Fascism and the Germans

In Germany fascism has a tradition.

The collapse of imperial rule in World War I promoted only a relatively short period of democratic conditions. During the Weimar Republic, the old social elites continued to be active, only to take the helmet again after the economic collapse. Social democracy disintegrated, and the unions were demoralized and weak....

Fascism has a tradition in Germany.

The collapse of the German Empire in World War I promoted only a relatively short time with democratic conditions. In the Weimar Republic, the old social elites were still active, only to take control again after the economic collapse. Social democracy disintegrated, the unions were demoralized and weak.

With hostility towards Jews, a cross-class ideological model was available for the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. In this way, von Papen was able to hand over state power to Hitler in order to stabilize the power relations. This was able to enforce the open and brutal reign of terror. Hitler found willing supporters not only among his own people but also willing comrades-in-arms with Mussolini and Franco.

Did Merkel take on the role of Franz von Papen? After all, it rules with a media landscape that is totally in line with it, as it never existed in the Weimar Republic. A nasty virus is used as a connecting narrative, which has been extinct for four months, but brazenly and coldly calculated to eliminate the judiciary.

Subordinate authorities are given unprecedented power, demonstrations are reduced to a ridiculous level or even banned entirely. Deep cuts in private life combined with the abolition of civil liberties and the destruction of entire industries that are not directly profitable for large corporations, but can endanger domination, are enforced.

Closing hospitals and retirement homes and laying off staff will significantly reduce social costs.

At the same time, the press and television denigrate the resistance. Denunciation and spying is socially acceptable again. State officials are threatening to “remove children” from families. Sometimes they are already on the doorstep. Compulsory tests as preparation for compulsory vaccinations are becoming more and more popular. Even genetic manipulation (mRNA “vaccination”) is openly discussed. Honecker didn't try this total control, didn't manage it. He has deployed more than a hundred thousand Stasi employees, but Merkel will need even more for all the checks on the restrictions that have now been decided.

Concentration camps in which the resistant population is locked up do not yet exist (“Nobody is planning to build a wall”), but the ideological prerequisites are already there.

Only when those arrested are no longer released can one speak freely of fascism, according to Dimitrov. The terms “fascist politicians” and “fascization” get to the heart of the matter.

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