The petty bourgeois class has given way

  • The majority of the lawyers backed away from the attacks by the state. Usually they bowed down obediently and formulated legal justifications for the state reprisals. Only a few venture out of the cover and insist on the ideal of a constitutional state.
  • The journalists have almost completely submitted to the dictates of the state and the owners of the media. They willingly spread the narrative of the dangerous plague and use all their imagination. Very rarely does it succeed in broadcasting a report at night on the radio or on television that deviates from the official narrative. Those responsible then have to feel the consequences.
  • The economists see the calamity coming, but do not dare to deviate from the purely economic view and focus on the social whole. The role of the state as a crisis manager is still too firmly anchored in their minds to recognize that the totalitarian state is also subjugating the economy and accelerating the crisis. The hour of economists has not yet come.
  • Theologians and clerics are keeping a low profile, hoping the storm will pass them by. In the upper hierarchical ranks they even support the state propaganda of solidarity etc. and leave the sick and old defenseless. Only the free church congregations are exercising resistance. That was already the case under the Nazi regime. But even in the state churches there are clerics, even in the highest ranks, who have remained at a distance from the official machinery, see through totalitarian events and speak warning words. Significantly, they are those that were called right-handers in the old normalcy.
  • Doctors and medical workers should have recognized the hollow pathos of the official propaganda quickly. But they are so overwhelmed by the sudden importance they are given. Only naturopaths and alternative physicians have kept their distance and protect their patients from the effects of the vaccine injections. The professional organizations, however, which were not set up by the National Socialists for nothing, are silent about the damage to health caused by masking and vaccination. A high-ranking official from Rhineland-Palatinate is so intoxicated by his influence that he openly advocates apartheid slogans. One is immediately reminded of the evil role that doctors played in the “Third Reich”. It should be shameful that the Robert Koch Institute is once again agreeing to fatal human experiments and even actively promoting them. The oblivion of history is still the most harmless description. If you want to remember the progressive role of doctors, you have to go back to the Hambach Festival or to Rudolf Virchow.
  • The educators would have been expected to protect their students. Every autumn they deal with the flu virus. This ensures reliable immunity. Most rectors, however, submit to the government's instructions and pass the pressure on. Many teachers who are not yet permanently employed clench their fists, but do not dare to openly rebel. Many young teachers who can empathize with their students are desperate because they have to force the masquerade on their students. You may not imagine what happens when the vaccination bus is in front of the school. That is why there was the big rally in front of Laschet's government chancellery in Düsseldorf.
  • Where are the philosophers, psychoanalysts, writers who raise their voices? Only very occasionally do they dare to go public. Did the state power attack come too quickly? Then they must have suppressed the decades of preparation, overlooked them. Do you want to see the fascist development as a medical matter? Yes, there are such intellectuals. These are the state philosophers, they are not worth listening to, they make a fool of themselves. The whole insubstantiality of their European blabbering suddenly becomes apparent. When it comes to class rule, they know exactly which side they are on.

The petit bourgeois class has capitulated

The majority of lawyers have retreated from the state's attacks. As a rule, they have obediently bowed and formulated legal justifications for the state's reprisals. Only a few dare to come out of hiding and insist on the ideal of a constitutional state.
Journalists have almost completely submitted to the dictates of the state and the owners of the media. They willingly spread the narrative of the dangerous epidemic and offer up their entire imagination. Very seldom do they manage to broadcast a report at night on the radio or even on television that deviates from the official narrative. Those responsible must then suffer the consequences.
The economists see the disaster coming, but they do not dare to deviate from the purely economic view and turn their gaze to the social whole. The role of the state as crisis manager is still too firmly anchored in their minds to recognize that the totalitarian state also subjugates the economy and accelerates the crisis. The economists' hour has not yet come.
Theologians and clerics are keeping a low profile and hoping that the storm will pass them by. In the upper hierarchical ranks, they even support the state propaganda of solidarity, etc., leaving the sick and elderly defenseless. Only the free church congregations practice resistance. This was already the case under the Nazi regime. But even in the highest ranks of the state churches there are clerics who have kept their distance from the official gears, see through the totalitarian events and speak words of warning. Significantly, they are those who were called right-wing in the old normal.
Doctors and those employed in the medical profession should actually have quickly recognized the hollow pathos of official propaganda. But they are so overwhelmed by the sudden importance accorded to them. Only the naturopaths and alternative physicians have kept their distance and protect their patients from the effects of the vaccine injections. The professional organizations, however, which were not established by the National Socialists without reason, remain silent about the health damage caused by masking and vaccination. A high functionary from Rineland-Palatinate is so intoxicated by his influence that he openly advocates apartheid slogans. One is immediately reminded of the evil role that doctors played in the "Third Reich". That the Robert Koch Institute today again approves of lethal human experiments and even actively promotes them should be shameful. Forgetting history is still the most harmless description. If one wants to remind of a progressive role of physicians, one must go back to the Hambacher Fest or to Rudolf Virchow.
Educators would have been expected to stand protectively in front of their students. Every case, they have to deal with the flu viruses. That provides reliable immunity. Most principals, however, submit to government orders and pass the pressure down. Many teachers who are not yet tenured clench their fists but dare not openly revolt. Many young female teachers who can sympathize with their students are desperate because they have to impose the masquerade on their students. They don't like to imagine what will happen once the vaccination bus is in front of the school. That's why there was the big rally in the front of Laschet's government office in Düsseldorf.
Where are the philosophers, psychoanalysts, writers who are raising their voices? Only very occasionally do they venture out into the public. Has the onslaught of state power come too quickly? If so, they must have repressed or overlooked the decades of preparations. Do they want to consider the fascist development as a medical matter? Yes, there are such intellectuals. They are the philosophers of the state, they are not worth listening to them, they make fools of themselves. The whole insubstantiality of their Europe-flapdoodle suddenly becomes obvious. When it comes to class rule, they know exactly which side they are on.

5 replies to “the petty bourgeois class has collapsed”


    Professor Homburg:
    - In Sweden there were more “corona deaths” per capita, but fewer total deaths than in lockdown states like Germany.
    - Over time, the corona wave corresponded to an influenza wave
    - The comparison of the graphics shows how propaganda works: Federal President Steinmeier had “corona deaths” for the 3%
    Host state funerals and ignored the remaining 97% of those who died. Cynical!

  2. Prof. dr. Sucharit Bhakdic
    Professor Michael Palmer:
    "The grossly negligent review process coupled with the emergency permits have predictably resulted in an unprecedented medical disaster."

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