, bookshelves and desks filled with red files of evidence. These files contain printouts of Facebook comments, tweets and telegram posts by German citizens. Investigators working on the task force scour social media, public records and government data to gather evidence of alleged online speech-related crimes.
    House search and the television comes along

    The task force is responsible for cases throughout Lower Saxony. According to reports, the authorities in Lower Saxony carry out house searches several times a month, which in some cases are recorded and broadcast by a local television crew.

    Citizens who are raided and refuse to give up their phones will have their phones confiscated and sent to a lab. This lab uses Cellebrite software to unlock the confiscated phones.

    That task force alone prosecuted 566 “internet language-related crimes” last year and expects to solve twice that number by 2022. The unit also imposes fines or penalties on around 28% of those under investigation.

    German authorities are not only setting up task forces to comb through their citizens' social media posts, but are also deploying "internet hate speech" investigators, according to the New Times. One of those investigators, Swen Weiland, is reportedly working to expose people running anonymous social media accounts by trying to find out where they work, where they live and who their friends and family are.

    "I'm trying to figure out what they do in their normal lives," Weiland told the Times. "If I can find out where they live or who their relatives are, I can find the real person. The internet never forgets.”
    Covid restrictions compared to the Holocaust

    According to The New York Times, Weiland once used an online register of licensed architects to expose an "unknown Twitter user" who compared Covid restrictions to the Holocaust.

    The Times not only describes how German emergency services and investigators scour the internet for alleged crimes related to online language, but also gives several examples of home searches of German citizens and their devices being confiscated after they reported "insults" or "hate speech". posted on social media platforms.

    A man was raided after he shared an image on Facebook that "contained a inflammatory statement about immigration that was wrongly attributed to a German politician". The police searched his home and confiscated several devices. The New York Times reports that this raid was one of about 100 similar raids taking place across Germany at the time.
    They are said to be afraid that the police will be at the door at 5 a.m

    The head of the German Federal Criminal Police Office, Holger Münch, said: "We make it clear that anyone who posts hate messages must expect the police to be at the door afterwards."

    Other prosecutors said even if the man was unaware that the comments had been misattributed to the German politician, he could face a penalty.

    "The accused bears the risk of spreading a false quote without checking it," prosecutors said.

    Another Twitter user had the home of six German police officers searched after he tweeted "You're such a Pimmel" to a city senator who broke local social distancing rules he was responsible for enforcing.
    "You weren't here because I'm suspected of murdering someone"

    And an activist who responded to a German politician's Facebook message by posting a link to an image of a mural with the phrase had his home searched by four German police officers and several devices confiscated.

    "You weren't here because I'm suspected of murdering anyone," the activist told the Times. "I was only suspected of insulting someone online."

    Raids aren't the only tactic detailed in the New York Times report. The report also details several instances where German citizens have been fined four or five figures for violating the country's strict online laws.

    An anonymous Twitter user who called a journalist "stupid" and "insane" has been fined €1.000 after the journalist exposed him and forwarded his details to local prosecutors.
    Journalist: Show limits to freedom of expression

    "I'm glad they did something about it and that this person got a signal that there are limits to free speech," the journalist said.

    Another person was reportedly fined the equivalent of about $10.000 after "sharing insults about Turkish immigrants."

    All these incidents happened after Germany introduced one of the world's toughest laws against "hate speech" (NetzDG) ​​in 2018. The law obliges social networks to remove hate speech from their platforms within 24 hours. In 2021, Germany tried to tighten the law even further, but a court ruled against those stricter provisions earlier this year.
    Some of the strictest language rules in the world

    Although the country already has some of the strictest language regulations in the world, according to the Times report, many German lawmakers believe the online hate speech law doesn't go far enough because it's aimed at businesses, not individuals.

    Daniel Holznagel, a former Justice Department official who helped draft Germany's hate speech laws, said that prosecuting citizens for their online speech is similar to prosecuting people who illegally download music and films from the Internet.

    "You can't prosecute everyone, but showing that prosecution is possible will have a big effect," Holznagel said.

    This insight into German citizens, who are being raided, fined and investigated because of their online postings, is just one of many examples of the increasing restrictions on freedom of expression on the Internet in Germany. Civic groups are asking German citizens to report so-called hate speech via an app, and German authorities are pressuring messaging app Telegram to censor content.
    Covid came in handy for the censors

    Aside from restricting freedom of expression, the German government and its police forces are using Covid surveillance technology to track citizens for non-Covid purposes and imposing restrictions on citizens who do not have up-to-date vaccinations.

    And while citizens who post insults or "hate speech" face crackdowns, fines or investigations, German authorities are creating hundreds of fake "far-right" social media accounts inciting hatred. The German authorities justified the creation of these fake accounts by saying that they were necessary for gathering information. The New York Times didn't mention that they are supposed to incite hatred, which is even more outrageous.

    The text of the NYT can be found here. The synopsis largely follows that of Reclaim The Net.

  5. “That sounds really bad. We'll do some numbers and see what comes up. According to the information provided by Dr. Charles Hoffe, those who get three or four vaccines are 138% more likely to die from COVID-XNUMX than those who get two or fewer vaccines.

    They severely damage the immune system. So this discrimination against those who have chosen not to get vaccinated is absolutely absurd, because these are the people who will survive. ”


  6. “The rate of adverse effects following a Covid mRNA vaccination is more than fifty times that of any previous vaccine. Covid vaccination is closely linked to inflated rates of all-cause mortality in countries around the world. The normalization of medical-related mortality is, in essence, a monstrosity that is discrediting the medical profession and medical science in a way not seen in 80 years. ”


  7. Dear friends, a postman brought us today
    a letter from the “Federal Ministry of Health”,
    sent from Munich Airport!? – tenor –
    "Let yourself be injected: - otherwise you are, ...
    Public pests, otherwise you are these
    treacherous mosquitoesTücks, the mites in your
    Mattresses, The Germs of Death, The Rats
    same, spread the plague and The wells
    poison: Which are easy to eradicate!”
    Yes, history always seems to repeat itself
    independent of a mass consciousness that
    in an illusion of security
    seems; basically just building on fear.
    What are we afraid of? - We can't
    Think for yourself all the time? - Should we?
    of course not allowed!? Well then: - All
    Ultimately, people think for themselves!
    So, think about what
    love means; is love then nothing else
    than the recognition of the necessity of
    next step. Then pick us up!
    And all love from Julia and Reinhold Alefelder

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